Object.entries supported in Wappler? - Trying to convert object to array

Hi all,

I’ve found a couple of articles that explain how to onvert an object to an array simply.

Both suggest something like this:

// [ ['one', 1], ['two', 2] ]


var obj ={"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10"‌​:0,"11":0,"12":0} 

replacing ‘numbers/obj’ with my object.

However, whenever I try this, or other variations found online, I get an error:

"Parser Error: Formatter "entries" does not exist, expression {{object.entries(h)}}"

Wappler does have the keys and values formatters, which appear to be an older version of what was available for getting keys / values from an object and turning them into an array. What I’m trying to do is get the full key pair.


Got a bit further by creating a custom formatter:

// JavaScript Document

exports.objecttoarray = function (obj) {
    if (typeof obj != 'object') return obj;
    return Object.entries(obj);

However, it’s returning key pairs for every item within the object, which isn’t ideal - if any JS experts might have any ideas, I’d be grateful!

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