Problem with flow generation Bug Report from tehowden #2020-5-12_12-42-19

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Problem description

problem buildng flow with browser goto
It will net work

Example code not edited after building it from flow
Update this is actually every time use run in flow. The result is not working at all.

New example the first run works the second one does not. The first is generated from an allready working click event I converted to flow the other is generated in flow view in the same manner as the action I converted.

If you didnt understand this I will try to explain it bether.

this example is to an api call but it it tha same with another webpage html or php file.

{ condition: { if: "{{( == 0)}}", then: { steps: [ { bootbox.alert: { message: "Går til innlogging", title: "Ikke innlogget i dropbox", backdrop: "false", buttons: { ok: {className: "btn-warning"} }, size: "sm", onEscape: false, closeButton: false } }, { run: {action: "'{{browbil.goto(\\'dmxConnect/api/dropbox/loggpaa.php\\')}}'"} } ] } } # Steps to reproduce 1. make a flow on app or on in dynamic event 2. try to send it to another webpage or as in my case an api call 3. the code is not correct
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