Wappler 4.9.1 Released

Wappler 4.9.1 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/download/
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

Keeping Wappler’s integrated extensions up to date, is now a breeze with the new Wappler Extensions Updater! Now we can publish directly extensions updates that you can install instantly without even restarting Wappler!
No more waiting for large Wappler update, but directly install the extension updates!
You will get a nice notification when Wappler extension updates are available, but you can also check manually by just choosing “Check for Updates” fromm the Wappler Tray menu, just like you are checking for App Updates.

Another major update is of our Stripe integration. We have now included the latest Stripe API, with over 40 additional Server Connect actions! Now you can fully take advantage of new API functionality like the new Stripe Rich Search API.

As Wappler 5 is taking shape on the horizon, will will soon start with the Wappler 5 Beta, so you can test it well before we release the final. This will take at least couple of weeks as we have a lot to cover!

So the current Wappler 4.9.1 is pretty stable and unless there are major issues, we will be pausing the Wappler 4 app weekly updates, to focus fully on Wappler 5 beta.
Of course if there are any components updates, we can now push them online to you with the Wappler Extensions Updater. So no need for big Wappler app update.

Wappler Extensions Updater

Stripe Connector

Bootstrap 4 & 5

Database Table Editor in Tab

Database Connector & Updater


Project Options


Code Editor

App Connect

App Connect Date Picker

App Connect Charts

App Connect Framework 7

Fixed issues

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