When using an ALIAS to join two tables, query is not saved and has issues displaying the ALIAS values

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======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 4.2.2
Operating System : Windows 10
Server Model: Php
Database Type: MySql
Hosting Type: LAMP

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?
Creating a query and it works nice.
Editing the query and using an ALIAS to connect two tables together. Using also an ALIAS for the column that I want to display. The query should be able to be saved, and the column to be able to be binded.

Actual behavior

When saving the query, I don’t get a message that the Query has been saved. From the inspector I get a message that the file has been uploaded. The column used as an ALIAS in not shown. Hitting the edit query button does nothing. Restarting Wappler, it permits edit the query again, but all the ALIAS is lost.

How to reproduce

Create a query, use an ALIAS to join two tables

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