Problem with Input Validation Rule "Equal To"


2 input boxes: txtNewPass, txtNewPassAgain.

on the txtNewPassAgain have added a Validation Rule matching txtNewPassAgain with txtNewPass.

like this:


  1. type any password in txtNewPass, for this e.g. we’ll take Wala123#.
  2. type a different password in txtNewPassAgain something like Wala123#$.
  3. naturally you’ll see an error on the txtNewPassAgain input box. which is ok.
  4. now go back to txtNewPass and add $ in the end. this actually equates values in both the input boxes.
  5. now go to txtNewPassAgain, remove any char and type it again. Now the error goes away.

What this Wappler-ian Wants:

On change of either of the input boxes, other input box should be able to reflect the change in Equal status.

I did try to put the Equal validation on both the input boxes, but the problem persists!

How do i achieve this in Wappler?
or is this a bug?

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