OAuth2 Facebook Login How To Assistance

I know this has been asked about a few times in the past, but I am having trouble integrating the Facebook Login OAuth2 into my site. I currently have a working login work flow using the existing tutorials, but my boss has asked for a Facebook Login integration because 90% of our clients utilize Facebook and he does not feel they should have to utilize a new set of credentials unless it is necessary.

So, here is what we have so far.

  1. Active Facebook Developer Account
  2. Verified Business Status (took 10 days and required documentation)
  3. Using the App ID and App Secret in the Facebook Developer website, I created the OAuth2 Provider and OAuth2 Authorize in Wappler.
  4. Tested by opening the Server Action in browser and see return code that appears to be successful.
  5. Went back to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow and got completely lost. :frowning:

At this point, it looks like I have a successful connection to Facebook, but I am not sure where to go from here. I understand what they are talking about on the manually build a login flow website, but I am unsure how to accomplish it in Wappler.

The goal is to provide users with two options:

  1. Login/Register using the native Wappler login setup.
  2. Login/Register using the Facebook Login OAuth2 setup.

The Facebook Login OAuth2 setup would need to insert the publicly available information from their Facebook profile into the existing user database so that permissions can be associated with the information as need be.

Any assistance with this would greatly be beneficial not only to me, but other Wappler users as well. :slight_smile:

P.S. There might be a :coffee: or :beer: in it for you too! :crazy_face:

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