Emojis in the Database and Displayed by Wappler

I’m trying to store emojis in my database and then display them with Wappler.

Problem: Wappler is incorrectly displaying emojis.

Possible reasons that I can think of:

I’ve got my own (non Wappler) script that I made in php. It hits an IMAP mailbox, processes everything, sanitizes the text, figures out the MIME format, and decodes whatever it was in. Then it adds it to the Maria Database (like MySQL).

Ignore some of the, uh, “funny text”, I had a buddy send me texts from an iPhone for testing 'cause I only have an android. He thought he’d be funny.


Picture of how it is displayed with my own PHP file that retrieves the info from the DB and echoes it out:

Picture of how Wappler displays it.

As you can see, Wappler is displaying it EXACTLY how it’s stored in the Database, rather than outputting it as an emoji.

So, I’m unsure why (1) my stuff interprets the MySQL code as emoji, correctly. Or (2) why Wappler doesn’t.
But my code works in Firefox, Chrome, and (GASP) Microsoft Edge.

I’ve tried changing the Charset to utf8mb4 in Wappler’s connection.php file as some other have done with success in this forum.

My database is charset utf8mb4 and collation utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci.
Any help is very much appreciated!

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