Summernote does not appear when using SPA

Wappler Version : 3.3.3
Operating System : Catalina

When displaying a routed page within its root page, the page is displayed but the textarea field(s) using Summernote do not display the Summernote toolbar. Displaying the page by itself does show the Summernote toolbar.

  1. Create a Home page with a navbar containing a link.
  2. Create a content page with a textarea field and add Summernote.
  3. Display the content page in your browser to confirm its appearance.
    a. Note that the Summernote toolbar appears in the textarea field.
  4. Create a SPA routing.
  5. Associate the content page to the home page.
  6. Display the Content Page within the Home Page.
    a. Note that Summernote toolbar does not appear in the textarea field.
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