Focus On Search - Pun Intended

I don’t use the visual pickers in Wappler too much. I have learned many of the commonly used formatter and function syntaxes, and I mostly live in the code view.
Recently, there was a post asking for better search in data binding picker. Which was a great request, and the team delivered too.

Since then, I have noticed that all the popups which have a search built-in, automatically set the focus to the search input. So after a popup opens anywhere, I can just start typing to filter out the list. I don’t have to manually do another click. (Use of mouse is usually a pain for me!)
It even works on the project picker popup.
This is a great for productivity!

I have actually started to use the picker UIs a bit more. There have also been gradual improvements on showing relevant information in the pickers, and including missing components. There is still a lot of work to do (I don’t post enough bug reports on this) with the list populated, but its great to see it becoming more usable.

So, thank you team Wappler for the focus. :smile: :pray:

A suggestion: Please also make the lists below the search keyboard friendly. Many different types and popups to work on for this. But one day you guys would cover all if you start.

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