Query Quickbooks API

Has anyone connected to the Quickbooks API? I’m having a little trouble with the query formatting.

So far I have the Oauth2 Provider and Authorize steps set up. I’m able to click a button, which navigates me to Quickbooks where I can login and be redirected back to my app. I think the access tokens are being saved by Wappler (can someone confirm Wappler handles this when using Session Token Handling?)

I’m now getting hung up on the actual API Action to query data. At this point, I’m just trying to return company info using the Quickbooks sandbox company.

Here’s the sample request URL from the quickbooks docs:

GET /v3/company/123146228950379/query?query=select * from CompanyInfo&minorversion=51

Content type:text/plain
Production Base URL:https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com
Sandbox Base URL:https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com

And here’s my API Action:

This question is likely specific to quickbooks, but can anyone tell what needs be in the query and headers fields? A 404 Not Found error is returned from Quickbooks.

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