GET array for use with IN clause of custom query action

Hi All,

Having trouble today with getting an array passed into a custom query action IN clause.

For testing I have tried hard-coding the numbers, which yields the correct results:

If I then switch out the values (88,90,123,98,91,92) and replace with parameter :P4, the result in testing the query reduces to a single result (because it is using only the first number from the list.)

I understand that the IN clause requires an array, but I can’t find the right combination.

I have tried:

{{$_GET.filter_tags}} which is an array that receives it’s values from an array variable on the front end.

I have also tried to take the GET variable and split it (because it seems to be a comma separated string, not an array) and convert it into an actual array, but I get an array to string conversion error.

At any rate…does anybody know how I can a) use an array variable on the page to b) pass that array through for use within an IN clause in a custom query?



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