Global identity from identify action step not working

[Wappler 3.5.5 - NodeJS - W10]

Hope this is the right place: I think I found a bug, I’ve put the Security Identify in the Global steps as you show.

However, I can’t seem to use it in a database query step unless I also add the Security Identify step in that server action. Let me explain…

This doesn’t work:

  1. I set up a Security Identify in the global steps
  2. I use the {{globalidentity}} variable from step 1 in a database query:
  3. The {{globalidentity}} seems to be completely empty: I debugged the database query and this is the output:
// 20201122163205
// http://localhost:8100/api/Courses/get_my_courses_v2

  "query": {
    "options": {
      "connection": "db",
      "sql": {
        "type": "select",
        "columns": [
        "table": {
          "name": "users_enrolled_courses"
        "joins": [
            "table": "courses",
            "column": "*",
            "type": "INNER",
            "clauses": {
              "condition": "AND",
              "rules": [
                  "table": "courses",
                  "column": "id",
                  "operator": "equal",
                  "value": {
                    "table": "users_enrolled_courses",
                    "column": "course_id"
                  "operation": "="
            "table": "users",
            "column": "*",
            "type": "INNER",
            "clauses": {
              "condition": "AND",
              "rules": [
                  "table": "users",
                  "column": "id",
                  "operator": "equal",
                  "value": {
                    "table": "users_enrolled_courses",
                    "column": "user_id"
                  "operation": "="
        "query": "SELECT *\nFROM users_enrolled_courses\nINNER JOIN courses ON ( = users_enrolled_courses.course_id) INNER JOIN users ON ( = users_enrolled_courses.user_id)\nWHERE users_enrolled_courses.user_id = :P1 /*  */",
        "params": [
            "operator": "equal",
            "type": "expression",
            "name": ":P1"
        "wheres": {
          "condition": "AND",
          "rules": [
              "id": "users_enrolled_courses.user_id",
              "field": "users_enrolled_courses.user_id",
              "type": "string",
              "operator": "equal",
              "data": {
                "table": "users_enrolled_courses",
                "column": "user_id",
                "type": "text"
              "operation": "="
          "conditional": {
          "valid": true
        "sort": null,
        "dir": "asc"
      "test": true
    "query": "[object Object]"

I can’t find the {{globalidentity}} anywhere, it won’t show on the page as well when adding it.

But if I add a security identify in the steps of “get_my_courses_v2”…

This is the output of that server action: image
So they both show up at the top now (they’re false because I am not logged in image )

If I disable that action step, save and run in the browser again:

I DO see the {{globalidentity}} but it’s at the bottom of the output. I can’t use it in the query above, where I need it

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