Stripe Dynamic Buy Now buttons without shopping cart

Hi Wappler,
Our use case is that we present each user with multiple services, which are entirely unique and dynamic. They are not Products in Stripe, and the name/price unique to that user. They are saved in a databsed, but are not products that we can sell multiple times. Ex:
user1 has been given offer1 at amount1 and offer2 at amount2
user2 has been given offer3 at amount3 and offer4 at amount4
None of these are available to any other user, it’s not a shopping cart situation. All quantities are always 1.
We’d like to have a button that goes to Stripe for each item. Click on “Buy offer1” and go pay amount1, click on “Buy offer2” and go pay amount2. No need to add offer1 to card and checkout as a second step, simply click and go pay on Stripe.

How should the Stripe component be set up, what should the line items be or come from?

How do I set a Buy button in the Repeater, as I need to have the cur, amount dynamic ?

Thank you much :slight_smile:

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