Horizontal Repeat

I found a nice template and I wanted to insert a dynamic part in it (last three news on the homepage).
What I can’t get is a horizontal repeat.
I tried to do what you said in a previous post, going to change the CSS … I still have the same problem.
This is the code of the page, in that block

<div id="repeat2" is="dmx-repeat" dmx-bind:repeat="data_view1.data">
                                <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-12">
                                    <article class="post-box blog-item ">
                                        <div class="post-inner">
                                            <div class="entry-media">
                                                <a dmx-bind:href="'news-dettagli.aspx?ID='+data_view1.data[0].ID)"><img dmx-bind:src="'public/news/'+immaginens" width="601" height="520"></a>
                                            <div class="inner-post">
                                                <div class="entry-header">
                                                    <div class="entry-meta">
                                                        <span class="posted-on">_ {{datans}}</span>
                                                    </div><!-- .entry-meta -->

                                                    <h3 class="entry-title">
                                                    <P>{{descrizionens.trunc(150, true, '...')}}</P>
                                                </div><!-- .entry-header -->
                                                <div class="btn-readmore">
                                                    <a dmx-bind:href="'news-dettagli.aspx?ID='+data_view1.data[0].ID)"><i class="flaticon-right-arrow-1"></i>LEGGI...</a>

The result I get is wrong, and it is this:

In CSS I change some rows like this, addying “display: inline;”.


(in tags post-box and post-inner).

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