NodeJS Adding Dynamic Modals

Being new to NodeJS, and really wanting to build using its features. However, making the transition from PHP to Node is proving to be quite a challenge.

The basic structure is not too difficult. However, adding some common components that we used with PHP are no presenting new challenges. For instance, the ease of inserting a dynamic modal and its triggering method. This has proven to be pretty challenging. I’m sure the methods of using these components with PHP have clouded my mind.

For instance while following a NodeJS and SQLite tutorial, I thought I would add a modal to use as an update form. At first I tried to place a dmx-on:click within the data table row (). However the method of doing this with in a PHP doc has proved to be quite different. I’ve tried everything I know. No success. Then I tried to add a button at the end of table item row (). Still, no success.

Viewing Root (main.ejs) in the Browser

Within Wappler Viewing the Index.ejs File

Any help explaining this process will be very appreciated.

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