S3 Upload (AWS) Questions (choosing folder within bucket, and app connect)

Hey Wappler team,

Can you advise how to do the following:

Choose a folder to upload a file to, not just the bucket (e.g. we have a number of folders within a bucket that separate out user avatars, cover images etc.).
If preffering to use App Connect S3 Upload how would do the above, and also return the full URL path once upload has been completed so we can then update the users avatar url in the database.
Lastly, can we do any image processing on the AC side? Currently we upload an image, resize it twice then update the DB with 3 file urls (not on Wappler) which I’d like to recreate.

It looks like SC would be the only way to do this - but I still can’t see how to choose folders within a bucket?

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