Wappler 4 RFC: Rethinking of the deployment workflow and target settings

As we are getting some great discussions and ideas about the upcoming features of Wappler 4, there is another topic I wanted to gather as much feedback as possible and that is the deployment and target management.

Currently we define in the Project options, various targets that you want to work on and deploy to.

However working on other targets than the local development target, has always caused confusion and errors.

The flow we want to follow is to always work on a local development target and only when you are done, choose a target to deploy to and hit the deploy to complete a full controlled deployment.

To achieve this ultimate goal, we want to rework the workflow and improve the UI’s to make this more clear.

Our goals:

  1. Remove the target choice drop down below - you are always working on local development target
  2. Add more options to the deploy action, like choose target and and maybe directly git commit description tag version, like with the publishing to Heroku now.
  3. Improve project options - targets editing. Maybe make a whole new panel for targets only where you can manage each target and their options
  4. Consolidate the other target specific settings like database connections, server connect globals - with the global target settings (preferred) or offer a target dropdown to choose where you edit them on (less preferred)

So as you can see we have tons of target specific settings that are now pretty much scattered all over the place.

So what will be your ideal organizations of target settings and deployment workflow?

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