Novice JS question for navigation (How to navigate around, e.g. is it routing/page)

Hi all,

Getting my head around most - some what I believe to be super novice blockers coming up so please bear with me!

I’ve created the basic structure (design of all pages) in Wappler, a replica of the Bubble app I’m moving from.

Now, some pages have been saved in ‘Pages /views’ folder, and others in ‘Public’ - for simple navigation around pages - should they all simply sit in ‘public’ and not in ‘views’ ?

Secondly, what is the correct way to then navigate between pages with a dynamic app in Wappler - I’ve looked at ‘routes’ but that doesn’t seem to work well (or I haven’t learnt it yet) or alternatively I could select the file and have that in the ‘Link’ section - I just want to follow best practise here so would appreciate any guidance around that.

Thank you and apologies for such a novice Q.


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