OS info
- Operating System : Windows 10.0.17763
- Wappler Version : 1.9.9
Problem description
I am sure based on the subject that many people will first say “Check your credentials!” Please rest assured that I have checked my credentials and they are correct.
I am receiving the following error when I try to insert a record into a database:
INSERT command denied to user ‘usoflzpu_usofaadmin’@‘localhost’ for table ‘GroupType’"
So, let me explain how I know my credentials are correct.
Here is the screenshot showing the credentials (password is masked)
Screenshot showing connection is ok.
Screenshot of the results of a simple php file (outside of wappler) connecting to the database via mysqli using the same credentials.
Screenshot of the results of a simple php file (outside of wappler) connecting to the database via PDO using the same credentials.
The error message from the Chrome DevTools is in the screenshot below:
And finally, a screenshot of the User Privileges from cPanel.
I am at a loss as to how to correct this issue.
Thanks in advance for your assistance
Steps to reproduce
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