Getting started with Database connections

Hi! I’m still trying to get my head around wappler & the supporting tools I’ll need to make anything. So many concepts to take onboard, wish there was a “wappler for absolute dummies” book available :sweat_smile:

So anyway, looking into setting up a database and considering options. I was just reading the thread on here about Google Firebase & it seems like a good option to use… Possibly an ‘all in one’ solution? (ie hosting & database etc)

But now I’ve just also seen the latest 3.2.0 update notes and it seems there’s some very cool & easy integration with “Amazon AWS”.

As a newbie, would I be better off to build a site around Firebase or AWS? … Or have I mixed my concepts up & maybe they are different things altogether? :flushed::grimacing:

Also, when I read mention of “docker” is that good for any websites, or just for making phone apps?

So sorry for my extremely noob questions. It taking me a while to grasp everything, but am persevering!


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