Query not appearing in Bootstrap 4 Table Generator

Wappler noob here… i’m just trying a bunch of different things by trying to replicate what i’ve seen in the various demo videos, webinars, etc.

I’m having an issue trying to do a simple database query & display.

I setup a super simple test project using docker and digital ocean. I created a server action to connect to the default db database, and then created a query on the cars table.

I then went through the steps outlined in this Wappler Training video to create the server connection, select the server action, etc. However, when I try to add a Bootstrap 4 Table Generator, and try to populate the data, I can see the server connection i previously created, but my query is not there…

so then of course it gives me an error message:

Can someone please help? I’m not sure why the query is not showing up in the data bindings section of the Bootstrap 4 Table Generator.

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