Problems with server connect calls

We’ve had a site running (in test) for the past few months, and yesterday all server connect calls stopped returning data. The response is always success (ie code 200), but there is no body returned.

I’ve tried reverting to an older version of the site, and have also tried deploying to a completely new domain (although still on the same server). All static and dynamic content seems to work other than SC calls. I’ve tried creating a simple SC call that does nothing except return a static value (I think this should work?) but it also fails.

This creates the PHP file as below -:



$app = new \lib\App();

  "exec": {
    "steps": {
      "name": "abc",
      "module": "core",
      "action": "setvalue",
      "options": {
        "value": 123
      "output": true

If I manually edit this file to add an echo "456"; line to the file, this works, so I can verify that the file is getting called, and PHP is working, and the included file is really there (if I change the filename I get an error).

I’m at a bit of a loss as to what has changed - possibly it’s something outside of Wappler generated code - ie it could be something on the site/server, but I’m not sure how to debug this further at the moment.

If anyone has seen this sort of issue, or has any suggestions on how to debug this to get the server connect API calls working, I would very much appreciate it.

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