Getting Details of the Logged In User and Binding them to your page
Personalise your clients browsing experience by knowing who they are. You can get the logged in user details by filtering the user table in your database, by the logged user ID. This gives you access…
Logout - Create a Working User Logout Button
Wappler makes Logging out users a simple step by step process In order to log users out you need to create a server action and link it to a Log Out button, when your button is clicked it performs all…
Security - Secure your Server-Side data
Wappler knows how important and sensitive server data can be and provides simple setup to ensure it can not be accessed by unauthorised users Using the security provider tools you can secure your ser…
Security - Restricting Access to Your Page
Wappler helps you easily restrict access to your pages and redirect users with insufficient privileges After you created your login page, now you will learn how to restrict access to your pages. If …
Login - Create a Working User Login Page
Wappler makes creating a Login page with a Login form simple and secure. Having a Login page is an important part of any website, we strive to make the process completely secure using the most robus…
Setting up Site Security Settings
Using the Security Provider you can define the security settings for the whole project and reuse them on all of your pages. We will go through each of the available options - from single user to dat…
Logged User Session Name
When you setup a log in system, a session is being created by the log in script and it contains the logged user identity. This session and its value can be accessed by any other script by calling it (…
Register New User and Auto Login on Success
This was implemented in DW version but the same goes for Wappler. We insert user in the database (when he subscribes). We get current user’s data. We create a repeat using the query created in step …
Password Reset Functionality: Part 1
In Part 1 of Password Reset Functionality we will cover the following: Creating the request new password page User email validation Generating and sending the unique password reset link to user’s em…
Password Reset Functionality: Part 2
In Part 1 of Password Reset Functionality tutorial you learned how to: Create the request new password page Add user email validation Generate and send the unique password reset link to user’s email …
Redirecting on Login Based on User Roles
Sometimes you need to redirect users on log in, based on their roles. For example admins go to one page, while regular users go to another one. This can easily be done with a condition in the Browse…
Using OAuth2 Connector with Facebook
Overview Using the OAuth2 Connector in Wappler you can add a “social login” option to your website, so the users can directly login using their Facebook account. In this tutorial we will show you h…
Full Login Procedure
What was meant to be a quick video as usual was not, but this should give you a good idea of the entire creation of a user login system, encompassing Login server action - login form - unauthorised e…
Set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons
I am getting the following error after following the password reset functionality: part 1 set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons Is there a work around? Regards, Dave
Using Argon2 Secure Hashes
Intro Using the Argon2 hashing algorithm requires a little different workflow for creating and validating the users using Security Provider. In this tutorial we will show you what’s different and ho…
Looking for a way to display a message when a users security session expires
I have pages secured by a Security Provider Enforcer, but I’ve noticed that a session can expire (no longer technically logged in) but the page remains open and appears normal to the user. If they do …
Google Service Account Authorization with JWT
Some of the Google API libraries require authorization using a Service Account. Thanks to the JWT authorization options added to Oauth2 Provider in Wappler now you can use your Google Service Accoun…
Using OAuth2 Connector with Google
Overview Using the OAuth2 Connector in Wappler you can add a “social login” option to your website, so the users can directly log in using their Google account. In this tutorial, we will show you h…