NodeJS Extension for SSH & SFTP

That’s an early version that allows you to run commands on a remote server via SSH.
I’m planning to extend this over time but I’ll package it in releases on GitHub so that you can decide for yourself when you upgrade.

Current functionality:

Use an ssh private key stored in your Wappler project directory to connect to a remote host via ssh and run commands.


You can currently only see the server output (stdout) in the console.

Further plans/roadmap:

I’m sure I’ll add more than the above over time but these are my next priorities.

I’ve released two other extensions in the last few days NodeJS Extension to Create/Write/Append Files & NodeJS Extension to Change File & Folder Permissions which can be used in conjunction with this one.

I’m using them for example to generate a config on my Wappler server, SCP it over to a remote server, and run a script there, the script runs a curl in the end to another Wappler endpoint.

There are lots of possibilities when it comes to being able to connect to a remote server directly inside Wappler so I hope that I can extend this extension a lot over time. Feedback and ideas are more than welcome.

You can get the module here:

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