I read both docs (Getting started with App Connect Event Calendar and App Connect Calendar dynamic events) and they were great to get me going with this widget.
Unfortunately, I have several questions that I could not find answers in the published material, so here they are, all conveniently packed
- In the Calendar Properties, under the Field called Views
- (this may be a bug, but I don’t know) If there a way to hide the “month” button shown in the top-right corner of the calendar when the only option selected in Views is “month”?
- How is the “Now Indicator” option used?
What is the purpose of the fields Event Order and Event Limit and how do I use them?
What is the purpose of Views Specific Options > Calendar options and how do I use them?
What is the purpose of the Constraints option and how do I use it?
How do I use the Dynamic Attributes > Calendar options?
How do I use the Dynamic Events > Calendar > Success/Failure options?
How do I restrict a user from creating an event outside of a given date boundary? For example, I want users to be unable to create an event that starts say 2 weeks before Date X and that ends 1 week after today.
I thought that if I selected the “No event overlap” option, that if there are other events in the middle of the one I’m creating, then the calendar will not allow me to create a new event. But it looks like I’m able to create such event. Am I missing something important?
Many thanks in advance!
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