🦬 Bull Queues for Node

This module extension for server connect allows for the user of Bull Queues to execute Library actions in the background.

Links to latest versions in comments below.

:beer: The module is free to all, and I’ll gladly accept any donations to support! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/uniqueideas :beer:

Let me know if you have any issues, or requests for further development!

Special thanks to @patrick for his help, as well as @kfawcett for being the guinea pig! Also to @JonL and @sid and all the other people posting information about custom modules as I definitely pulled tidbits from many places.

Why would you want this?

Sometimes it is preferably to hand a task off to be run in the background. For example if the task will take a long time to run, you do not want your users to be stuck with a spinner forever. You can now hand that task off to a queue, and let it run in the background. When finished, you can notify the user if necessary via websocket, etc.

Or perhaps the task is not critical to the user flow, so you can hand it off to a queue and deal with retries, errors, etc.


Allows for the creation of one to many queues to offload the execution of Wappler library tasks by using Bull Queues




All actions require a queue name be provided

Create Queue

Add Job

Queue Status

Job State

Destroy Queue

Queue Parameters

Rate limiting

By using the max jobs and duration parameters for a queue, a queue can limit how quickly jobs are processed. For example if the library uses an external api that limits usage to 1 request per second, the queue can be configured with Max jobs = 1, and Duration = 1000

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