Dynamically Check Multiple Checkboxes

In this tutorial we will show you how to check multiple checkboxes, based on a database value. This is useful if you are using an update record form, or some details page which show multiple checkboxes that rely on a dynamic value.
In our case this is our update record page, which shows reservations info:

We insert the values from the checkboxes in our database in a single field, comma separated:

So, let’s add the checkboxes on the page. Select where you want to add them:

Select Multiple Checkbox Group:

Change the group label to whatever you need it to be:

You can edit or remove the dummy checkboxes added in the group. Also you can add more.
In order to edit a checkbox, just select it in the App Structure then add a value for it:

Then select its label and edit it:

When you are done editing the checkboxes or adding new ones, select the form group holding them(1) and click the dynamic data picker for the value(2):

Select the binding, which returns the checkbox data from your database and click the format data button:

Right click your binding, then open the Manipulation category and select Split:

Set , (comma) in the character field:

Click Select to apply the selection:

And you are done. The multiple checkbox group automatically checks the checkboxes which values are stored in the database:

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