
Wapple 5 Beta 8, Windows 11, NodeJS, Mysql

Hi, I’m trying to format number into currency:

The serverconnect is correct because without toNumber() and formatCurrency the value output correctly, but applying it I get a empty value, nothing:

The mysql column datatype is originally decimal, I have try with INT and nothing.

This is normal and works:[$index].new_value

This is not working:[$index].new_value.toNumber()

And this is not working:[$index].new_value.toNumber().formatCurrency(’$’, ‘.’, ‘,’, 2)

This is a bug?, or maybe I’m doing something wrong, the same format works perfectly on php project but in node project not.

But the way, in <head> tag the script formatter is normally loaded;
<script src="/dmxAppConnect/dmxFormatter/dmxFormatter.js" defer></script>


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