Interactive Advent Calendar


This week we present you a web app built by Andre Bender, known in our community as @swf (
Here’s what he briefly explains about the app:

We built an interactive Advent Calendar for Zoo Basel (which is built using DW and DMXzone extensions btw).
Every day a new question is revealed in the boxes and the visitors can answer it and win different prizes. When you answer a question you can see if you chose the correct answer or not. A confirmation email is sent to the entered address. You can see the time left to answer today’s question.
The questions, answers and prizes are all dynamic, coming from a database. The admins can enter the questions and answers, edit them and set the time for each question in an advanced CMS.
The whole app and its back-end was built with Wappler using Server Connect, App Connect and Bootstrap 4.

Keep up the good work, Andre!

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