/dmxAppConnect/maps/dmxBootstrap5Alert.js.map NOT FOUND

Using Developer Tools on a form that is not saving to the database.

I keep getting this error –
Using MAMP localhost

DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for http://localhost:8888/trainings/dmxAppConnect/maps/dmxBootstrap5Alert.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

The form page, while using local Bootstrap 5, does not call for this file dmxBootstrap5Alert.js.map

And there is no folder named “maps” that Wappler 4.4.5 installed.

I assume that one of the bootstrap js or css files that are in my page is calling for or trying to include this dmxBootstrap5Alert.js.map which also does not exist at all in my Wappler installation.

I have thoroughly updated this page to only use the Bootstrap 5 library in my Wappler installation.

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