SFTP target connection test failed after using file picker to select private key file

OS info

Problem description

SFTP target connection test failed after using file picker to select private key file.

Steps to reproduce

  1. In Project Settings, Targets, SFTP configuration, when one selects a private key file using the file picker, the path is populated in this format:

file:////[drive letter]:/[path to file]

  1. After clicking the “Test connection” button, the logs show something like “key file not found” and the test failes. I noticed in the logs that other key files are also tried (for instance /.ssh/id_rsa, but these files were specified in another format:

/cygdrive/[drive letter]/[path to file]

  1. After I changed the path to my ppk file using this format: /cygdrive/[drive letter]/[path to file], the connection test succeeded.

Note: it would be helpful to show in the UI that the password field is also used to decode the private key file.

Note 2: the “Use active” label should be hidden when selecting SFTP as access type. It is only relevant valid for FTP or FTPS. Using a label “FTP Mode” and two radio buttons displaying “Active” and “Passive” would be the most clear.

Best regards,

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