After inserting a record how do I get the new record ID back so I can use to load a table?
I am working on a job manager type page where the user will create new jobs and then add tasks, comments, and upload files for that particular job.
Currently, I display a list of jobs created for the user and sort the jobID as a variable that is used to populate three other tables.
What I want to happen is after a new job is created the new jobID is passed back to the variable and the other tables reloaded.
The only part I can’t figure out how to do is to get the jobID back after inserting the record. I have tried adding the insert to a serverconnect and then getting the identity after inserting but that did not work. I also try using the identity in the server action to query the database using the identity in the same server action as the insert. That also didn’t work.
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