Framework7: Issue with Swiper and AppConnect Server Action. Help!

Hi guys good morning,

So I have Wappler Swiper on my page.

<div is=" dmx-swiper " id=" preview " dmx-bind:slides="" dmx-bind:initial-slide="square" vertical="true" auto-height="true" centered-slides="true" autoplay="true" slides-per-view="3" space-between="5" pagination="bullets"></div>

:point_up: This does not work or display on my page, so I used Framework7 native swiper.

        <div data-space-between= " 10" data-slides-per-view= "3 " class= "swiper-container swiper-init ">
        <div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
        <div class="swiper-wrapper">
        <div class="swiper-slide text-align-center" dmx-repeat:repeat1="">
        <a href="#!" dmx-bind:href="'/store/'+storeid">
        <div class="card-content">
        <img alt="" dmx-bind:src="square" width="70" height="70" dmx-lazyload-dynamic="" dmx-bind:data-src="app_avatar" class="rounded" />
        <h6 class="categoryname text-center fw-bolder tiny-text">{{product_name}}</h6>

This works, it displays 3 per view of my repeating content.

The issue:

On app load, Wappler “AppFlow” redirects my user to Login. After login, the user is redirected back to index.html (Where the swiper resides) and it shows only 1 per view instead of 3. To get it back to showing 3 perview, I have to navigate to another page and return to index.html.

Can you advise what I can do to keep the swiper fixed?
Thank you.

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