Weird errors on registration form submit (missing salt and stat)

Hey there :wave:

I’m not sure this is the right place to report this issue I’m having, not sure if it’s a bug…

I’m getting these errors when I test my registration page:

First try I get this:
{status: "500", message: "error:02016002:system library:stat:No such file or directory",…} message: "error:02016002:system library:stat:No such file or directory" stack: "Error: error:02016002:system library:stat:No such file or directory↵ at Object.scryptSync (internal/crypto/scrypt.js:55:15)↵ at DatabaseProvider.encrypt (/home/xxx/lib/auth/provider.js:98:28)↵ at DatabaseProvider.login (/home/xxx/lib/auth/provider.js:57:62)↵ at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)↵ at async App._exec (/home/xxx/lib/core/app.js:427:30)↵ at async App._exec (/home/xxx/lib/core/app.js:398:17)↵ at async App.exec (/home/xxx/lib/core/app.js:367:9)↵ at async App.define (/home/xxx/lib/core/app.js:357:9)" status: "500"

Then, I refresh and I now get this new error on every try:

{"status":"500","message":"error:3407B06F:KDF routines:kdf_scrypt_derive:missing salt","stack":"Error: error:3407B06F:KDF routines:kdf_scrypt_derive:missing salt\n at Object.scryptSync (internal/crypto/scrypt.js:55:15)\n at DatabaseProvider.encrypt (/home/xxx/lib/auth/provider.js:98:28)\n at DatabaseProvider.login (/home/xxx/lib/auth/provider.js:57:62)\n at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)\n at async App._exec (/home/xxx/lib/core/app.js:427:30)\n at async App._exec (/home/xxx/lib/core/app.js:398:17)\n at async App.exec (/home/xxx/lib/core/app.js:367:9)\n at async App.define (/home/xxx/lib/core/app.js:357:9)"}

Do you have any idea why this is happening and how to fix it? Note that the user is correctly created in my database.

I’ve checked my node packages, updated and installed everything…


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