One Month in, me and my views on Wappler

Just thought i would share my thoughts of Wappler after a month of use and wondered how everyone else felt.
I do full stack but I am primarily a back-end developer so I am heavy on the PHP and relatively light on the JS/CSS side of things. I am a bit of a control freak regarding coding so tend to hand code everything so i know EXACTLY what is happening, when and why. I have even shied away from frameworks because if something doesn’t do 100% what i want i don’t like to compromise.
I have used Dreamweaver for 20 years (back when it was Macromedia DW) but found DMX extensions more and more essential until i no longer recognised DW as a product but more a container for DMX zone extensions. Having said that I still only use a few necessary extensions preferring to code things myself so could not class myself as experienced in the use of the plethora of DMX extensions
I suppose PHP7 and the dropping of MySQL connections was the tipping point. Requiring the use of Serverconnect rather than redesigning DW to handle PDO/SQLi was in my view an admission by Adobe that DW was a product destined for obsolescence.
I was also becoming conscious that I was becoming a bit of a dinosaur and had to embrace the many framework based approaches available to streamline development and reduce time overheads.
The ability to rapidly develop framework based pages which i could later “tweak” in DW was something Wappler offered which i decided was worth investigating.
I was initially sceptical about Wappler and almost cancelled after 14 days as I was yet to produce anything i was happy with but decided i had to persevere even if Wappler was only used for some of the basic tasks (after all it’s not that expensive).
I have to say after 1 month i am falling in love with this product. I still have so much to learn and if i was to level any criticism it is that the support documents are dreadfully inadequate but the excellent support from the team does compensate.
I hope the team doesn’t get irritated by my constant questions they probably see as simple/obvious (i have worked support, i know about stupid questions - lol) especially @Teodor who has shown patience and has helped me so many times.
So i guess, in this long winded way, i just want to say Wappler exceeds my expectations, the team are great and i have never opened DW to “tweak” anything and as i get my head around it’s many twists and turns i am amazed by how flexible and powerful Wappler is.
Any new users or potential new users reading this, from an old pro (42 years coding), don’t expect to write Facebook2 tomorrow, the learning phase is quite intensive but it is well worth the journey because the product really is AWESOME.

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