When adding fields individually in DB Manager - field type is stripped and defaults to 'text' - causing erors

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 3.4.1
Operating System : MAC
Project: NodeJS, MySql8

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

When you select the db table for a query (in my case in this example an UPDATE) - all fields are pulled in all with the correct field type.

If I delete them all to then manually add fields one by one - when I add them, the field type is stripped and defaults to text. This then causes errors when trying to insert/update data of a different type.

Actual behavior

As above. The field type is stripped and defaults to text.

How to reproduce

  • Create an Update Step
  • Select a Table (notice all fields have the correct field type)
  • Delete all fields in the table
  • Manually add fields that have a different data type to text - these are then brought in as text. In my case, from datetime to text.
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