If I'm importing a CSV file to Wappler as per Docs - should I expect to see the output in the console?

Hey all,

I’ve used the following article: Importing data from a spreadsheet?

I’m importing a csv file for internal purposes and I’ve used a repeat on the csv import, and a setval in the repeat with output on - but I’m not seeing anything in the console.

wondering if there is a bug or if it’s expected I won’t see it?

He’s the flow:

Screen Shot 2020-12-03 at 1.57.34 pm

And here is the console:
Screen Shot 2020-12-03 at 1.58.01 pm

You can see the uploads working, and I also get no errors, just the 200 response.

I’ve tried adding the fields in the repeat output and leaving it blank, I’ve also tried turning the set value within the repeat into an expected array, no luck.

Noting this isn’t necessarily a bug, as the actual function does work - when I use the csv to input into the DB it works fine, I was just expecting to be able to see the data first.

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