1 Seconds Delay Scheduler Freezing DMX (?)

I have a scheduler set on the page which runs on page load with delay of 1 second.
I also have a search input box which is configured to redirect to a SPA page with value on enter key press:
dmx-on:keypress.enter="browserRouter.goto('./search/' + txtSearchGlobal.value)"

When the scheduler is running, pressing enter on the input does not read the value. It redirects with empty value.

On stopping the scheduler, search starts working.

This is the scheduler code. It increments a variable’s value by 1 every time it runs.
<dmx-scheduler id="asTest" delay="1" dmx-on:tick="varProgress.setValue(varProgress.value + 1)" ></dmx-scheduler>

Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong, or is there something wrong with Wappler (unlikely).

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