Any SQL servers I add to the databases tab don't appear on the server actions tab

Hi everyone, just messing with Wappler and learning it still but I keep having an issue with it on my Mac, not sure if it’s me or if I’m doing something wrong.

So if I start a new project and pick Docker, when I go into the Project Settings screen, on the Targets I believe it is, there’s a section for database where I can pick MySQL, Postgres and so on. If I set up the database from here, I can use it fine in Server Actions (I pick Database Connection and pick this connection from the dropdown name).

The problem I’m having though is this is the only way I’m ever able to get the database to show up in server actions. If I go to the database tab, and I add a connection to MS SQL for example, it adds it, shows all the tables etc, but then on the server actions tab if I pick database connection, it shows list is empty. If I pick Heroku or local hosting, the Project Settings doesn’t mention SQL Server anymore, so I assume the only way to add it is via the databases tab, but it just never lets me pick it in actions.

I’ve tried with Postgres, MySQL, I’ve tried using Heroku, but I cannot figure out how to make it use a database added. If I go to Project Settings, there’s no Microsoft SQL on the list, just SQL Server and SQL Server Native but if I pick either of those it says there’s no drivers installed for them.

And then server actions, it’s always just empty and doesn’t appear:

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