Payment process

Hello to all,
I will work in a payment area in one of my website. My bank provider gave me these instructions. Is possible to work with this in wappler? (Placetopay is the name of their solution)
Integration Flow

  1. To accept a payment by WebCheckout it is necessary to have a Payment Session that can be created using the API method - Create session (CreateRequest), in the response of this service the processURL and the requestId will be obtained.

See more in: Create Session

  1. In your system, create a record that relates the payment in process with the requestID delivered, the process is in pending status.

  2. The user should be redirected to the given processUrl.

  3. In the WebCheckout interface the user will carry out the payment or subscription process, WebCheckout will collect all the required data.

  4. Once the process is complete, the user can be redirected back to the return URL indicated as returnUrl (Attribute sent in CreateRequest).

  5. When arriving at the merchant’s site, the status of the Session must be consulted.

Consume the API method - Query session (getRequestInformation)

  1. Depending on the final status of the payment, the business rules must be executed and the information corresponding to the payment must be updated.

  2. Asynchronously, PlacetoPay makes a notification of the final status of a session to your site.

  3. We recommend implementing a probe process to resolve those transactions that were not resolved in numbers 7 and 9.

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