:rocket: RunJS 1.3.2

Inspired by @Apple

And very thankful for his insights and ideas I just released a custom extension for nodejs to run custom js code without having to create a custom module or a formatter.

Sometimes for small quick things you just don’t want to go through the hassle of creating a full extension for a very specific thing that could be easily achieved in a few seconds of writing some JS code.

There are also other cases where a custom extension will serve the purpose for a very specific case but if there is a small variation on the logic you need to build another module i.e. map() function.

The following SC action:

Will return:

In the code field you add the JS code you want to execute and in the data grid you define the variables and their Server Connect bindings you need to pass to your script if you need them. The SC action will return the last statement executed in the code field.

Update 1.1.0

Update 1.2.0

Breaking Change



As always PRs are welcome to improve the extension and squash bugs :slight_smile:

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