To SPA or not SPA, that is my Question... AND writing a CMS from scratch

I’ve searched and read, and read more. In the case of, this SPA was started over 3 years ago. I just asked Marcel about that here.

While its nice, and I’m certainly not knocking it, I just don’t see THAT much of a difference between it and a non-SPA site. And we know @Antony says he has a massive SPA - don’t recall why he felt he needed to do it that way.

I’d like to know under what circumstances I DO NOT want to pursue a SPA - just to make sure I’m not making a wrong decision up front.
What functionality will not be available in a SPA?

Specifically, I have a colleague who needs to do a new website for a club - will allow new members to join and pay online. And will have a few events a year where a registration form is needed and payment. Will have articles published each month. An events calendar. Member only functions. Basic CMS stuff.

He was going to do a WORDPRESS site, using Gravity Forms (which I’ve seen and is really slick to register and pay for Events thru Stripe). When I look at @brad’s Theater website, to me, thats a CMS - but I don’t know how he wrote it on the backend. Can he add new articles and they appear on a page? Or is all that custom/planned/static pages. I could see using Wappler to make a CMS but I still don’t think it will have as much visual flexibility (at first) as WORDPRESS. (ie. It will only have as much visual/layout/master pages/templates flexibility as he can code into it, which would be minimal at first.)

Would anyone argue against doing a WORDPRESS site in favor of a system from scratch in Wappler? I’m sure someone would :slight_smile: but you have to admit its a lot easier to spin up a WP site and voila! Maybe there is a Wappler CMS system already built?

I would be more comfortable staying with MSSQL, so it appears for $14/mo he could get a DO Ubuntu w/free MSSQL Express. Don’t really need MSSQL but if he needs help, I hate MySQL and wouldn’t be much help to him. I’m not familiar with how Wappler deals with other databases or SQLLite.

Thx for any advice.

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