Stop video playing if modal closed

I have a modal with a video inside, it has a poster image and does not play on auto, when the user clicks play it is muted, the user needs to unmute it rather.
So all good thats all working great, however if the user plays the video and they unmute it etc, if they close the modal while the video is playing the video does not pause.

I have tried the dmx-on:hide-bs-modal and the dmx-on:hidden-bs-modal one at a time as well as with both together. I have placed this on the modal itself.

<div class="modal fade" id="page_modal_activities" is="dmx-bs4-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" dmx-on:hide-bs-modal="page_modal_activities.videoActDetail.pause()" dmx-on:hidden-bs-modal="page_modal_activities.videoActDetail.pause()">

Is this how I am meant to use it?

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