Trouble passing data to modals/data detail


I’m having two unexpected issues with content on dynamic modals, and after some research and tutorials, I’'m still not sure of what I’m doing wrong.

#Issue 1:
When I try to add a bootstrap4 table from the generator to display a very basic, multiple records query, I am prompted with this error:

Would this mean that modals can only display dynamic data if embedded on a data detail componenent?

#Issue 2:
I have a repeat region that creates a timeline, and for each entry an edit button. The idea is to open a modal to edit one particular entry:

The button is passing the ID of the repeat region entry:

On the modal, I have a data detail bound to the parent query, not the repeat one:

When I click on the edit icon, the modal opens, but is empty. If I use another button that doesn’t pass an ID (Mange HA or Manage ES), then the modal opens with the latest entry of the parent query. If i’ve followed tutorials correctly, this should be displaying every single enty in the modal depending on which edit button was clicked on the repeat region?

user: password: test (you’ll have to copy and paste the previous url after login).

Thanks for anyone’s help.

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