Show Qualified or Unqualified message based on 3 conditions

Greetings to this great community. I come seeking help and guidance.

I have a form that accepts an applicant’s details such
Name, DateOfBirth, School Attended, CurrentRank, CurrentRank_StartDate etc.

When the form is submitted successfully, I want to display a Qualified or Unqualified message to the applicant based on the three conditions - age, currentRank and duration at currentRank.

The conditions for qualification are;

  1. Applicant must be 35 years or more by a certain date (month inclusive)
  2. Applicant’s CurrentRank must be Principal or Senior Principal or Deputy Principal
  3. Applicant must have done 4years or more in currentRank by a certain date

Any applicant not meeting all 3 should get the disqualified message and those meeting all 3 get a qualified message.
Hoping someone can guide me through this or share links to some wappler videos or docs to help me achieve this specifically.

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