Wappler General

General discussions about Wappler.

About the Wappler General category

General discussions about Wappler.

Time values not formatted to local time when using UTC

Wappler Version : Operating System : 5.4.2 Server Model: node Database Type: mysql 8 Hosting Type: Perhaps related to: UTC Timezone handling does not apply to subtables Expected behavior MySQL8 …

5.4.2: DOMException: Failed to execute 'add' on 'DOMTokenList'

With the update, this error pops up in my console everytime I open the app in the browser or reload the page: (no code changes, only updated Wappler)

Pass a Javascript Array to a Server Connect - $_GET array can't output

I have some javascript code that produces an array of values that I want to add to my database. I created the array in the $_GET with the intention of sending the array via dmx.parse('insert_pl.load(…

Argon2 not installed

Not sure why, updated to latest version. Created a new node js project using docker. Testing the first page, a registration page, getting 500 errors because argon2 was missing. Similar to this thread…

Wappler keeps on renaming my query parameter on the API Data Source

This is because the App Connect components are DOM based and are case insensitive. Parameters that are passed within the attribute name will therefor always be made lowercase.

Local Storage not being read

Wappler Version : 5.4.2 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: capacitor Database Type: N/A Hosting Type: web Expected behavior Local storage value should be read in actions Actual behavior …

Database problems! Need guidance!

I created a local docker development with a docker Postgres database. Everything was great. I created an EC2 and launched a docker staging environment. All good. However, for production, I need my…

AppFlow, how do Set Global, Assign and Set Storage work? Whats their purpose?

Still playing around with purely front end and AppFlows. The challenge: I need a global storage, accessible from all pages with active binding, e.g. for storing state and updating on state changes (l…

Server Connect file loses changes on CMD+S

Wappler Version : 5.4.2 Operating System : Mac M1 Server Model: PHP Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: AWS Docker If you drag and drop server connect actions that include a repeat (that’s what I …

Framework7: component picker is a bit messy

Looks like the F7 component picker is a bit messy… All items are two times in there, 33 on F7, the same 33 in the Forms group, also including non-F7 Components.

Console errors when using where notInArray

Wappler Version : 5.4.2 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior The tagify element should not generate dev console errors on load Actual behavior …

PHP errors on version 8.2

Hi. I have set PHP 8.2 version on linux hosting. Since then the security provider has stopped working. Everything works fine until PHP version 8.1. I also tried on local computer. Again, using the la…

AppFlow: Bootbox Messages still not working :-(

Wappler 5.4.2 Add a message to the App Flow, configure all attributes, test: Message not displayed Size not reflected What does “swap button order” do? We have only one button

Security provider + DB unwanted duplications

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ======== Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : Mac Os Ventura 13.1 Server Model: Node.js Database Type: PostgreSQL Hosting Type: Docker / Linodes Expected behavio…

Database Query Builder cannot do paged query on MySQL

Hi there Wappler support, I recently found an issue with the simple query builder. When I want to do a paged record it creates this query: SELECT * FROM aansluitingen FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS ONLY But I g…

Adding weeks on to a variable, does not advance the month

The code I am using is <button id="btn23" class="btn btn-light" dmx-on:click="check_avilable.load({service: inp_package.value, start_date: check_avilable.data.api.data[0].start_datetime.addWeeks(1)}…

Two Questions Regarding Bootstrap Colors

I was wondering how to add a new color to Bootstrap(like primary, info, danger, etc) I saw this but when I add a color I get an error This is what the “theme colors” variable had by default …

Using OAuth2 Connector with Discord

Hey Does anyone have a how tow for signing up with Discord or could help me? I haven’t been using Wappler for long time and am not very familiar with the subject Or maybe there are plans to integ…

Server data binding not available until after file save

Wappler Version : 5.4.2 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior Server data bindings should be immediately available downstream. Actual behavior T…

Sub table not available in data binding

Wappler Version : 5.4.2 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior I should be able to pick a column from a subtable within a query. Actual behavior …

Change Modal Header Color

I am using a bootbox confirm and wanted to change the color of the modal it opens. You can change the button colors when setting up the action and I changed the body and footer by changing the “modal…

Wappler 5.4.2 Released

Wappler 5.4.2 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.4.2 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

How to use all the new array actions

There are 14 new SC actions for arrays which are awesome but I urgently need a steer on how to use each of them. The main ones to create the array, insert data into it, read data back, etc. are all st…

Upload and crop image

Hi, I am using the image crop facility and its working fine locally but not when i upload my cms to the live server The image is being saved fine on the server using the “crop_{name}{ext}” template i…

Sub-tables / Nested tables not available for join any more

Wappler Version : 5.1.1 Operating System : W10 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgreSQL Expected behavior When adding a table to join, all tables in the DB should be shown. Actual behavior R…

Data binding expression gets corrupted

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior Entering the following expression in a data binding should remain valid: input_ti…

Newbie with API Data Problem

Hey I’m new here and tried something but it doesn’t work and I hope someone can give me a tip Load Data with “API Data Source”. In the program, the data is loaded and displayed correctly. Howeve…

How to create a scrollable BootStrap Table

I just added a CSS code and it seems to be working with vertical scroll.

I'm new to wappler

Hi everyone. So I’m looking to develop my own mobile application and after looking at a few options I’m thinking wappler might be my best bet. I want to have access to and own my code. I’m ok with …

Copy schema from docker DB to remote RDS DB (going from development to production)

Hello, I have a local docker environment with a docker Postgresql database. I am using this same DB set up for my staging environment hosted on EC2. However, for my production environment I will be…

Dynamic Data not showing up on asp.net page showing brackets

For some reason I have a page that worked before. But haven’t used it in a long time and now need to use the functionality of the page. For some reason the data isn’t loading on the page and show da…

API form checkbox input value on button click to set value to set session

I have a question regarding the checkbox input when used within an API form. Currently I have two checkbox’s, each one if selected will trigger the next set of questions associated with the box selec…

Registration form does nothing

Hello Wapplers! Just got here and going through the Community Web tutorial. Stuck at where the registration form does nothing when the Register button is clicked. I’ve gone over it twice over checki…

How can I copy data into the datastore in page load?

This is another “I’m sure this is simple” scenario but I’m struggling to come up with the solution. I have a SC script which returns data which I want to be copied into the datastore. What’s the best…

Anyone able to get an Electron app working with CORS

I cannot get past this. Refused to connect to 'http://localhost:8100/api/v1/auth/login' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src capacitor-electron://* 'unsa…

Is there a way to see the network logs in Android Emulator?

Think what your after can be seen in chrome. If you go to chrome://inspect#devices . Then pick the emulated version of android.

Restricting page with two different permissions not working?

The permissions assigned to a page through Security Restrict are treated as AND. Adding both will require both permissions to be required. If you have the role in your database, you can use the IN co…

SQL Distinct is ignored when nested query is used

Hi All, i’m using wappler 5.4.0, node js and MySQL. I have a paged query using Distinct, and configured to return nested query. Executing the query from the query builder returns 2 records, however, …

Wappler architecture

Where can I find some Wappler technology stack or architecture schematic grouping together the libraries and frameworks used in code by the platform? Like knex.js, Bootstrap… I’m referring to somethi…

Best Free VPS Setup 2022 (Hestia on Oracle Cloud Free Tier) Complete Website + Email Tutorial

Great video tutorial Best Free VPS Setup 2022 (Hestia on Oracle Cloud Free Tier) Complete Website + Email Tutorial

Hiring front-end dev, how to split up app?

I’m hiring a front-end dev to help out. I want him to write HTML and CSS. However, my issue is, that my pages are all relying heavily on dynamic data. And it’s using appconnect to show/hide things …

Missing Argon2 module when deploying app to docker machine that uses Argon2

Wappler Version : v5.3.2 Operating System : macOS Monterey 12.6 Server Model: node js Database Type: postgresql Hosting Type: docker Expected behavior What do you think should happen? When I d…

Resize a webp image?

Is it possible to resize a webp image? Unfortunately, when I tried resize(Auto), it didn’t work thank you for your help

Export to CSV nested array issue

Hello Wapplers, I’m using new feature Array with Wappler and my array output looks like this: As you see I have array withing the array. And problem is - when I’m exporting this data to CSV - in …

Free mode sticky is applied to free mode even if not ticked

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: mobile Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior Free mode sticky should not be applied if not ticked on a swiper Actual behavio…

Adding a math equation to an API pull

Good afternoon, I have a quick general question. I have an API pull that shows a Calculation. In my case, the amount of carbon emitted. What I would like to do, is once the number is shown in the …

Should a Multi-Reference table/field work like a subtable for data insert?

I have multiple subtables that are inserting data without issue. I recently added a multi-reference table (Address_Contact) to the Server Connect API. But when attempting to POST data to it, it’s t…

Issue with Unauthorized Access Redirection in Login System

If you are using security provider enforcer on your php page, then the page won’t be loaded at all for unauthorized users.

Google Maps JavaScript API without a callback is not supported

We improve that in Wappler 5.3.3, so either update or do a manual fix as described in:

Dynamic click event

There is the following code: <div class="d-flex flex-column" dmx-on:click="modal_delete_message.show()"> <button id="btn" class="btn" dmx-on:click="var_updating.setValue(222)">Btn</button> </div> T…

Conditional region flash briefly on refresh

I am using conditional region to hide some sections, and they work. but on page refresh, they briefly show their contents and then vanish. I was under impression these are better to use then Show/hi…

404 page route is overwriting Stripe webhook route

I set up a 404 route as follows: The goal of that route is to show a pretty 404 page when an url can’t be found. This worked fine, until I realised this is blocking my webhooks from stripe. With t…

Include action cannot be disabled

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior I should be able to disabled an Include action in an api. Actual behavior After s…

Send email form works successfully but SC returns an error

Hey everybody, I have managed to create my first “send email” procedure and I am confused from the results… I have a SC form that sends data to server for DB insert. Then a link (including this …

How to change the maxmum value on y axis in chart?

I have 6 line charts on a page and would like to compare them at a glance The issue I have is the data is all scored out of 10 but the y axis on the chart only goes up to the highest figure in the da…

dmxSwiper constantly triggers asset updater

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior dmxSwiper.js should not be prompting for Assets updating after updated Actual behavior …

Save button does not work for new target

OS info Operating System : Mac OSX 22.2.0 Wappler Version : 5.3.1 Problem description Cannot add a local docker container. Save button does not work for new target Steps to reproduce open settin…

Queries disappear on create in Server Connect

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : Windows Server Model: Node.js Database Type: MySql Hosting Type: Reseller At least four times now I’ve created a query in a Server Action and when I cli…

Can't Remove Port on Target

Try adding the A Record for www and @

Questions around client side logic, aka "Inline Flows", "Page Flows" and "App Flows"

I try to get my head around the client side of scripting, aka “Flows” with Wappler and want to confirm if I understand the concept correctly. I would appreciate if you, as experienced users, can chime…

Form repeat with dmx-bind:min does not always work

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior A form repeat with a dmx-bind:min value should properly evaluate if the page is op…

Is there a way to configure the code formatter somewhere?

It doesn’t look like Prettier, so the question: where can I configure the code formatter in the Editor (Monaco?)

Redirect to Content Page With Different Layout Does Not Work For SPA

I have a server side server action setup on a content page - which is used as security restrict. This content page - page1 - has layout page - layout1. My login page - login1 - has a different layou…

Dynamic Link with route containing variables broken

Bootstrap 4 PHP MYSQL Wappler 5.4.1 I have a table created with the generator. I need to create a link to a detail page from the list. I have done this probably the 50 times or more. But it seems …

Node.js Mailer issue

I’m implementing a new user registration. All is going well except the mailer is throwing an error. I’ve confirmed that the app/lib/modules/mail.js file is on the server and that nodemailer is liste…

Is there a way to set a static port for a Capacitor project?

I’m continually switching between my Server API project and Client project (Electron, mobile, and web testing). I have to set the client address in CORS on the server and semi-frequently Wappler shuts…

Use checkbox in a table to set query parameters

I would like to put a checkbox in every row of my employee table so I cn select several employees and then query data from those selected. I’m guessing I use some type of array to set the filter?

How do you solve cron job planning?

Let’s say every hour I want to clean up some data in the database: split up full names into a first_name, last_name. For example: first_name: "John Doe", last_name: "" Becomes: first_name: "John",…

Capacitor installation failed

Hello, I want to create an ios application via capacitor but when I want to create my project, it tries to install capacitor but there is an error that npm is not recognized as an internal command OS…

NodeJS Array Showing Extra Records

Wowza, that was a tough one for me. I got the solution, so here goes in case anyone else has similar issues: As per @Teodor suggestion, I did the work on the server side (DUH!) which makes total sens…

How do you handle api rate limits?

Soem api endpoints have rate limits, for example I have one with 50 requests per 5 mins. I need to send 800 in a batch, using a server action. After 50 requests it throws an error and my server acti…

Sqlite connection problem "Connection String is Required"

Hello, I would like to implement a project with php/Sqlite for the first time. But fail at a simple query. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks for your help

Why Does Docker SSH Key Need to Be in User Home?

I’m trying to configure my docker setup the way I require, and my app has all files (especially SSH keys!) on a password protected USB stick. However, Wappler won’t allow me to keep the file anywhere…

DO server using resource manager can't connect

Ah it might be Ubuntu 22 and old rsa ssh key you are using. For new servers we automatically enable the old rsa keys compatibility but for older servers you might have to do it manually. See:

Development Environment when using Resource Manager

Now you got it right. Docker and “Docker machines” are different things. “Docker machines” is just a tool that helps with managing your Docker instances. But it is no longer officially supported. Bu…

Clone existing project / Nothing Happening

Hello, I tried today to clone an existing project with GIT. Got this problem: Wappler 5.0.4 Apple M1 Click on Clone an existing project folder Insertin all the data nothing happens Any Idea …

Does Wappler support OpenID?

From what I can see in the docs it should work with the OAuth2 provider.

Wappler updates keep wiping out Redis from package.json

W 4.9.1. NodeJS Win 10 I have a project setup, where I don’t use Docker locally, but only for Staging and Production. I have a Redis turned on, it works normally. But after Wappler updates (even …

Dynamic lazyload image does not refresh

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: mobile Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior An image using dynamic lazyload, should always set the src when it has its value …

Simple (I think) Array/Repeat/Relational data problem I need some direction/a How-To On

I am trying to make a commission tracking app that in my head I think should be straight forward, but, it is not working out to be lol. In a roundabout way, I think the way I am structuring it should…


Is Dropzone no longer available and if so what has replaced it?

NodeJS and GIT problem Path Does Not Exist in Given Tree

Hi All, Im working on a NodeJS project and as usual I’ve made a couple of mistakes I cant quite fix. So, I thought I’d just revert my changes using GIT - what could go wrong? When I try and revert b…

Webhook question

With our phone supplier we have the option to use web hooks for incoming calls etc. The information it sends through is: { "type": "user_inbound", "unique_call_id": "160455961758", "caller_id"…

Problems adding Traefik

Following Using Custom Domains and SSL with Let's Encrypt and Traefik I added my NameCheap domain to DigitalOcean and I can access my site via the domain name without HTTPS I added the traefik ser…

Server Connect Table Refresh

I have a admin dashboard that I replicated for 2 sites. I just changed a field’s name and deleted one on the duplicated database. Then I copied the dmx folders and admin dashboard folders to the new …

Node.js server restart clears sessions

You don’t need Redis or docker. Just select DB as option in the server connect settings > sessions tab. Server connect settings is in the server action/api panel top right. This will create a table…

Bootstrap Styling not applying to pages

Hi All, Fo some reason, after adding components (a block actually) the Bootstrap 5 styling does not apply. This use to work two version back. Am I doing something wrong? I attached an example of wha…

Question about "Validate Data" with multi-tenant db

I’m guessing the Validate Data will not work if I’m trying to allow each tenant to have a unique instance of a value. For example, each tenant will store their companies in the “Company” table. Eac…

Error changing table with Database Manager

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ======== Wappler Version : 5.4 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type:MySQL Hosting Type:Docker Expected behavior What do you think should h…

Array in Data View Filter

What is happening here is that you are creating and updating the new_array object, which is not the same as the array_categories which you are displaying. If you need to add items to the dmx array ar…

Inserting a Bootstrap Button Group

Hi, I am trying to insert a Bootstrap Button Group Component into a properly setup Container > Row > Column structure. I dont see that component listed. Is this something that needs to be coded manua…

Sending multiple Attachments dynamically from DB using "Send Mail"

Hi, I need your help. I can’t figure out how to attach multiple files from DB and sending using “Send Mail” in Server Actions. The files are retrieving from a simple table like: id | column_value| …

Preloader customization

Then add something like this in your custom CSS file: .dmxPreloader-spinner::after { content: "my text here"; position: relative; margin-top: 80px; display: block; width: 200px; …

Want 4 charts all aligned horizontally in one line but occasionally get 3 charts in 1 line and the 4th chart on a separate line

Hi, I am struggling to do what i think should be very straightforward I have a dashboard that has a row with 6 columns, each has an apexchart graph in. Only 4 columns are ever shown and the user sel…

Bug Report #1676291503517

OS info Operating System : Mac OSX 21.3.0 Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Problem description Wappler won’t see Docker Desktop. Steps to reproduce No particular steps. After couple of hours after install…

How to copy a dynamic value using 'Browser'

The copy method doesn’t accept any arguments, it just executes the browsers native copy action. You probably want to use the writeTextToClipboard. dmx-on:click="browser1.writeTextToClipboard(products…

GIT - SSH - Error authenticating: failed connecting agent

Wappler Version: 4.9.1 Operating System: Windows 11 (21h2) Server Model: NodeJs Database Type: Postgres Hosting Type: N/A Expected behavior Pull from remote using Git Manager should pull the lat…

Partials on design view no longer utilises bootstrap stylesheet

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : Mac OS Ventura Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: None Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior Partials should utilise bootstrap’s stylesheet while on d…

Pages location

how to move pages located in files to pages

Node.js route redirects going to content page

I’m trying to implement security on a node.js site. I’m having an issue where routing to/from the login page isn’t working properly. My login form looks like this… <form id="form_login" method="po…

New Wappler Docs

getting a 404 error on Wapplers new Docs - is it down?

Check checkboxes if value is in datastore

I have a dynamic list with a checkbox on each row. When it’s checked, the row id is inserted into the datastore. When it’s unchecked, it’s removed from the datastore. That all works perfectly. If the…

Page Flow / App Connect / Framework7: Wappler frequently crashes in the flow editor

Quit simple: add a Page Flow (in a Framework7 project), open the flow editor and start editing, I added Framework7 Prompts or Alerts. Took me five attempts to get this simple flow created, the latest…

Call Framework7 functions

Pull to refresh as well as other components are available for Framework 7:

CloudPanel a free hosting control panel, a great choice to work with Wappler if u are not using Docker ☄️

I like working with Docker because it is a powerful and user-friendly tool that offers many advantages. However, sometimes I have to install some type of panel on a virtual private server (VPS) for …

5.4.1 Theme Manager not working as expected

As explained in the docs: The Theme Manager is available for Bootstrap projects only, using Bootstrap 4 or 5.

SPA: App ID doesn't stick in content include file

Wappler Version : 5.4.1 Operating System : MacOS 10.15.7 Server Model: PHP Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior What do you think should happen? I select “App” in the app structure…

Subdomain routing for Saas

Hi, I’m trying to make a SaaS multi-tenancy project in NodeJS A project that allow to autogenerate subdomains base on a business creation in database mysql, and then each subdomain filter the data ba…

Nasty little bugger in F7: new pages have two divs with same ID

Would be great if this gets fixed in the next release: new F7 pages have two divs with the same id="index". I rename one of them typically, but I am not sure if one of the frameworks uses the ID …

App Failed Attempt To Build Emulator?

I’m trying my hand at building an iOS mobile app with Bootstrap 5 for the first time. However, I’ve ran into the following issue after I attempted to view the page in the iOS emulator. I’m working on …

Stupid Qustion: how to route "/" to a certain page?

Pretty sure, I miss something fundamentally, but how can I set the route of “/” to a specific page? (Purely frontend / bootstrap project) I’ve setup the routing to a page, but when accessing the ser…

How can I make a select the value of a field in the Data Store

You need to use: dmx-bind:value="updates.data.where(`prodID `, prodID, '==')[0].cat"

Update "refresh message" to user

Hi! In my app, the user is keeping a page on the TV and is almost never refreshed. So when I push an update, it’s often not reflected for the user on that page. Is there a way to notify the user that…

Tagify select all?

You can do it with a button. <button id="btn1" class="btn btn-primary" dmx-on:click="tagify1.addTags(serverconnect1.data.query.values(`category_id`))">Add All</button> <input is="dmx-tagify" id="t…

Filtering a database query - need help

I’ve got a query that gets orders from my database. Each order has ‘bought_products’ attached. These products have an id. Now I want to create the following filter: Show me all orders where produ…

Wappler 5.4.1 Released

Wappler 5.4.1 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.4.1 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

How Can I Create a Pivot Table From Database Output?

I think you should be able to do a Set Value pointing to this pivot_table Set Value: pivot_table.values() And than use that for a CSV Export Step If that doesn’t work, I can adjust the formatter

Session manager object associated data from form inputs and hide and show on click

Here is the situation, I have created a calculator with inputs. the first two inputs need to be placed an on the click of the submit button they need to hide the first segment and show the second se…

When to use server connect in the server side data?

The server-side data is processed during the rendering of the layout and/or content page, which takes place before the App Connect code (or anything else) is loaded in the browser. You are correct, y…

Sign-Up Username suggestions when username is already used

Hi guys, All major websites out there, while Signing-up, they validate the given username and if it is already used they suggest available Usernames (“related” to the one you initially given) Given: …

Add more details to NodeJS Redis sessions

I’m using NodeJS and Redis for my sessions. Is there a way to add more information to the value Wappler sets in Redis for each session? I’d like to add the user’s location, device, etc. Or can I get …

Date Range Picker does not work Cancel

That’s not a bug. The cancel button is supposed to close the dialog or in case new date range is selected - to not apply it. It’s not supposed to clear the input.

Custom query not returning results when using parameters

Hi, Here is my custom query where I populated the Select statement with the required values. You will see I get a query result returned. However, when I use parameters, I get no query result.

MySQL2 warning: "invalid configuration option"

My logs are flooded with Ignoring invalid configuration option passed to Connection: supportBigNumber. This is currently a warning, but in future versions of MySQL2, an error will be thrown if you pa…

Custom Query with `:` in text fails to save!

Wappler 5.4.0 PG SQL 13 Node.JS 14 in a custom query, have some text that has : inside it. INSERT INTO tbl (one, two) VALUES (:P1, 'some :text :with :colons'); have obv added :P1 param in the par…

Database Manager: Data not saving in one table when using View/Edit Data

Wappler Version: 5.4.0 Operating System: Windows 11 Server Model: node.js Database Type: Postgres Hosting Type: docker local Expected behavior Values should save in database record Actual behavi…

How To: Windows Plesk and NodeJS

Hello All, After spending sometime today setting up my Plesk Server for staging, I’ve run into some issues. I got it to work on Windows 2022, here is how: This setup is strictly for Windows Plesk Se…

I have a problem with the medium editor again

It transfers crazy styles, although I want to remove them with the [Delete Formats] button. In the (online) source text, the formats of the Medium Editor are displayed below the actual content. …

Is there a way to dynamically add input fields to a form?

I have a Contact table with a Phone subtable. The Contact can have more than one phone number. I want to design the Contact edit page’s phone field similar to the phones field(s) shown in this video. …

Is it possible to copy database changes to a different project?

You can just export a database dump/backup using a database tool like mysql workbench (depending on your database type) and then import it in your other database.

Inserting Bootstrap Components Question

Hi, Where can I find a listing of Bootstrap components to add to my page as I am building out items. For instance when I insert a Nav component I would think I should be able to insert Bootstrap comp…

Storing JWT token securely

Hi all, I’m just getting started with Wappler - and honestly struggling quite a bit. I have a background in programming and database management (though I admittedly haven’t written any code in many …

Arrays with arrays inside

Hi, I’m trying to use the new server action functionality called “Array Lists”. I added the step Create Array, named my array “myArray” and defined a schema for it, to have a text variable called …

On login, redirect the user back to where they were

Here’s how I handle this on node: Within a Server Side Data > Server Connect, on the protected content page or layout, if the user is not logged in, I save the page that the user attempted to load in…

Escaping Single Quotes

there’s just an error in this code… your closing " on the wrong place… before the + '</strong>' part.

Ordered List?

I can’t see any way to add an Ordered List in Wappler? I would have thought it would be an option when adding a List Group that would add the list-group-numbered class? Am I missing something or is …

Dynamic Opengraph Meta Tags in a .NET site

Server-side rendering is only supported for NodeJS in Wappler. There’s no server-side rendering support for PHP/ASP/ASP.NET and sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. do not render javascript expressions …

Adding reference field to subtable causes it to convert to a multireference

Wappler Version: 5.4.0 Operating System: Windows 11 Server Model: node.js Database Type: postgres Hosting Type: local docker Expected behavior Reference field is added and table stays as a subtab…

Help to handle API 404 error

Hello Wapplers, I’m try to handle external API call when there is 404 error. I have Condition after API call api.resposne==200 which handle good when external API return 200, but when there is 404 e…

Using a Google Map with an overlay showing boundaries and interact with it

Hi everyone. I’ve been asked to put a Google Map onto a webpage which has an overlay showing county regions. When a region is selected on the page (could be a button or select dropdown) or they click…

Routes Do Not Update After Pull From Git

Wappler Version : 5.2.2 Operating System : W11 Server Model: NodeJS When pulling latest branch from remote via Git, if there are any changes in the Routes JSON, the Routes panel does not update its…

Empty Input Field Results in `\n` Instead of Blank

Wappler Version : 5.3.1 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: NodeJS I think I have seen a bug report for this, but unable to find now. When setting a set value, or in my recent case, an inp…

Converting API data to be displayed on charts

Hi All Sorry if this is a long post I have tried my hardest to figure this out before asking but I need some help/guidance on how to get API data to display on Charts. Here is some sample data and f…

Need help with empty url parameters in server action

Hi all, Breaking my head on this , like many of us have according to the number of community posts on related issues. Trying to filter a database query with some url parameter values, but can’t get …

Can't create keyed array in Server Action

Keyed arrays do not exist, the only language I know supports that is PHP. You probably want to create an Object or Map which are collections of key/value pairs.

Event Calendar resizing events

Having quite a time making events resize. Here is my code. <dmx-calendar id="availability_calendar" views="dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay" view="timeGridWeek" dmx-bind:now-indicator="var_toda…

Is there a way to dynamically show all column values for a record?

I’m trying to setup a table that is dynamic with its column headers and column values. Currently I have the first column value (name), but I don’t want to hard code each potential column/fields. Is t…

Can't make a DB Connection

Hi All, I’m desperate to figure out what is wrong with my configuration, I try to create a new DB Connection and it keeps the alert popping up saying “Invalid target configuration! Check your web ser…

Tagify not showing elements in a Data Source

Wappler Version : v5.4.0 Operating System : MacOs Big Sur Server Model: NodeJs Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Local Expected behavior On setting the Data Source for Tagify field when I selec…

Undo jumps to Script tag

When working in code between <script></script>tags when you undo the cursor jumps up to the opening script tag. This has actually been happening for a while, I just keep forgetting to report it.

API submit Data as JSON Blob, not as FORM

Good afternoon community, The issue is the following. I created two selectors and a submit button. The API that my backend created needs the info to be sent to them as a JSON blob, NOT as a form. So…

Countdown Timer with Dynamic Value

Hey, someone help me to build a countdown timer with dynamic server connect value?

Query items not showing on page

Wappler Version : 5.4.0 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Expected behavior Created a new database query action step, to view a list of items using t…

Is there a way to run two projects in Wappler apps at once?

Switching back n forth between Server app and Mobile app works great, but I would prefer to have both open to speed up development. Is there a way to do this?

Issue with sockets running on Ubuntu Server

Working locally, things seem to work ok. However when I load this to docker on my remote server, I keep getting this error when I try and use sockets. Could anyone throw me some suggestions as to wh…

Partials Page does not show available actions

If I understand correctly, Partials have no access to the outer world, as they don’t know where they will be included (that would be logical, too). But you say some Partials do have access to objects…

Capacitor installation failed!

Hi, I’m just installing wappler and I get this error! Mac Homebrew is correctly installed. Checking NodeJS installation and version… zsh:1: command not found: node NodeJS is missing! Mac Homebrew…

Wappler monthly meetup

Hi Wapplers, Thanks for sending the monthly meetup invite. Would love to join but it will be 2am here in Sydney. Would love for you guys to nudge the time a few hours back

Clear data store (cart) after set time?

I made a shopping cart with following tutorial and all works fantastic! But I need the data store to expire after maybe an hour? I am running into a situation where customers can add tickets to the…

Digital Ocean File Missing Error but File is not Missing

Maybe this advice from Hyperbytes will help in this case?

Routes On A Content Page

Wappler Version : 5.3.1 Operating System : Mac Big Sur Server Model: Node Js Database Type: Postgres Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior When creating a page route on a content page for the u…

Help With SSL

All good, Eric_F, I have experienced many issues in the past and wappler team / forum / community have always been very helpful in troubleshooting and finding solutions. This error seems to be relate…

Default font in summernote select

Hi! There’s a way to force a default font in summernote? In my menu i would like to set “arial” instead “Segoe” as it appears. Thanks

Can subtable be used as a reference field in another table?

The answer is, yes. A subtable can be used in a reference field on another table. Something was not in sync on my project. Refreshing the table schemas was not correcting the issue. So I undid all cha…

Base table moved to subtable when changing name. Resulting in future database change failures

Wappler Version: 5.4.0 Operating System: Windows 11 Server Model: node.js Database Type: Postgres Hosting Type: local docker Expected behavior Renaming a table should work without errors in Datab…

If I revert/backout database changes, how do I safely remove the changes from Change history?

Let’s say I’ve decided I no longer want the changes in orange. Using Delete in the context menu has been pointless because it’s led to corruption in the migration process, so what’s the correct way to…

Wappler properties panel missing after switching screen

You maybe able to avoid needing a reinstall using the reset panels option not something I’ve encountered to comment on: Located when pressing the cog in the bottom left of Wappler:

Wappler 5.4.0 Released

Wappler 5.4.0 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.4.0 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Duplicated Security Providers, S3 and Database Connections

I’m not sure if this is a bug or something to do with my setup but I keep getting duplicated Security Providers, S3 Storage and Database Connections: What would cause these to keep getting created? …

How to check if user is logged in on mobile app project and send to login page if not?

On a mobile app project, how do I check if the user is logged in. If they are not, then direct to login page?

Database Query Builder referencing erroneous User table

Wappler Version : 5.3.3 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: node.js Database Type: postgres Hosting Type: local docker Expected behavior Query Builder should return records that exist in …

Security Identify returns false after user login

Wappler Version: 5.3.3 Operating System: Windows 11 Server Model: node.js / capacitor Database Type: postges / sqlite Hosting Type: local docker / capacitor Expected behavior When user logs in on…

Routes not working for mobile Bootstrap app

Looks like I cannot define a route for the index.html page. Is this expected? I was able to create content pages and navigate to those using links on the index.html page, but the URL shows index.html…

Redirect not found pages

Never tried this but maybe adding a new route in the routing tab set the path to * and make sure this route is at the bottom of the list:

A better way to handle user uploaded photos. With editing. How can we implement this?

Pintura / Filepond Dropzone was introduced as far back as 2018. Wappler didn’t even do node back then. And we’ve seen an increase in integrating JS libraries, so why not this one? Demos here: file…

Human Resource Calendar

I would be happy for guidance on how the calendar component in Wappler can be used to develop an input feature in which an employee can chose a start date for vacation and number of days and the calen…

Timeline like community

How can I build a timeline like the community blog?? any advice??

Nesting Form Repeats

Is it possible to nest form repeats I tried with both a converted row and the actual form repeat component and I got the same result twice: As you can see formRepeat2 is inside of formRepeat1 Bu…

Problem with path of Security Provider

When I open in Browser (localhost) I get this error: The path doesn’t show the complete path Trims the 123PHP/ for some reason.

Mobile URL background Image zoom not correct

afternoon all, I am having a weird issue with my background images and I am hoping someone out there has a solution. The issue I am having is that the background images that I am using for the hero …

Wappler February 3, 2023 MeetUp is only hours away . .

Aloha Wapplers, The Wappler February 3, 2023 MeetUp is only hours away. Join @psweb Paul Strydom as he presents a follow up video to his very popular presentation using his unique way of dealing with…

What is a sub route and how to use it properly?

I cannot find any documentation on sub routes.

How to redirect to homepage after successful login on a mobile app?

Doh! I remember now. Add a browser component and then a Dynamic Event on the form. If succesful, send to appropriate page/route.

How to display dynamic data inside a Summernote Lite Textarea

Hi, I have a Summernote field in a form in a modal. I’ve tried using the Dynamic Attribute for both Inner Text and HTML but whatever I do - no data is shown inside the Summernote. Any ideas? @Teod…

Background video

Hello - problems with background video". I have followed your online documentation, but no “Background video” in Properties.Found it in Components, and placed vid inside container sourcing it correct…

Server Connect Array Lists - how to work with multidimensional arrays?

Normally the API Action step would already parse the result when the API returned it with the correct Content Type headers. I think the following expression should work for you: {{api_companies.data…

Microsoft Graph oAuth Scope issue

I’ve configured oAuth in Wappler and on Azure for the app but when I make an oAuth call I am getting the error “he required field ‘scope’ is missing from the credential” even though I have added scope…

Dragable Sortable Solution

I’m looking for a ‘Dragable/Sortable’ solution I can use for clients to select the order in which images associated with a record are placed. I have found the following and wonder if anyone would be …

Product tour - know any?

Want to create an onboarding wizard (something like this https://productfruits.com/ ) and would love your recommendations.

No output on Array?

It looks like we can’t output server arrays directly but have to set a value to do so. Is that correct? If so, why?

Weird behavior of my textarea with Medium Editors

I checked your page but it’s actually quite a mess. I see a lot of <html> and <body> tags on it. Not sure if that is your includes wrongly setup to include full pages or anything else, but that is wr…

onSuccess of form post not running server connect action with query refresh

The caching is probably set by your web server. Do you have access to the server configuration? You could try to disable the caching using the .htaccess file. How to turn off caching using .htaccess…

Wappler won't save value

Wappler Version : 5.3.3 Operating System : Windows 10 x64 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgreSQL Hosting Type: Docker Actual behavior Right after I’m saving action and going to edit it ag…

Project Settings - Target Database Engine keeps defaulting to MySQL

Wappler Version : 5.3.1 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MSSQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior What do you think should happen? Once the Database Engine unde…

Theme manager advanced variable gives error on theme create

Well when your size sm is using the font-size-base variable, then you also need to define it (add it) in the theme manager.

Send mail not working on php 7.4 or higher

Hi. I changed the php version from 7.3 to 7.4 on the server and the contact form using ‘mailer / send mail’ stopped working. It doesn’t work with version 8.0 either. In order to use it, I had to re…

Wappler UI hangs while setting remote Docker target

Wappler v5.3.3 MacOS NodeJS Added Hetzner provider Created server Restarted Wappler, UI shows server green light Went to add new target “Staging”, Docker remote, selected the server previously set…

Upload image using GET not POST

This is a bad idea, GET has stricter size requirements as the image would have to be somehow inserted in the URL itself (usually Base64-encoded)

Send mail to multiple recipient of server connect

Hi I have a insert server connect that create a room booking and with a tagify input, the users join the booking. I need to send an email to each user. What I’ve done: But I receive 4 emails in…

Adding a browser goto route generates incorrect value (sometimes)

Wappler Version : 5.3.2 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior When adding a browser goto using a route, the correct code should be generated Ac…

Wappler restart prompt doesn't restart

Wappler Version : 5.3.2 Operating System : mac ventura Server Model: Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior Upon clicking Yes in the error dialog, Wappler should restart Actual behavio…

Server actions working on localhost with remote db, but not working on remote host with remote db

What would cause a simple query, add and delete server actions to work on local server with the same remote database, but not on the remote server. On local query, add and delete works. Remote, not… …

API Versioning

Hey @mebeingken, I’m about to setup APIs and wondering if this is still working for you or if you’ve found any major challenges with it?

Server Connect Array Remove problem

There is a limitation when using Objects inside the array. IndexOf, Contains or Remove don’t work fine with objects as value. Here an example in plain JavaScript with indexOf: const array1 = []; con…

Set background from data

You can set a Dynamic Attribute>Styling>Style for an element using Name: background-color and point the value to the data retrieved from a SC API query

Electron: Chokidar module missing

We found out that the build from electron does not sync the folders, we will have this fixed in the next update. Go to the terminal and type npx cap sync electron, then it should have the new files in…

How to create object in server action?

I need an object like this: { "email@email.com": {"ref_id":"999"} } Where the email and the ref_id values are variables. So I have successfully created this object with this set value: {{ {email…

Environment Variables (Wappler UI)

Your understanding of DB connections in context of Wappler is a bit off. Each project can have multiple targets. But, each project needs just one DB connection - in Globals section of server action/…

How to delete authentication code from database after a time period

Hi seriatim, The workflow could look something like this: Add another timestamp field to store a value for the valid time limit - this can be based on the timestamp when an email is sent. So, if yo…

Database - how to set the project settings remote database as the default to be used with the remote database

I got totally lost and confused with all this different connection settings. For me, it worked this way: Create the different environments / targets, but did not enter database details in the projec…

API Data source results clear

I have a search input field that retrieves results from an API and displays it in a list view. Is it possible to clear the results without sending an empty search string to the API again? I want the…

Urgent - infinite loop help!

Yes I contacted the host and they restart the server. The problem is solved. Thanks to all.

Showing updated mysql database tables/records

Try to use Refresh Schema on Table level. Then I go each table one by one (which I had made changes) to make sure they are “green”.

Take action when date is reached or passed

Hello, I would like to perform an action when the validity date has been reached or exceeded. How can I achieve this? Thanks a lot in advance

Where does Wappler store the changes related to the database manager?

How does it know there are 4 pending changes and where is the reference to those changes?

Io socket.io not working online in digital ocean containers

Wappler 5.3.2 Server Nodejs / Docker DB Mysql Db cluster Digital Ocean Deploy io socket not working online in digital ocean containers I have a container running locally and everything works perf…

Just curious: can a custom bootstrap theme break Wappler?

Yesterday I played around with a custom theme. I added it to Wappler according to the docs and so far, it worked. Very simple playground project: just a couple of thousand entries in SQlite DB and a p…

Target folder structure problem

I use the “projects” folder http://localhost/projects/admin/index.php for my locale version/target The main directory on the online target. Why is the locale folder structure used for the depend…

Creating a newsletter with wappler

Hi I am wondering if it is possible to create a newsletter application with Wappler? If yes, are there any tutorials to get this started? My main problem is how to send emails to multiple recipients f…

Comments about the new Array List component

Looks great. Would be useful in replacing some custom formatters we have built over the years, and also replace the RunJS steps we have been using more recently. One suggestion: Create a doc/docs exp…

Best way to implement mobile number and OTP login

I haven’t actually done this but I think it should work: Add a ‘otpPassword’ field to your users table and when creating a user, generate a UUID and store it there (ideally using Argon hashing) Have…

Session Values Deleting from Server But Not Login in NodeJS

Wappler Version : 4.4.5 Operating System : W10 Server Model: NodeJS Expected behavior When a user logs in and sets REMEMBER ME as true/1, user session should remain live in the DB. Also, re-deploy…

Security Enforcer choices not visible

When I choose the permission, the choices are not all visible

How to stop a folder uploading in NodeJS

Using Docker with a nodeJS website. I have a directory that people upload photos to (public/assets/uploads). When I upload a change to the live server, then it deletes the files on the live server a…

Array List initial value not set

The initial value should be a value of the whole array. So it should be another array not a single item. It can be also another collection like a result from Query or API Action

S3 Multi Upload Causing Performance Issue

Wappler Version : 5.3.1 Operating System : Windows 11 (MS Edge Browser) Server Model: NodeJS In the S3 multi-upload component, there is no option to set file count or size limits/validations. I ch…

How to use WHERE after SPLIT

Oh. This is on client side. What I wrote was for server side. Also, did not know where could work on a string array. You should use a repeat children, and set its expression as serverconnect1.data.o…

Customizing the on collapse nav menu

@ben @Apple General question about CSS styling of the mobile collapse nav menu. I am having difficulty placing the custom CSS style to the Nav menu that appears on mobile. I have an @ media CSS @m…

"Before and After" slider

Quick question, does Wappler have a way to create a Simple “before and after” slider? The end goal is to create a 100vh 100vw with to overlayed images for the before and after effect. I have a code …

Strange FTP issue

i have a website FTP setup and i am looking at the Target files on the FTP. However, when i connect i don’t see all of the folders? If you look at the first image, its the FTP and under the Library …

Server Connect Array Lists

5.3.3 was just released today, I just wanted to say the new Server Connect Array Lists are an amazingly powerful tool, I cant wait to use them fully. We have a fair amount of arrays and they’ve alway…

Sorting Table Tutorial

Hi, I have followed the tutorial for creating a dynamic sorting table but like others here, have been unable to get the end result to work. In Wappler preview mode I can see the sorting arrows but i…

Datastore - Upsert

You can use the fieldname in backticks as explained in:

Docker Desktop on Windows performance

Hello Wapplers, Recently I’ve finished to develop a small internal tool (NodeJS + Docker + PostgreSQL) for our company and figured out interesting fact regarding Docker Desktop performance comparing …

Wappler 5.3.3 Released

Wappler 5.3.3 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.3.3 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Delay to dmx functions

Hi All, There seems to be a delay to dmx functions, which is preventing certain behaviours/actions being implemented. For example, for conditional field (dmx-if), I am unable to chain them (i.e. have…

How to use array.where formatting properly

Please see the image below: I would like to get the Url value for a given id (id==1 in this example), however I can’t find out how to select that value. The expression in the image doesn’t work an…

Paged query with DISTINCT and ORDER BY bug

Wappler 5.3.1 PG SQL 13 Node.JS 14 for the Wappler Paged Query step, if we have DISTINCT enabled and have sortable headers we get following error when we try to sort by any field from client side a…

URL Masking/Link Cloaking in Wappler

Second that you def want to wrap your ref links into a DB. Trying to redirect to a different domain purely via a route->server connect may throw certificate errors as well (CORS violation), as the htt…

Be careful upgrading to Docker Desktop 4.15+

My Docker is no longer starting and others appear to be having the same issue as well. I would recommend delaying an upgrade until later.

Duplicate full SQLite database to remote target on initial deploy

At present i do not think it is possible to replicate data to the production server via Wappler. In order to do this you would need to export the data via a 3rd party product then import the data int…

Not connecting to Local host

I’m trying to set up a server connection for a new project but I can’t even get the preview to work properly. When I click on project settings>targets and I try testing the local host connection, it f…

Caprover Path For Shared Folder

I have a Caprover server with a Wappler app deployed to it. I’m using an SSL cert to authenticate with the database, and the path is defined in the ENV. From the Caprover docs: The directory /cap…

Input text: How do I combine multiple currency symbols using patterns

Answered my own question pattern="^[£$€]\d{1,3}(.\d{3})*(.\d+)?$" data-type=“currency”

Can't send JSON from Server Connect to external API

I got array with repeated data in Server action and I need to send it for external API . But I receive only empty array as result. Perhaps I am describing the JSON structure incorrectly, or do …

Mobile App and website project temporarily hide the website

So routes worked but Wappler seemed to revert the route to its original settings, not sure why so I have gone “Old School” for now and added a redirect to the index page of the live target - <!-- Tem…

Need help with inner Join - Get name instead of ID

Justy give one of the ID fields in the query an alias like this

Dynamically check multiple checkboxes in repeat group with query values

Need some help with dynamically checked checkboxes that are used to filter a database query. The checkbox form group list used for filtering the database is a dynamic list, which is populated by a se…

ASP.net Compilation Error - Compiler Error Message: CS0246

Hi, I have just started a new project with Wappler 5.3.2. I have created a server action and pushed this to the staging server. Whenever I call the server action, I get the following error. I have…

Editable Grid with DevExtreme Data Grid Tutorial

I’ve been looking for an editable grid solution for a while and recently came across DevExtreme. They have a whole bunch of what so far look to me like really good javascript components ( https://js.…

Assistance needed to work with Google Drive API

I’ve hit a bit of a wall with a project which requires a logged in user to upload files and they go into the site owner’s Google Drive, ideally in a folder named with the ID of the user who uploaded i…

Display global name when no name in Set Value action

OS info Operating System : Windows 10.0.19044 Wappler Version : 5.3.2 Problem description Remove the requirement to the name of the Set Value action, so it can run with global name only Also, i…

Chat GPT Api response length

Yes, had max_tokens set really low, now set to 2000 and it’s working perfectly

SSL using AWS Load Balancer

Good afternoon all, @Dave , @Apple mentioned you might have some ideas on this. I was wondering if anyone here has had experience launching their site via Docker Engine AWS, and then associating an …

How to create a new json object based on dynamic values from a DB query?

I am querying my database for an array of products, in my example the results are 2 products. It looks like this: "query_products": [ { "id": 24, "name": "Ebook", "description":…

Has anyone built an ‘ics calendar’ generator?

Has anyone built an ‘ics calendar’ generator? A client has asked for something very similar to this DPD email where an ics calendar download file is included within an email. It would seem that the fi…

User style won't save and apply

Wappler Version : 5.3.2 Operating System : Windows 10 x64 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgreSQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior Adding user style is saved and applied Actual beha…

PWA Setup?

To be precise here: a PWA is a downloadable web site which adds a bookmark icon to the users mobile, it’s not an installable app (which implies appy features like notifications, hardware access and s…

Data Store Repeat is repeating more than it should

Ok, this has to be simple… I have a datastore that has records in it that I am trying to repeat. But for each item in the datastore my repeat is repeating 6 times, instead of just once. Here is dat…

Server Connects outputting everything as text

Wappler Version : 5.3.2 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: PHP 8.1 Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Reseller Expected behavior Numbers should be output from server connects as numbers,…

Need help with error in deploy after adding node module

I am a relative newbie using node but I am trying to add a module to node with the target being the docker desktop. All is fine before adding the new module. I am adding supabase javascript library …

Escape double quotes properly to display element correctly in Design View

I am using an custom bootstrap theme in which a carousel element exists for which options can be set this way: <div class="tns-carousel-inner" data-carousel-options="{&quot;items&quot; : 1, &quot;con…

ChartsJS - Y axis as currency

Hello everyone, How to set the Y axis as currency on an Area chart? Thanks!

Display form response data

Can’t the modal access the form response directly instead of putting into a session variable?

Old project imported from github does not import properly

I have a Wappler project created in Dec 2020. When attempting to create a new project in Wappler the database initially shows, but is then replaced by the sample data tables. The original project didn…

Select already existing images on server

Have a look at In particular

Can't seem to deploy to production env...new project...What am i missing?

It seems the issue is with the Web Server URL. Replace with the actual domain name https://belindamary.com. The project will need to be redeployed for the new settings to become ef…

Is there a way to apply the db.json to a remote instance?

I ran into issues deploying to a remote instance and followed some advice on the forums to delete some migration files. Now I’m not sure that was a good idea. Is there a way to move the db.json from …

Cloud Database - Error while removing

Using the Resource Manager. I created a Cloud Server and Cloud Database. I then created a target and selected the Cloud Server and Cloud Database. Since I had Redis selected in the remote instance. …

Deploy from local docker to Digital Ocean failure

I setup all of my tables in the local docker environment and ensured to have all database changes applied before attempting to deploy to a new cloud target setup in the Resource Manager. It looks lik…

File Upload using Form Generator not working

I have used the form generator to develop a form. Every field is submitting data to the database, except the file upload, which is not uploading the selected file. The database field for the upload…

Importing SSH key from DO stuck on "working"

Wappler Version : 5.3.2 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: Node.js Database Type: Postgres Hosting Type: DO

Trigger form validation

I typically use a data store to hold the data from multi step forms and use a hidden form to post that to the server when ready. I then use a completely empty api as the form action for all the user …

Browser goto function open in new tab

Why don’t you use an <a> tag with dynamic href for this then?

$_SERVER within scheduler

Is it by design the $_SERVER vars are not available if referenced within a Scheduled action? $_ENV works, but not $_SERVER.

Odd Medium Editor Behaviour

Hi Brad, Sorry - forgot to post the answer here. The bootstrap css file is overriding some default medium editor styles. Moving the bootstrap include before the medium editor css will fix the issue…

Deploying to remote docker on Digital Ocean

Running stack as follows: NodeJS / PostgreSQL / Docker Created a new target to deploy live (production). The creation of the Droplet was successful on DigitalOcean, however when I try and change the…

Docker and digital ocean - going live

Hi Wapplers, I have followed the the instructions on how to setup a remote docker machine on digital ocean, which I have done successfully. I deployed to the live target as well. When I visit the IP …

How to add a color picker

Actually, I just figured out you can do it by changing a text input to type color.

Dynamic success event Show/hide buttons Login Logout

@Apple @karh afternoon all, I have a quick (I hope) questions regarding dynamic success events. I have two buttons Login and Logout. I would like to upon successful login have the button Login hide…

Limit number of characters

Use Truncate from Manipulation from Data Bindings on your column. Or use substring manipulation: var1.value.substr(0,3) this will limit output to 3 characters.

Open a dynamic modal with an calendar entry

Dynamic Calendar events are available at the main Calendar level. After selecting Calendar, go to Dynamic Events -> Calendar to select Date Click or Event Click dynamic events. When any of these optio…

Is it possible to use $index in value names?

Can’t you do what you want without dynamically setting the name? Because I’d consider such to be a bad practice, as you’re essentially mutating the schema of a response dynamically, as a consequence …

Cordova project Mac Ventura

I found a fix…added Ventura to the nameMap in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/macos-release/index.js I think that takes care of it.

Can't change database in remote server

I get this error - as far as I understand it is somehow related to the database. I created a MySQL database on the server and seemed to be successfully connected to it, but I can’t load the changes

CURL Certificate Error With S3 getFile

Hey, thanks @Apple! Just as you posted this, I got it uploaded to my server and it is running without errors… So the problem was with the version of curl that is supplied with my local WAMP server, …

Trigger An API Call When The Server Restarts

I needed to extend express to send an API request to an internal endpoint whenever the application starts to reattach workers to bull queues. It doesn’t depend on nodemon events etc. You can use it b…

Why Am I Getting an S3 Get File "Invalid Path" Error?

Thanks for all your help, folks! That all makes sense now with the path… luckily I don’t have any folders on the S3 side, so a / for the path seems to suffice… I have it set as below and I have mana…

Wappler 5.3.2 Released

Wappler 5.3.2 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.3.2 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Tagify remove the tooltip

When using tagify, if you hover the mouse cursor over the set tag, a tooltip pops up with the value: How to remove the tooltip so that there is nothing when you hover the mouse?

Best Practices to make Dynamic Paging and Query Manager work on NodeJS

Of course, after submitting my question for help here after a few frustrating hours, I found the solution For future reference to anyone struggling with this: Define the Query Parameters on the la…

Weird issue when publishing a project

When publishing the project on a remote server, there is a constant connection error. And the whole process is very long. At the same time, the FTP connection test passes normally. And it shows an at…

NodeJS routing end in / or not

Is there a way to ensure that my NodeJS website always redirects to either with trailing / or without So https://www.example.com/my-page AND https://www.example.com/my-page/ Are not 2 different U…

Bug Report #1674128069599

OS info Operating System : Mac OSX 22.2.0 Wappler Version : 5.3.1 Problem description Testing using local SQLite database in electron app. After adding a query Wappler wants to install some depen…

Dynamic routing of a large page

Hi! I’m thinking about relaunching our homepage (currently Wordpress) with Wappler (in Php, Mysql). The only question I have is the routing. I need this link structure: https://www.page.de/cat1/ca…

Publishing error

I keep getting this error when trying to publish my site. There was an error during publish The migration directory is corrupt, the following files are missing: 20221218163242_addingtables.js how do…

Manage Docker Machines from different PC

I have a desktop PC and a laptop, both have Win10 pro with Docker Desktop. So when I’m working on the laptop, I want to be able to upload files to the remote docker target. But wappler only finds the …

Design View id elements

Hi all, I have inherited a website where the style sheet uses id tags to style sections within the site, for example; #hero h1 { margin: 0; font-size: 56px; color: #fff; } #hero p { font-size:…

Can not get control of the Wappler Color SCHEME/Theme

Opening Wappler again on my first generation M1 Mac Desktop I can not change this (what might also be called a “skin”) light color for all windows or I am accustomed to being able to click on the up…

How to calculate the values of an array?

Check this: I want to sum the “amount” value of each item in the array. The array limit will be 5 items, however there will not always be 5 items. In that case, I need to take the full value of it. …

Conditions cannot equal True/False as strings

This is on the latest version of Wappler. The only mention I can find of something similar is here: Please help me with my Conditional Server Action If you enter a condition where you are checking fo…

Console.log output from an API form

General question regarding console.log. I am attempting to display the return information in the console. How do I apply the console.log command on a .ejs page with an api form so that I can view th…

Need help figuring out the best way to store/save this data

Wappler is maybe not the best tool to be attempting this in, but I find messing around with fun projects is the best way to learn. Sorry if this doesn’t belong in this topic due to it not being strict…

Getting API data into a Database

I am trying to get data from an API and put part of it in my Database. The API data is coming from a service running on my PC. The data shows up fine if I put the URL in a browser: I start the AP…

Filtering An Array On The Frontend WIth A Where Conditions Converts Boolean To String

Add a where condition to an array on the frontend and set the value to boolean: It will escape true as a string: Manually updating the code fixes the issue:

How to make a database entry on page load and edit it with later workflows

I am messing around trying to make a simple game and have a question about how to store the id of a database insert for later use. On page load I have a database insert to make a new entry in a table…

Capacitor errors in new project

I’ve created new Desktop project and I was following your guide step-by-step and unfortunately I get this errors in the code tab and as a result - I don’t see DB Query results in the table: Yet I …

Electron Settings missing?

I tried the Wappler Electron tutorial and it didn’t work as expected, however, I thought give it a second try, and again: After installing Capacitor, I had to restart Wappler to enable the Platform …

Issue with show/hide

Variables and ids should never start with number. Try changing that

Help with Sortable JS - Kanban

I have a 4 column grid each containing a repeat of records grouped by value (stage) The page is similar to the following https://jsbin.com/fogujiv/edit?js,output But using DIV"s rather than UL I am…

Using IN Operator Is Unsafe?

The generated sql query is: select `cpc_id`, `cpc_product_code` from `content_page_creation` where `content_page_creation`.`cpc_product_code` in (?, ?, ?, ?) The bindings (parameter values): ["PROD…

Socket Event Message Not Selectable Via Inline Flow UI

The socket message data can’t be selected in the data picker of an inline flow. It is available though, if I add it directly via code view: $event.message

Help with Data Format Keyed Array

I very well might be overthinking this, but I have a database query that outputs data like this… What I need is to output the data like this… options = { series: [ { name: "09:32:00", …

DB: client does not support authentication protocol

Ben, select the MySQL8 as database type and not MySQL/MariaDB, which essentially uses mysql2 in NodeJS

Page Query parameters

Hi everyone, Am I doing something wrong, I am trying to set a query parameter on a NodeJS content page but for some reason its not showing in the data pickers. I have defined the following page quer…

Actions Editor (Dynamic Event) breaks with certain expression

Wappler 5.3.1 The following code breaks Actions Editor (Dynamic Event): <input type="text" class="form-control" id="inp_city" name="city" aria-describedby="inp_city_help" placeholder="City" is="dmx-…

Disable Tagify Editing on Double Clicking a Tag

If you want a quick and dirty fix until this is added you can add the editTags line in the dmxTagify.js file… That will apply to all your tagify components and could get overwritten with a new vers…

Expression parser issues with string/object literals

Wappler 5.3.1 Assume all expressions were typed in the code view Issue 1: 'tmp'.length() Becomes: 'tmp'+.length() Issue 2: ''.length() Becomes: .length() Issue 3: {}.someStuff() UI tells t…

Multi Tenant Architecture - PostgreSQL Row Level Security (RLS) Questions

I’m hoping I can beg a little advice from one or more of the Wappler users here. I’m trying to create a proof of concept in Wappler of a multi tenant database system, and while I’ve got something tha…

S3 Download File - Download not working

Unfortunately the “download” attribute is only valid on A tags (links) and not buttons: with your button you are triggering form submit, but that is not a download. So maybe just make a link out o…

How to Test Value of Radio Group

Sorry, I’m on the phone haven’t checked your code well. You mention a radio group but I don’t actually see any form group in your code. Please check:

Docker credential desktop missing

Well maybe then just install docker desktop

inRange in Class Toggle?

I’m trying to use .inRange in a class toggle. This works <td dmx-text="qty_250" dmx-class:green="qty_250>200"></td> This doesn’t <td dmx-text="qty_250" dmx-class:green="qty_250.inRange(200, 300)"><…

Filemanager similar to cPanel but for Docker Volume

Thanks to @sid he showed me a way to log into my docker machine via SFTP On a mac, download the free Cyberduck from https://cyberduck.io/ Create a new bookmark Server: (Change to th…

How to instruct Node.js to handle a page intended for a different Application server

I am rebuilding a site that is being linked to from different sites. I would like to know if there is a way to instruct Node.js to handle a page request URL intended for a different Application server…

Using youtube api to show videos from channel

With DMXZone we used to have feed genie to show a list of videos etc. on an website. How can I create this with Wappler (assuming I know almost nothing)?

Image Data API Service?

Create new API action In Input -> Post add new variable call url In Execute add Get File from S3 category - use POST variable for Path variable Add Get Image size from Image Processor category. Use p…

Redis and databases: can Redis replace it?

Excited to see the new update! I’m wondering something regarding Redis… It’s new for me, but I understand that it can be used as a nosql database is this something that can replace my MySQL database? …

While overwriting in Server Action

Here’s the custom formatter function: function formatter_concatarr($arr1, $arr2){ if(!is_array($arr1)){ $arr1 = array();} if(!is_array($arr2)){ $arr2 = array();} $retval = array_merge($a…

Google OAuth & Photos Part 3 - Getting Albums and Photos

This is part 3 of how to authorize and use Google Photos. In this tutorial we’re going to get a list of user albums and the photos in them. I think the process for Oauth has changed slightly as yo…

Is ChatGPT correct here?

It’s been a while since I posted, but I wanted to check with someone at wappler to see how accurate ChatGPT is here? I asked it "how do I connect to the openAI using wappler.io" The response: To co…

Session variables to store API login key

Good afternoon all, @Teodor I have been trying for a few days now to see if I am on the right path. I have ready many community posts on sessions, session variables, how to pass variables between p…

Bug API From when applying GET and schema

Wappler Version : v5.3.1 Operating System : MacOS 12.6.1 Server Model: Docker Database Type: non Hosting Type: undefined Expected behavior The use of an API From should be able to define the AP…

ChatGPT & Github copilot - upgrade for your Wappler stack?

As probably none of you have missed, these AI tools are getting better and better. It’s making me wonder how to use them together with Wappler. As they generate code. So the only use cases I can see…

Couchdb usage & hosting

With CouchDb getting mentioned a lot recently just wondering what managed database provider people will be using to host and auto backup their couch db?

Problem "while"

Hello, I have a problem with the while function, I tell it a simple calculation, as long as the difference is greater than or equal to 0, My problem is that the program runs and nothing happens, when…

Edit GIT Comments

No you can’t change git history and comments once it is committed. It is all written as hard history. You can add new comment in the next commit.

3rd party calendar Daypilot

Can you try data.data.query?

Query results from another database

I have a table in my “employee” database that allows me to pick the “vehicles” from another database I would like to show the details of the vehicles in my table but I cannot query from 2 different d…

Websockets Rooms

Since Wappler version 3.8.2, Sockets have received advanced features. In several training articles, Teodor outlined how to use functions such as Emit / Direct Message / Broadcast / Socket Identify Ho…

Page Flow Sqlite Can't Use Identity Of Newly Inserted Item

I am using a page flow and sqlite. I want to insert a record then insert another record referencing the newly inserted item as a foreign key in another record I am adding. I would normal use something…

Can't switch from Target back to Local

I am having trouble switching back from Target to Local on the file manager in the latest version. I can switch fine from Local to Target, but when i want to go back, i click on the Target at the top…

How to update Local Storage array

If we have an array of objects in local storage and we want to change a specific field of an object at a given index how can we do this. In my case I have an array named “bookings” and in this array t…

Custom query postgresql error!

tried again with app.crosstab it worked. not sure what i was doing wrong last night.

NodeJS - Security - How to restrict certain pages, certain permissions

Hi, I’m struggling to add privilege checks for certain pages and was hoping someone might be able to point me to some documentation that describes how i should do this? I have created different serve…

Timezone clarification

@Teodor can you clarify the new timezone options for me? Using your example: Example 1 Display the stored date & time to the user in the user’s time zone. In order to display the date & time to the…

Custom Bootstrap 5 with EJS

I am trying to use a custom BS5 theme from Creative Tim: https://www.creative-tim.com/product/material-dashboard. I transformed index.html into a new layout file: Then I created a page using the l…

I can't set the value of a dateRange picker. Is that correct?

Hey All, I can;'t seem to set the value of a date range picker…i.e. on form reset change the value…or on button click change the value. In the UI it does not have that option: In the code i’ve tr…

Wappler conditional workings

I’m sure someone will give you a more elaborate response along with pointers to a tutorial, but let me help you a bit since you’ve been at this for 6 hours Conditions don’t throw errors, they retur…

How to Restrict an API to certain HTTP Methods only

How to Restrict an API to certain HTTP Methods only. Not applicable ones should return 405. Does wappler have anything which can do this without having to use a condition for each api?

Bug: can't remove offset of paged query

Wappler: 5.3.1 Can’t change the offset to 0 or null. Reproduce: Let’s say I set the offset to 5, and the limit to 10 I see this correctly in the query I change the offset to 0 I stil…

How do you attach the same multiple images to multiple emails?

** EDIT ** Everything works as it should! The file structure had been changed and the test data hadn’t been updated so all is good. Very happy with this now.

Cannot get custom server-side (not-equal-to) validation message to client-side UI

Tried all that i know to get the message to front but it is always a static output. Is it a bug? Any insight anyone? the static result on client side.

Product management tool, what do you use?

I’ve been using Coda.io for our product management. But like every tool out there, it has it’s fallacies. I’m curious if there’s something better out there for these things: Bug management (includi…

No output fields on repeat

Repeat works with Multiple Records query types. Change the query type for query_sites from Single Record to Multiple Records; this will show the fields that have been added in the query_sites as Outpu…

Image not showing in application on desktop but shows on local host

Anyone else having issues with image not showing in the design section of Wappler but when testing on local host it shows? Its weird on some pages the images show. It seems that on new pages I am cr…

Can anyone help me with formatting?

I’m trying to format the following data: [ { "id": "123456789", "label": "123456789LB" }, { "id": "123456", "label": "123456LB" }, { "id": "1234567",…

Browser dev tools warnings

Look, I’m facing some problems inside the console. This problem is that an ATENTION keeps coming out in the console as you can see below, is there any way to solve this?

I scan a Docker image build by Wappler for vulnerabilities using snyk scan and this is what I found

To my Wappler sharp shooters @George @patrick @Teodor So, recently I have been testing and using snyk to scan all Docker images I build using Wappler to see if there are vulnerability that are introd…

Can I Make dmx-on:click Open a New Page?

If you have the browser component on your page you will be able to active its GOTO event with dmx-on:click

Could we get the option to pause subscriptions?

I’m assuming the answer will be no, but hey, though I’d ask anyway. I’ll be away for just over a month soon, and so won’t be able to use my Wappler subscription for a full renewal period. In the past…

Multicheck field with dynamic data

Hello, could someone tell me how to integrate in my form a multicheck field with dynamic data 1- I have a table with a list of values, I want to create as many checkboxes as values It’s possible ? T…

Database update to nested table removes condition on save

I think its a bug, but if I am doing a database update to a main table and 2 sub tables, and I try add a condition, it adds, I close out, and when I go back in the condition is removed. I am trying t…

Login bug "Cannot read properties of null"

NodeJS Docker Haven’t touched the login flow for months, but it suddenly throws an error when using wrong credentials: {"status":"500","message":"Cannot read properties of null (reading 'startsWith…

What elements are repeatable? (BS & F7)

Is there documentation of the elements that could tell me what elements are repeatable? (e.g. BS rows, BS sections, F7 Lists?) And what is the practical difference between “Repeat Children” and “Repe…

Go through records in database based on submitted form data

I have a table containing products and I have a form which lists all those products with a number input next to each one. The visitor then enters numbers next to each one and submits the form. I want…

Pass a variable on the front end to server after form post

Hi Wapplers, I have a form that I submit which executes a database insert action however I would like to store another table ID in this table which I can access but can’t seem to send to the server. …

Scrolling issue on mobile

SPA is working fine on desktop, however for a reason I am obviously missing when the nav bar is clicked it then goes to the centre of the 100vh flex container, is there a way of making this go to the …

APP ID PROBLEM in Wappler! Is an BUG?

If all fails, place the ID in the <body> tag as in

Wappler sometimes very slow

Thanks for your response! I actually figured out what the problem was. On some of my API workflows I confirm the identity of the user as the first step, however, Output was ticked and autoload was on…

Multi language site

Hello Community, I have already created my first pages and a register form, thanks to the awesome tutorials on youtube. Without those, I wouldn’t be able to start with Wappler. I am not at the point…

How to format string in array?

Actually try: query.flatten('pixelID')

Border color bootstrap 5, SCSS, and adding colors

There is a property in Wappler theme manager advanced called “theme colours”. You can use this to add more colours. I am on mobile so don’t have the exact syntax to share. The colours added here, b…

Wappler January 6, 2023 MeetUp

Aloha Fellow Wapplers, This Friday January 6th MeetUp is an Open Discussion of “All Things Wappler” starting at 16:00 Netherlands. Find your Time Zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f…

Create my own Library(?)

Hey Guys, Although I am new to Wappler (and Web apps in general), I would like to explore things and get organized as I go forward. My question is, how do you guys organize your scripts (successful …

Accidently deleted the Assets folder from the Asset Manager, how to bring it back?

I wanted to upload an image, dropped in the wrong place (I thought) and hit “X” to delete, confirmed, and realized I deleted the Assets folder from the Asset Manager: Thought I can easy create it v…

How to not overwrite data on deploy?

Your issue appears specific to sqllite, as it is just a text file it is overwritten. Either deploy to a proper mysql table or place your sqlite file in the uploads folder as defined in your project s…

Header footer and includes

Hello Community, I am back with wappler and started building my first page with index.php / header.php + footer.php as server side includes. I am using Bootstrap 5 local and added it with all 3 pages…

Server Connect 2.8.3 Tutorial?

I would love to know more!

PHP variable inside a simple FOR

How to apply a simple PHP variable inside FOR?

How to delete Wappler community account?

I keep receiving Wappler emails despite unsubscribing. And I found no option to delete the account to stop receiving emails. How can I delete the account?

Data Transformation Add Columns - Can I Have A Complex Equation?

Add columns currently do not support referring to other columns in the same record. Just external expressions or static values. Maybe we can improve that @patrick

Problems with connecting to the online database

Has done, found the error. I also had to change the dates in Workflows/database Connection

File upload not mandatory

You can just put the upload steps in a conditional step and only run them if there are files selected.

January 2023 MeetUp Begins in at the Top of the Hour approx 30 Minutes from now . .

Our apologies, seems we have had a time zone issue. The January 2023 MeetUp Begins in at the Top of the Hour approx 30 Minutes from now . . . We look forward to seeing you soon, Thanks, Mark 1 Aloha…

Wappler Mac: how to get rid of the menu bar item? (Launcher?)

Hello all. I am trying to get rid of the Wapple Menu Icon. I thought it’s the Launcher Setting, but apperantly not: everytime I launch Wappler and quit, the menu item stays. Is there a way to get ri…

Todays Wappler MeetUp Starts in 2.5 Hours

Aloha Fellow Wapplers, Todays Wappler MeetUp Starts in 2.5 Hours and You’re Invited! January 6th MeetUp is an Open Discussion of “All Things Wappler” starting at 16:00 Netherlands. Find your Time Zo…

Wappler general questions / feaures?

Hello all. I am currently evaluating nocode/lowcode environments for prototyping and quick developments and also want to have a look into Wappler. The whole system looks massive and is tempting, how…

Inconsistencies between the 2 different database properties forms

Wappler Version : v5.3.1 Operating System : macOS Monterey Version 12.6 Server Model: nodejs Database Type: postgresql Hosting Type: Wappler Local Server Expected behavior To be able to set dynam…

Input format as currency

Hi Wapplers, I am trying to get an input field to be formatted as currency - i.e $1,000.00 I have set a dynamic attribute to the field, and set value as follows: value.toNumber().formatCurrency(’$’…

Access Array value by dynamic key?

Is it possible to access an array value by a dynamic key? For instance, if I have an array myArray with [value1, value2, value3] and I want to access value2 I can do that by myArray.items[1] but I c…

Best approach to render customized content

Hello All, Long time lurker here, that is finally deciding to take the plunge and learn how to develop web apps with wappler. I do have a question that I am hoping this wonderful community can help m…

Uncaught ReferenceError

Does anyone know where to look to fix an Uncaught ReferenceError?

Tagify not working again after their last cdn update

w 5.2.0. I believe last Tagify cdn update broke websites again. Changing Tagify version manually helps, but it overwritten by Wappler. (so I have to do it each time before deploy) So I am desper…

Export XML

I am trying to use Export XML, so far its working pretty well however for some reason its adding unwanted <![CDATA[example]]> for everything. Is there anyway to strip that out, or stop it from inserti…

Node js project public folder contents 404 error

I think this is a matter of setting the remote server to recognize the public folder as the document root folder. In Plesk, this will look like where app is the application root folder. Talk to t…

Not allowed to load local resources

Good day all. I tried to open an old file I haven’t worked on for some time. I tried to run this project which runs on a local docker container. It did render without issue about 2 months ago. I have…

Validation popup/modal or refocus on tabbed form

Hi, I have a large form split up across multiple tabs. Many of the fields are validated but when the form doesn’t submit it’s not obvious to the user which fields need completing without clicking thro…

Need help with VIES check implementation

We want to validate EU VAT numbers using the EU’s VIES API service in a checkout form. I found these two (first, second) useful guides, but don’t actually know how to implement this in Wappler so can…

Forms with auto submit are submitting on page load,and also loading the actions action like a server query

Turn off autosubmit, add a dynamic event for your input(s), select data > value changed. Submit the form there. You also want to add some debounce, so that the submit does not happen on every keystrok…

Go live version

Dear all, Thanks for your kind answers and advices. I just retried step by step and found my mistake. Docker + Nodes + Posgresql Deploying to Linode Socket Just created a new “Production” target …

Publishing didn't change the url of the js file?

I have two targets defined. Development which is http://localhost/~username/projectname Production: https://subdomain.domain.com/ However, when I published it all of the included files such as font…

Detect user's locale: country & browser language

Anyone familiar with a lightweight method that doesn’t depend on a 3rd party service to detect user locale data like user’s country (i.e. detected by system’s timezone setting) and browser language? T…

Query Builder Bug: Does not display decimals

Wappler 5.3.1 PostgreSQL 13 Node.JS 14 query builder response does not shows decimals at all, just shows 0 if there is a decimal value: this problem is with custom query, single, multiple, all …

Form reset not clearing hidden fields

Wappler 5.3.1, Mac M1 Adding a form reset works fine until i change my field from type=“text” to type=“hidden”, i have had to keep it as type=“text” and add a class=“d-none” instead which makes it wo…

Migration Directory Corrupt

This will show what is been referenced by George

Unknown Linux reference after installing update 5.3.1

Hi, I recently noticed that there is a reference to Linux running in my File Browser as shown in the image. I noticed this after installing update 5.3.1. I looked thru the apps installed on my machin…

Full Calendar moment timezone plugin

Just wondering if anyone has had any success using the moment timezone plugin with full calendar. https://fullcalendar.io/docs/moment-timezone-plugin I would like to set my calendar to a particular …

Forcing HTTPS on Heroku using NodeJS

Hi folks, I’m just checking in to see if anybody has a good solution that works well with Wappler in order to force our users to be on the HTTPS version of our site? It’s currently hosted on Heroku …

Display issues with images from Google\Cloudinary in Masonry

It seems there’s a bit of a glitch loading images from Google\Cloudinary with anything else in a masonry. This works perfectly with just the image… But if I try to add a lightbox like this… T…

Two collumn parallax scroll effect USE OF SCROLL MAGIC

Good afternoon community, @ben I have read through the parallax documentation and I am hoping someone on the community would have an understanding as to how to create a similar parallax scroll effec…

Wappler Recap 2022

Always wanted to do a recap from the perspective of how Wappler updates affect our dev shop (slashash.co) and the features we use. This is based on George’s year-in-review points. Improved UI for s…

Support for API callbacks / webhooks

Hi all, Do you know if Wappler and the final website can receive API callbacks? Thanks.

Capacitor or Cordova and databases

With the update to the latest version 5.3.1 and consequent improvements of Capacitor, I’m trying to understand how I can best use Wappler to create iOS and Android Apps I’ve set up a new Mobile App p…

Date / Data Filter help needed

Hi. I’m trying to filter data by dates dynamically. It displays how it should in preview, but when loading in browser there is an error which doesn’t allow the page to load even. In the database qu…

Opening a Modal from a dropdown link

Which proves that a link should not be used to show a modal. According to good old best practice, underline links and solid state buttons communicate two different things: a button says that you are …

Cascade on delete not working on SQLite

Wappler Version : 5.3.1 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: SQLite Hosting Type: Wappler Local Server Expected behavior Deleting an entry also deletes the entries re…

How to delete related sub tables when item is deleted?

I have not been able to make the cascade work in SQLite. What I do is to add an extra step to delete the Links that are related to the deleted Collection. As a side note: I am sure that this is not …

Form Repeat (make sure of unique inputs only)

Just want to get some ideas of what possible solutions others may have. So i have a form repeat element on my form, inside it is a select dropdown with 3 different choices. The dropdown in populated…

Send email notification to multiple recipients

Hi I am trying to send multiple emails to recipients that have selected to watch when new comments get added to specific tickets. However, the email doesn’t get sent. What I have done: insert the r…

I'm trying to apply a simple FOR/ENDFOR to a PHP page

I’m trying to apply a simple FOR/ENDFOR to a PHP page. I have to repeat a maximum of 17 times (this is the maximum number of records I have to show). So I applied a simple FOR/ENDFOR PHP. This is F…

Stripe keys with dynamic data from database?

Have a method to insert secret key and other keys stripe in dynamic method on wappler? Create client Create payment and more…?

Refresh database table in query builder does not show all fields

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ======== Wappler Version : 5.3.1 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: PHP Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Local Laragon I was editing a Database Updater API …

Dmx-text persists even if property no longer exists

Select your repeat region in app structure and pick a dynamic value for the key option.

Export CSV file filtered

Hi. I’m trying to achieve this result. I have a table of Clients which can be filtered by various parameters, for example the City of residence. I created the csv extract function of the table, tha…

Hid nav bar at certain point when scrolling down page

Quick question, I am attempting to have the header / navbar hide after a person scrolls past the hero landing image that is taking up the Viewport. To it will stay visible till they scroll down the …

Add <script>...</script> content from database on page

I have podcast player content saved in database table and would like to show them on the page (php). Is there a way to do this in the meantime dierectly with server connect and not classic php code? T…

Dmx.parse not working on var function and not run the console.log

Hi guys, i have the problem. I need insert the meta tag facebook script on my website, so, need inside with dynamic function. i used the begin script. check this: <dmx-value id="mypixels" dmx-bind…

Change application context

Hello, In production I have a nginx doing a reverse proxy for 3 applications, each application has its context (specific route), example: Nginx: endpoint.com / => /repor…

Outputting only unique values

I have some data coming from my database that looks like this id external_id price label seats product_code imported_id 244 64 1640.00 Adults 25 c1d6278fe1b014d1b1afe8ea4d6a20cb5d5549d7 - ad…

Updating Calendar events

I have a calendar linked to a SC source which displays events nicely. It is all tied to a booking system that uses a data store for a Shopping Cart. When adding the event into the cart, I want to adju…

Group a repeat

I have an employee list with a column “crew” in every line of the repeat. I would like togroup those lines by the “crew” ad show the group name at the beginning of each group. Do I have to make a nes…

Is there a Tutorial for using Resource Manager with LINODES?

Due to a currently posted query about failing to complete a Linodes database connection using the Resource Manager I can see that setting up for Linodes might have key differences from the Tutorial fo…

Arrays in back end

There’s literally just two files in the Git project. Be sure to copy from master branch. Root of your project.

SELECT component does not work properly in Wappler UI

Wappler Version : 5.0.0 B7 Operating System : Mac Os Monterey M1 Chip What actually happens? When I add constant values to the select component from the Wappler UI, it creates a new row of check…

Shortcut for Toogle Preview it doesn't work

Wappler Version : 5.0.0 B7 Operating System : Mac Os Monterey M1 Micro Shortcut for Toogle Preview it doesn’t work. Btw im using an english keyboard

Browser Component Device Width/Height Incorrect in iPad Landscape

I don’t think iOS will swap those when in landscape mode. It doesn’t care about the orientation so it returns the screen width and height always the same. What you want to use here (and better) is th…

Sum a column

Hi, I have a query that displays 249 records, with a column “qte_total”. When I apply SUM in “aggregate” on “qte_total” column and try to display it, it only displays the quantity of the first rec…

Prod cannot connect to wasabi

Can someone help me with this issue? I am using Wasabi storage for my images. Everything was working fine until last week. It seems my production environment can no longer connect to Wasabi but my de…

How to Export Filtered table data

Currently my data export properly in CSV format. But Now I want to export with filter data too. I am using two filter. 1st filter is through date and 2nd one is through search field. I attached scre…

Star Rating in Repeat using Rateit.js

I’ve implemented a nice little star rating system in a repeat using Rateit.js so thought I would share. Step 1 - download the zip file from https://github.com/gjunge/rateit.js to your project folder…

Images with metatag and orientation

In the Back End of a site I have a procedure for inserting / updating records with a file field for inserting or updating an image in horizontal format. In the case of a vertical development image, t…

Docker build ERROR

My provider has made a data transfer to new servers. In the settings, I changed the ip addresses to new ones and can connect. I also successfully manage docker containers through the Wappler interface…

NodeJS Error: .returning() is not supported by mysql and will not have any effect

This should be now solved with the latest Knex update that we have incorporated few Wappler updates ago.

Remote docker server error

Hello, I have came across docker deployment issue on a remote server. I’ve tried using Hetzner and everything is working fine, however, once tried set up with the Ionos, I have successfully connected …

Custom Query - Frontend (bug?)

Hello everyone, Why my custom queries are not showing as an array inside of a AppFlow in the front end? It’s showing as “string”! Only the first one is correct! I’m using the last Wappler versi…

Modal is not closing!

I have a layout. It has two pages. I can redirect into both pages internally. Now, In one page I am opening a modal. It works fine. But when I redirect back to my previous page, using the back contro…

Modal Display Hide, but backdrop is active

Hello, I am trying to hide my modal and only display it when the person is not connected, however the black background remains displayed despite I hide the modal, how do I do this?

How to use a repeat inside a flow with data store?

I have a simple flow that I want to repeat through the records that are stored in a data store. If I set the repeat to the data store it isn’t populating the output fields. I must be doing something…

What is the group step in a server action?

Hi, I could not find info about this step. Does anyone know when and how to use it? Same for the “parallel” step to its left. I imagine that when these steps were added, they were mentioned in …

How to make database transaction atomic?

Hi. The nature of individual query is dependent on the DB to ensure atomicity. But if you are talking about atomicity on server action level, where all insert/update/delete steps are atomic, Wappler …

Create a screen locker for cordova/bootstrap5 mobile app

Hi i would like to create a sort of “locked screen” in my app. I created a bootstrap modal full page, no close on click with a form to provide password to unlock. This works well but when I click o…

Charts printing in Responsive

I have a weird issue and trying to see if any of you have encountered this and know a good solution. When I set the charts to responsive and set the width and height to a specific size, they view grea…

Project framework component updater bugs

The component updater is still a bit buggy. For example, I just resumed working on my windows machine after 1-2 months. It told me there are 6 updates However when checking the differences, most o…

`min items` server side validation error

I couldn’t detect anything wrong with the minitems validation in nodejs. How are the checkboxes named, make sure that the name ends with [] so that it is being seen as an array (multiple values).

OnSucess Event Does Not Guarantee Data In Expressions

Tried to replicate multiple times now, but unable to do so. On both new project and the existing one, it is now working as it always does. Not sure why it kept failing yesterday. I have a new issue …

EJS help - my variable became an object?

Fixed: It works by making the expression: if ((locals.$_ENV.NODE_ENV)==='production') Would love for someone to explain why it works like this though? Luckily, I found other code where I used an e…

Tagify Remove

Ok i see what you mean, seems in the flows the $event data is not available in the data picker. You can still access it like: $event.value in the data picker (code view): We will fix this in the u…

Docker extremely slow on windows, super fast on linux. How to fix on windows?

On windows 11, when my server reboots (when saving a file) it takes ca. 8 seconds. On linux (fedora) it takes less than 0.5 seconds. This is both on the same PC (dualboot). On my laptop, which has …

AWS S3 Not Working on New DigitalOcean Server ('During inheritance of Countable' Error)

Hi there… I think this is one for @patrick… I’m just moving my app to DigitalOcean, and my AWS S3 File uploader has stopped working. I’m using PHP 8.1 on the server, and Wappler 3.9.7. I’m wonderi…

File Not Found Node JS Docker on Mac and Ubuntu

Hi all, I am having a bizarre trouble. I had a project in Node JS using Docker. It has a handful of pages. I add another page and when testing on Docker, it gets 404 file not found. { “status”:…

Problem showing mysql data on remote site

Hello everybody. 1 - I zipped the website files and uploaded them manually through my hosting cPanel. I unzipped the files and went to browse the site and I came across a problem: all the contents t…

Third party API for user creation, authentication, and login?

Good afternoon all, I have combed through the provided wappler API documentation. I was hoping that there might be a better guide as to how to use the API tools to connect, authenticate, and login a…

Integration of internal API for user verification and Validation

Hello all, I am a little stuck, and I am sorry but I cant seem to get anyone to respond as I am sure everyone is distracted by the holidays. I read through a Facebook auth tutorial and I see there ar…

dmxAppConnect files not found on Docker

Hello, I have had an issue for a year now that I have been punting on. But now I need to use the dmxAppConnect components but the browser is showing 404 Not Found. I have confirmed the files are …

Insert from Summernote in two tables

There is a strip tags formatter available, so just apply it to the $_POST variable in the insert action. <h1>title</h1> <p>text here</p> will be stored as title text here

Stripe: no data bind on 'update product' for 'tax code' key

There’s no data picker here in the ‘updateProduct’ step: It does exist for the createProduct step: Hence flagging this as a bug.

Data iterator swipe gesture

Hi it is possible to use swipe gesture to loop throught data iterator in cordova/bootstrap mobile project ? If yes, how ? Thanks.

Set Value step requires a value

That’s for App Connect only, not for Server Connect set value action. And it’s for cases when you want to set an input value to empty.

Current page URL for query

You can use the browser component on the page and get the full page url by selecting: It will return a value like: https://your-site.com/page.html

Uncommitted files after merging git branch to master

Wappler Version : 4.5.2 Operating System : mac intel Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior After merging a git branch to master, there should not be any uncommitted fi…

parseJSON formatter error

parseJSON: function(string) { return JSON.parse(string); } If string is not set(happens when waiting for AC to evaluate expressions) it will throw an error. string needs to be che…

Conditionnal zone, after connect

Hello, I want to display the name of the person who has connected instead of logging in, for that I was thinking of putting a condition, but I don’t know what condition to put to check that the person…

Is it possible to connect without putting a restriction on the page?

Is it possible to connect without putting a restriction on the page?

Load images in different sizes for desktop and mobile

Is there a way to load the images depending on the device? I would like to optimize my loading times for viewing on smartphones. I have already read this article. But it is from 2018, maybe there is…

Updating tags for Item - How to do?

Hello everybody. I m starting to use tags. While assigning tags at beginning is OK, I got some problems to updated tags in case the user wants to modify the tags on the selected item. I followed the…

The editor is flickering

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ======== Wappler Version : v5.3.1 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MariaDb Hosting Type: Local Expected behavior What do you think should…

Help with login action or Library item

I need some help. I am having an issue with my Node site. With this new project, I used a library item ( i think) to grab user details after logging in. This morning everything worked great, then I …

Using a json data source for server action, how?

I have some JSON data that I will sometimes add things to. To keep things organised, I think it would be nice to have this in an external file. So this is the data for example Can I just make a myd…

Default calendar to All Day

My dynamic data is all showing up one day short (on multi day events). I suspect it’s because there is nothing indicating it’s all day?? How do I default the data source to All Day on every event?

API Project CORS - for Mobile App - help!

Here’s what works for me on iOS and Android. Yes, use credentials on all server connects. In config.xml under the platform android section add the following ( I’m pretty sure this defaults to false …

Publish Manager stuck in git authentication

FTP … But I think I just solved it. Seems the Git Manager was not authenticating. I closed Wappler, logged into GitHub Remote in the Git Manager and now it seems to be working. @Teodor, you can clos…

Turn off Geo tag dynamically?

What would be the most elegant way to dynamically turn the Geo tag on/off: <dmx-geolocation> ? There is no option in the module dynamic attribute settings. Or are there ways to turn off any HTML ele…

Shadow on header

Just add the Bootstrap .shadow class to your header like: <header class="ps-gradient shadow"> and make sure to add a relative position to it either using the Bootstrap .position-relative class: <he…

Zero value being stored as null

I have insert & update queries for a bunch of yes/no select fields with standard values 1 for yes and 0 for no. Yes is correctly storing the value as 1 but when I select No the 0 is not stored, inste…

Required Validation on API with JSON number Inputs

The required validation for number inputs in JSON format fails required validators as it expects form data, other validations however work fine. Is there any way to make the required validator supp…

Suggestions on how to create this layout

@ben thank you very much for you help on the last thread. I am sorry but I have one more layout question for you (for now that is)… lol. I am trying to create this layout. I have attempted to do th…

Advice about using a spinner on only one record

I have a table generator element on my page, it list 10 records, each table row has an onclick on it, and the onclick loads another server action. i would like to display a progress spinner in front …

HTML, CSS file that is associated with a .js file issues

I am sure there is a very, very simple solution for this. I have an DIV accordion that has an associated .css and .js file needed. How do I attached the .js file the associated div?

2 different 'time' query results between staging and production?

Ok…turns out that somehow my product environment was on UTC time for the new Timezone Handling feature of the DB connections and all my dev and staging environments are on Driver Dependant as they sho…

Allowing users to use custom domains

Your question is too vague You’ll need to tell your users to create a CNAME record pointing to your domain On Wappler’s side you can grab the domain name being accessed through a $_SERVER variable: …

How to export data table

I have a datatable and the data is getting from mysql. I tried to export data from table in CSV format but it is not working properly. I couldn’t find any proper export docs in Wappler channel. I hav…

Received this error message when saving

Something weird happens when I save a file. The file says it saves successfully but then an error appears that states the following; a red box appears and states write file failed: Cannot read prop…

Wappler Tutorials

Can I check on the situation regarding these tutorials here - Thx M

Congratulations to our Wappler Ambassador Award Nominees!

Now that the nominees got their secret surprise, we can make all this public! We would like to specially thank the 16 nominees for the Wappler Ambassador Award: @ben, @brad, @Hyperbytes, @JonL, @nic…

Where to place main element

As you have it in the example is correct. Keep in mind that main is purely a semantic element like header and footer and has no further purpose. Despite that, it can be styled and manipulated like any…

It is not embedding the image in the body of the email

I disabled the embede option and it worked Remembering that I’m using Nodejs and Docker

Non Bootstrap Designs?

Hi My subscription expired many moons ago because i simply could not get on with the limitations with the fairly antiquated bootstrap. I use primarily CSS Grid for the basis of all my design work an…

Group Action "ReferenceError: exec is not defined"

@patrick maybe there’s another place we missed? @Digo are you sure your Wappler files are updated? Close and re-open Wappler

Coming soon launch of a gamified application of NFT on blockchain

I’ve been working on a blockchain application, but not entirely blockchain, the back end of it is done in node.js. Soon you will be launching. Here are the prints of the farm mode screens of the land…

Submit array of dynamic checkboxes to my SC API script

{{ $_POST["checkboxes_" + $index] }} Untested

Mobile API calls

I would like to know how to make API calls in subpages for mobile I’ve tried several ways but I don’t know where I’m going wrong

Data Store methods don't show parameters in UI

None of them. Edit: Not really a bug as I forgot to add the schema. If no schema present it would be helpful to add some text in the properties that indicates this.

Rest API - JSON and Form

Hi Wapplers, I am calling a REST API successfully (an API that merges word doc templates into PDF). I am executing this function from a form on the client side, so I need the Data Type to be Form. I…

Multi Line Comments

Hi Wappler Phreaks! Just a quick note to voice my utter pleasure at the ‘new’ multi-line comments feature. I just used it today and am entirely impressed by it - it’s such a simple thing but it’s a s…

Database Changes History

I made a mistake and delete all my changes history, I am ready to publish my changes to staging. This is a new staging. I was wondering if there’s a way to to create new migration (init) (changes his…

Scrypt algorithm not supported

Hello, The situation very strange for me. On localhost Node.js project is running well but on the host I am receiving error while trying to login: “ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_NOT_SUPPORTED” with messa…

Git or sftp?

I’m to a point I’d like to publish my project to our server. I didn’t start the project with git but it’s setup now. However, looking at the docs, it appears wappler is hard coded to use commercial gi…

CheckBoxes stay checked/unchecked in paginated table on severconnect load

When choosing the key, use the lightning bolt to select the binding rather than just typing the name in

Can't edit multireference tables

If I double click on a cell I get this error: Also add new button dosn’t work.

How to validate data in server action

I’m trying to validate an entry on a server action. The post value of Level is 4 but it does not fail validation (server actions after that still run) What am I doing wrong?

Wappler 5.3.1 Released

Wappler 5.3.1 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.3.1 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Stacking containers with margin hidden issues

I really hope I am not asking too many questions… LOL… here is my next annoying issues (which I am sure is due to my lack of CSS understanding). I have 4 containers with cards. Each card has a rev…

Technical question on updating data via sockets in Wappler

Notice: I am giving a deliberately unrealistic scenario in order to better understand the technical part of the question I am interested in. Conditions: There are two app. They are the same except fo…

datetime.secondsUntil Technical/Performance Question

I’ve built what’s basically a customized a chess clock using Wappler and some custom JavaScript. I have run into browser throttling/performance issues when tabs are not visible and especially on mobil…

Access Sorted Index in FormRepeat

Hello, I need the index of the form-repeat items after reordering them via the “sortable” option by drag and drop. As you can see below, I display the $index of the item as a Heading using a Dynamic …

Server side weird sum result

This is baffling me: I’m adding up price_excluding and tax_amount and this is the total I get Calculation: Why on earth is it adding 000000000001?

Server side formatting as number not working as expected

I’m doing some simple calculations using numbers, but my numbers keep getting formatted as strings. For example: I’m sending a number using $_GET to my server action. ?checkout_id=69&unit_amount=1…

Gridstackjs - any feedback

Hi, I’m looking at implementing the gridstackjs framework in my Wappler project to offer customizable UI - anyone used it, have experience or feedback ? https://gridstackjs.com/ Thanks.

Local storage breaking non-related api?

Hello, I’ve never played with local storage before, my goal is to cache a specific API/serverconnect call. I’ve created a local storage and applied it to the concerned serverconnect: When I load …

Need help getting App Connect Expressions to work with Tippy

I’m using Tippy to make some HTML tooltips, since the bootstrap ones don’t support exactly what I need when it comes to HTML support. I’ve got Tippy working, though app connect expressions don’t work…

SSH Tunnel in Server Connect DB is Ignoring the Tunnel Connection

I’ve added an ssh tunnel DB connection as a direct connection, and it works fine. Adding the exact same connection and matching all the settings in server connect doesn’t work since it ignores …

Bootstrap 5 form generator: Sortable headers generation is broken

That is perfectly fine for the table cell values. It’s not fine for the sortable headers So that is why i suggest you to generate the table first, using the standard values, then edit it by hand aft…

Bootstrap 5 form generator: Class table-dark not preserved on re-generation

Wappler 5.3.0 Bootstrap 5 form generator: Class table-dark if present is not preserved on re-generation

Issue in resetting form values

Hello, I have a problem with a form created by Bootstrap 5 Generator and after using the form for inserting a new Database record though API Action, the record is inserted successfully but the form v…

Dropdown Toggle Button + Dynamic Attribute (Class Toggle)

I’ve created new page and added container and dropdown. Wanted to check if class toggle works but Data Bindings windows is empty. When I added a regular button it shows on the data bindings list but…

Between two dates no longer works

Expressions like these are not supported in the query builder. You can enter specific values and test.

Padding and margin

This is a very general question… I seem to have disable the padding and margin identifiers when I hover over an element. Where is that toggle located in the system? when I mouse over an element I j…

Lazy load/preloader on data

You can use some placeholders as described here:

How to use Charts

Hi everybody, Is there tutorials / Docs about charts? I need to create several charts with my app data and don’t know how/where to start. Many thanks

How Do I Get Width and Height of Images Uploaded to AWS S3?

I’m uploading images to the AWS S3 file store using the Wappler “Sign Upload Url” server action. In this process, i want to store the image width and height as I need it to specify in the OpenGraph m…

How use sortable table with API data source?

I am getting data via API and displaying in a table via Data View. Can I make columns sortable? In my case, there is no server component, as in the example in the documentation. I use Bootstrap5 gener…

Startup - Need a wappler Dev

Hello Community, I am new to Wappler and I liked the overall framework. I would like to build my webapp / mobile app using wappler. I need help to find a wappler freelancer who can help me build my …

Count of records in nested query

Hi, I have a nested query as below; On the page I show the repeat of the categories and then the machine contained within each category. I have then highlighted all those records whose archived f…

Table sorting bug?

Followed the tutorial for table sorting. Ran Bootstrap 5 generator and selected the query manager i created for sort and direction. however, clicking the column headers or the little arrows changed …

Execute with conditionals

Trying to figure out what is best practice in wappler. I currently have 5 server side actions and each of these has a corresponding server connect. Pulls all open tickets. Pulls all overdue tickets…

Not sure what I'm doing wrong with parameters in URL rewrite

You should not use the query manager here. It is only needed when you want to change the param value, not when you just want to read or use it on the page. All you need (after removing the query mana…

Sockets Stop When Navigating to a Page Using Browser Back Button

Hi. We have a page (A) which has socket element in NodeJS SPA. If I click on some link on page (B) to go to A, the socket connection is established and everything works well. Now, if I navigate to …

Assign a custom CSS file to a single container on a main HTML page?

Element styles will take precedence over class styles so you can apply a style to the exception elements. But also consider that the ! Important attribute has priority, so you may need to add that to …

Wappler 5.x.x win10 tray icon black color

This depends on your OS theme selection. What theme have you set in windows?

Minor: Action Editor not interpreting conditional regions inside animated regions when qualifying elements

Wappler Version : 5.2.3 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: Nodejs Database Type: Custom Postgres Hosting Type: (Local) Expected behavior Wappler correctly qualifies elements inside neste…

Specific item in a collection

I am trying to use an api to split the url and lookup some data. To lookup what I need I need to get a specific number item returned. I get this data back and want to grab the second and third item…

Database data, local & remote target

If you have different and local and remote databases, you can indeed easy synchronize their schema by just switching to remote target and apply the schema changes. Or you can use the new publishing ma…

Validation not working on read only fields?

I don’t think it’s a bug. I think that is just the way it is. This link may provide you with a work around.

S3 Upload AC component UI bug

Hi @george, I’ve been working today with the S3upload control and I was missing some exposed data in the UI. The last 4 objects where not available in the UI which seems weird as it’s basic for th…

Cancel all pending queries?

I have a page that runs through a query that displays quite a bit of results. The issue i have is that i cannot do any work on the page until all queries have completed. Is there a way to have a que…

Responsive hero image bleeds to the right of the VP

I am sure this is a very easy fix and its because I am a newbie to Wappler but I am having an issue with responsive associated with am full view port image. I have a feeling it is due to the use of t…

Connecting to socket server from an external app

Hi! I’m creating a mobile app with React Native. The last piece that’s missing for me is connecting to socket events from my Wappler web app. Is it possible to connect the react native app to the soc…

Is there a way to stop certain files uploading on NodeJS with docker

Hmmm, I’m not sure about Docker as I don’t use it but in your Wappler Settings there is an ‘Exclude’ option.

Justify end / justify content end

What I am sure is a simple issue, I have created a row with 4 columns, in each column rests a flex container. In that container are three items and a background image. The issue I am having is that…

Reverse Proxy

Hello everyone We are trying to run on same droplet (DO) our application in node.js and a public website in Wordpress. We are looking to have domain.com running the Wordpress website and domain.com/…

Unable to Identify Git Conflict When Pulling From Remote

Wappler Version : 5.2.2 Operating System : W10 Server Model: NodeJS I have a bunch of files which are uncommitted, and I am trying to pull from remote. When getting an error like this, there pat…

Love You All!

Hey Wappler Gang… Am just feeling so much love for you all right now… I’ve not posted on here for ages as I’ve been on a marketing mission, and I then came back with two important posts this week and…

Help with calling JS variable

I am trying to generate a random number using math.random for use in my app and I have it generated in JS but can’t seem to transfer it over to be used in App Connect. If anyone could take a look and…

Query results no output fieldname

I created a single query (screenshot below) and did a basic select by user_id with test value to see the results… but results only giving me user_id field, not the selected field… even if i add and re…

How to send a query parameter to a (server side data) server action and use the output through EJS

It took some time to understand server side data, I figured I’d share my documentation to help others In this example I’m loading the server action on a content page. I want 2 things: to have the …

Creating a table with dates and time slot for the next 5 years

Not really Wappler related, but I know there are some smart people in here. Using MariaBD I need to create the following: Slots on Thursday - Saturday between 10am & 4:30pm with half hour intervals …

Best Practice Multi Backend (Portal)

You could create a layout page for each portal and then add a security restrict server connect flow under the app settings to restrict access based on your roles.

Server Connect component - noload dynamic attribute - how to use

If the expression is true it won’t run the SC. So if you are waiting for parameters to be available just add a ! in front of them.

Comments being cut/overlapped on the right side

W 5.3.0 NodeJS Win 10 Love the new comments, but there is still an issue. A long comment doesn’t show fully — it is a little overlap on the right side. And a horizontal scroll appears. Increasing…

Layout/Partial alternative for a static site?

Create a web component as in Create a JS file in a JS folder or similar and enter the following code: class Navbar extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super() this.innerHTM…

Incorrect syntax near .. error

Good day all. I tried to open an old file I haven’t worked on for some time. I tried to run this project which runs on a local docker container. It did render without issue about 2 months ago. I have…

Increment a value while repeating

This topic may give you a idea of the variable setup (There’s more I can try find again if you need):

Heading/Text Positioning

Again, newbie here… Trying to position an H1 on page. How do I position it where I need it?

Conditions on Databases

Since the latest update, the conditions for my database queries are not working. Is there a new way to do conditions? If I have no conditions I get results. If I have conditions I have to specify the …

I dont see Database Action in -> Page Flow

From the release notes: Note the Capacitor SQLite Connector is a beta extension now to let your try to new functionality first. So make sure you have chosen to run experimental options and have ena…

Move items around on page

I inserted an image in the header portion of the body of the page but it is not at the top of the page where I want it. I cannot figure out how to move it up there. It appears that I cannot just dra…

Server Action does not show operator properly

Wappler Version : 5.2.5 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Local Expected behavior What do you think should happen? The “plus” operator shoul…

Wappler 5.3.0 Released

Wappler 5.3.0 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.3.0 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Transactions or stored procedures or custom SQL

Hi, My use case is as follows: I want to update a main table and multiple linked sub tables (which may have multiple inserts each) in MySQL. The way I would logically think to do this is to write a …

Display Server Connect Validation Error message anywhere

Is there a way to show my server connect validation error anywhere on page If I do not want to assign my server connect validation error to a field in server connect? For instance show at the bottom o…

Big number becomes string, intended?

Just testing out if this bug has been fixed: API action, changes not saved And I noticed the big number becomes a string. Is that the intended fix for this bug? This is a bit deceiving as I wouldn’t …

Animated Down Chevron

Anybody know the best way to add an animated down Chevron to my full screen background image or even better, an overlay?

Subtable query under the hood

I am working on optimizing the backend of my project and exploring the optimization of database queries. In the course of numerous tests and comparisons, it turned out that the most productive solutio…

dmxConnectLib\/dmxConnect.php","line":125,"message":"Option \"value\" is required!","trace":"#0

Your Set Value steps HeureDebut and HeireFin have no value at the start. A set value needs a value even if it’s 0 or null

Loading TradingView Chart Widget with Dynamic Data (Dmx.parse)

Hi. Wrap your widget initialization code in a function. Then, in success of server action which gets the data, call this function. I am assuming here the data is in server connect. If the data is s…

Multi insert troubles

Thanks @Apple. I realised the front end is the problem and I am reverse engineering the generate form with multi inserts so I can incorporate a not so basic query as values for the fields. Slowly bu…

Set Value - Server Connect

I would create another variable (Set Value var_last_date2 for example) and maybe use a condition to update that variable with the value from var_last_date whenever you need to.

API parameter case correction bug

Wappler Version : 5.2.6 Operating System : Mac Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: Firebase Hosting Type: Expected behavior I am using the API Data Source on a page to connect to firebase realti…

Nodejs: Identity returned by Insert is 0

Wappler Version : 5.2.2 Server Model: node js Database Type: mariadb There is a table with a uuid: There is an action of inserting a new record: But after insertion, instead of the correct u…

How to make a <script> with dynamic "src" parameter?

If the dynamic data is coming from the database and therefore from Server Connect you can always use EJS templating to SSR the script src attribute.

Responsive table with paging not working

Followed the doc for paging. I can see in the dev tools it pulls the data it should. But this is what gets displayed: The page count is correct too. What am I missing?

UPS shipping API

Anyone out there in wappler land have any experience integrating wappler with the UPS shipping API? Just curious. I’m about to dig in…

API action: Server returned code: 406

Hi, I’m seeing this when attempting to define the schema an API call. The call works perfectly in Insomnia/Postman. The returned content-type is application/json; charset=utf-8 Is this the problem…

How to get the current container number using ENV?

I just realized that if I use multiple replicas in a project, then when using Schedule actions, they will be triggered multiple times, according to the number of the containers. I assume it can be ha…

Where is Wappler root on a Mac?

Probably a stupid question but where is Wappler root directory on a Mac so I can put a custom extension in there?

Download files with urls

Correctly is <!doctype html> <html> <head> <base href="/"> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php //The URL of the file that you want to download. $url = $_GET['ur…

Create time slots

Hello, I am looking to create time slots in advance for my customers thanks to a start date and time and an end date and time, as well as with a variable that will increase by 1 hour each time a slot …

When two toasts modules on the page, only settings of the one is working

W 5.2.6 NodeJS Win 10 I have had one toast module on the page. It showed messages in the right top corner of the page. Then I added the second toast module, with different settings, for showing me…

Animation when reloading the dataset

Is there a way to activate the animations when only the data set is loaded? Many thanks for your help

JSON & JS Form builder with Wappler

Hi…just wondered if anyone had any insight/experience of using JSON form generators with Wappler? So for my app to contain a form builder for people to build custom forms. I have a functional offerin…

How to Add array in the input field

I have an array that displays only the first item. I tried to display the rest - it is not working. Is there any recommendations? Thank you

Building a 'page builder'

One of your must’ve found a great solution for this… We have several features where we allow the user to build pages. Take this for example: (never mind the Dutch) There’s a title, a subtitle, a…

Tutorial requested: Implement Push Notifications

Hey there! Has anyone already tried to implement Push Notifications in their app using OneSignal or Pusher or another service? I would love to see how you’ve done it with a course or tutorial or a …

Can't install node module "ENOTEMPTY"

I’m trying to upgrade Cypress, however it throws an error: I’m guessing I’ve corrupted something, I ran this command before but my entire wappler just froze. So I force quit and after trying again …

Fedora 36 can't update wappler

Yes the current inline update isn’t working well on Fedora because the software installed doesn’t see it as update. We are still looking for better ways to implement it. For now you can use:

Help needed with Send Mail

The To Email value in the send mail should just be $value This will be each address as it repeats

Converting date issues?

dateVar.datetime.addDays('-7') should be dateVar.datetime.addDays(-7) - there should be no quotes around the value.

Roadmap for automation tests (Cypress)

Hi @George, I’ve got to a point where I need to start offloading manual test so I’ve started learning and configuring cypress. I am at the point of modifying .wappler/targets/Docker Local/docker-com…

Warehouse inventory barcode scanner

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone has a best practice when working with barcode scanners in a POS, ERP, warehouse inventory scenarios in Wappler either in .NET or NodeJS. I am currently deba…

PHP routing not working

I have a header as php include and routing assigned to each nav-link but its not working. i get 404 error. what could be wrong? i could not debug on this.

Wappler MeetUp Friday, December 2, 2022

Aloha Fellow Wapplers, Today’s MeetUp is an Open Discussion of “All Things Wappler” starting at 16:00 Netherlands. Find your Time Zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg…

Not able to view SC debug logs if debug flag is evaluated from expression in config.js

@patrick can you move this block from config.js if (config.debug) { require('debug').enable(typeof config.debug == 'string' ? config.debug : 'server-connect:*'); } after the expressions are pars…

Mailer Issue on SMTP

Your SMTP server just doesn’t allow using an email different than the SMTP account in the sender field. Try using the same mail there instead: and leave the reply to as it is now.

How to add an icon to a browser tab

I can see the icon visiting your site: But also you don’t need the full url to the image like: <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="https://www.PriorAuthorization.us/assets/images/icon.png" siz…

Form with repeat elements on readonly="true" for some of the repeated checkboxes

Is it possible to have a dmx-bind for disabled=“true” I repeat through form checkboxes fields and want to only readonly on some of the repeated checkboxes

Hide Content in the email

I am trying to hide an element in the email template if it’s not exist. I have an image and description of the post. Users send a post without image/with image. Is there anyway to create a condition …

Wappler 5.2.6 Released

Wappler 5.2.6 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.2.6 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Wappler 5 Docs

Hi, Could you please provide new wappler documentation link here?

Filter repeat in masonry

so what I want to be able to filter the list by either the first name (member_name) or surname (member_surname) Cheers @Patrick that worked like a charm

Tagify mix into a database

I cannot into the full character into a database; I used in the input field: mode: mix pattern: @ Min character: 2 Delimiters: none I was wondering if how to enter the input tagify for mix mode …

Autocomplete dynamic attribute not working

I have an autocomplete: <input data-form-type="other" id="autocomplete_product" class="form-control form-control-solid" name="product_id" is="dmx-autocomplete" dmx-bind:data="products_g…

Bar Charts Format Number Y Label & Tooltip

OS info Operating System : Mac OSX 21.6.0 Wappler Version : 5.2.5 Problem description Formatting value for Y label & tooltip but turns to be an error. Steps to reproduce <dmx-chart id="chartRev…

Adding images and videos to table cells

Hello Team, I have so far followed the following article. I have populated the table just fine. I now need to begin adding data to it. The goal is to have a user be able to come and update the t…

Autocomplete component: setting the value with a dynamic event issue

I’m trying to achieve this: User clicks on ‘edit’ button Modal loads, autocomplete value is set by the edit button (example, id: 94) Autocomplete triggers a server connect (dynamic event: ‘value upd…

How to manually setup TLS and docker on server

So it turns out there I was bringing over the wrong certs and a daeom file needed to be created. Got it all working now.

Server Connect Form Generator doesn't preserve Dynamic Events

Wappler 5.2.5 Server Connect Form Generator doesn’t preserve Dynamic Events if re-generating a form with already specified Dynamic Events, such as dmx-on:success

Bug: Redis is on - yet packages being removed from package.json

Wappler 5.2.5 Fedora 36 (linux) NodeJS Redis is on in the project settings, but sometimes Wappler removes the redis packages from the package.json. This recently happened when: After updating to …

How to add an Aileron-Regular.otf Font to Wappler

Hey Bruce, I’m not sure what you need a command line for - but I hope this is helpful: https://helpx.adobe.com/fonts/using/add-fonts-website.html At some point they give you embed code that you can …

Parser.js:798 Formatter set in expression error

Hello community, I am trying to make a table sortable. I have numerous tables able to sort on other pages. However, in this one page, I am getting an error in the browser when trying to sort. pars…

Previous Releases in Wappler Account5

Just realized, that there is now a DOWNLOAD option in the new Wappler Account5 portal. But the previous releases does not seem to have all the versions. A misconfiguration or just want to provide la…

"No public user key found" when Attempting to Import Server from DigitalOcean

I receive the message “No public user key found: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub” when attempting to import an existing server to Resource Manager from digital ocean I know this is not directly Wappler related, b…

Setting value in session variable so it can be used in other API scripts

Thank you all for your replies. They all confirm what I already knew but, sadly, didn’t explain why it wasn’t working for me! I tried using the Session Storage Manager just to satisfy my conviction t…

SSH Key Format For DB SSH Tunnel Connections

Which ssh key formats are supported by Wappler to connect to a DB via ssh tunnel? I’ve tried ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa and ssh-keygen -t ed25519 but Wappler can’t parse any of the keys:

Staying logged in, multiple domains

I want to remain logged in when going to a different subdomain. This used to work by adding .domain1.app in my site security cookie options. Then if I am on sub.domain1.app and switch to different.d…

Table not show values

Hello to all, I made a table using the generator but is not showing any data. I can’t find the error. I made this procedure many times. I did create few others in order to check if is an insolate pro…

Does anyone know how you specify the chart X axis interval scale?

Hi I am trying to work out how to change the chart scale on horizontal charts. Is there a way to specify the scale interval on the axis? Even if I have to add the option manually into the dmx chart…

ERP or Line of Business Applications

Hi ! I am planning to use Wappler for my web development projects for Line of Business Applications like ERP, Human Resource management and the like. Is Wappler capable of creating these applications?…

Data format

Hello, I am trying to replace any number that reaches 1000 by 1k, and 1 000 000 by 1M and so on. For example, If I have 1500. I would like it to be 1.5k . If I have 1500 000 I would like it to be 1.5…

Somebody who know what this is "dmxorgdomid="d106692">"

Somebody who know what this is “dmxorgdomid=“d106692”>” this was suddenly in my code. Uses the last versian of wappler. v5.2.5 Don’t know when they got there and it seems like they don’t make problem…

Android back button close mobile app

Hi I have a Framework7 project with capacitor. When I run the app on my phone, when I click the back button of my phone, the app close instead of going to previous screen. Why? Thanks.

Questions about deploying a database

Never done much with databases and wanted to check a few things. I have a Wappler project with a local target and a DigitalOcean remote target using Docker. Both are set to use SQLite. When I deploy …

Login page redirecting on API call

It seems I had a problem with the template. I have created a specific template for login. How can I navigate the user on login success without using the browser dynamic event then? I have also disa…

Gmail API

Solution found The settings on the Google side were executed correctly. Therefore, the post above can be used as a guide if you have a similar task. For correct operation, there was not enough addit…

JSON array, how to iterate through it?

I’m very new to wappler, please excuse if this is a dumb question, I haven’t found anything about this topic though. I’m setting up a website for our company and have gotten quite far actually. I try …

Environmental Variables for URL in API Data Source

Step-by-step: Create an API (Server Action) Add a Set Value (and set to output) Add a Server Connect component to your page linked to the API file you just made (I’m going to assume I gave it an …

Filtering Data View

Is it possible somehow using the Data View component to effectively filter data using nested arrays? In more detail. Data comes from the server with the following structure: It is necessary to le…

ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE when using Publish Manager and Issue trying to add it back as subtable

FYI, I couldn’t add a subtable to a table I had created outside of Wappler until I changed the primary key data type from “int” to “int unsigned”. After I did that I let me add a subtable.

Send Mail not working

Hi, need a bit of help with send mail component. I’ve followed the youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxP_7Ph1Cew&ab_channel=Wappler on how to send an email, but it doesn’t work. Basic…

Wappler 5.2.5 Released

Wappler 5.2.5 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.2.5 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…


Looks like you have your input field set to date. It should be a text field. If not, please post your input field code here.

Change to docker container names

@George @patrick Did something change within the last few updates to how the docker container names are generated? I deployed to staging tonight, and after a successful deployment, my caddy server (…

Server Connect Join Collections

If I have 2 collections I join, but one does not have the matching field, no results display. Is there a way to still have the resulting field show? My aim is to then add values from each collecti…

Error when using IN operator

Please check Patrick’s reply: your value needs to be an array for the IN filtering. So if your GET value is a comma separated list of values, then you need to split it like {{$_GET.group_filter.spli…

Unable to s3

I had a similar problem today. Mine was the S3 connector doesn’t work with node 12 anymore. Needed to change this to node 14 in project settings. Then redeployed and it all worked again.

Pressing Esc closes expression builder dialog

Wappler 5.2.4 Pressing Esc to cancel the operator selectbox causes the entire dialog to exit

How to run a JS function after DOM is complete && server connect is done?

You are probably correct. Here’s an update… Add a toggle element named dom_loaded to the layout. Add this javascript that will check the toggle when the DOM is loaded: window.addEventListener('…

Camera photos from Mobile devices not getting uploaded

It was the file size. reducing the quantity in camera settings solved the issue. looks like heavy files like in my case 3MB and above cause this.

Bug: when creating database server actions, it sometimes has an empty connection

5.2.3 Fedora 36 (linux) When creating any ‘database’ step in a server action, 1/10 times (estimated) it has the ‘connection’ blank. I also can’t select it. I can fix it by simply removing it an…

Local Host Browser not Displaying Includes

How did you add these includes? Did you enter the path by hand? The path must be relative to the file ../includes, not the root /includes.

How to post image/file with api?

Hi, can someone advise on how to use the API of the server connect to post image files from for example postman? I need to use the api to create posts. It works when only posting the post text, but I…

Question about theme text color

I am learning how themes work in Wappler but have a question about where a color comes from. I made the colors stand out as much as I could to better show. The “Light card title” seems to use the…

Getting Last Insert ID

I’m following this forum entry: Get last insert ID I’m also trying to do the same as those in the post, return the last insert id and add this to a route. The Set Value and the Insert are both retur…

Paging return to a populated page if last existing row in a page is deleted

Shouldn’t you do the check after serverconnectNotesList has been loaded and you know the new page total.

Expected an identifier and instead saw '.'

I would try a different name for your server connect and avoid what may turn out to be a reserved word (like “delete”).

Can't always add validation to input field

Well just make sure your input has a type="text" added.

Can we customise fonts?

I like the design of Wappler in general, but have some personal QoL tweaks. One of them is: I’d like to change the colour of comments in server actions. The green with my current theme (tomorrow d…

File upload component localization and error in console

Wappler Version : 5.2.4 Operating System : MacOS 10.15.7 Server Model: Wappler Local Server Database Type: none Hosting Type: localhost How to make the inscriptions in the File Upload not transla…

Redirect not working

PHP project I have a page called dashboard with a security enforcer enabled. Not logged in it it set to login.php. This page works. If you visit the page directly it takes you to the login.php. I h…

Vulnerability of DataView/Data Detail

The question arose sharply: how vulnerable is the DataView/DataDetail component from the point of view of security? If I use the Condition Region component, which takes data from DataView/DataDetail,…

Add more form fields for repeating questions

I am looking for the right way on how to do this, I have a form that has the same type of question for customers, but sometime one customer needs to enter it 1 time, where another might have to enter …

Any Plans to Upgrade to Bootstrap 5.2

I am still on 5.1.1, so not sure if it has already been upgraded. But if not, any timeline on when BS5 will be updated to version 5.2.x?

Nodejs on-page data does not update with laggy external DB, including sockets

Potential bug, but I’m leaving this off the “bugs” category as I might be missing something. Wappler Version : 5.2.3 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: Nodejs Database Type: External Post…

Calling Stored Procedure Error

Hi, When I call the following MySQL stored Procedure using a Custom Query I get the following error; Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘name’) Can anyone explain why? Many thanks Charl…

Custom Stripe Payment Form

Hi All, I am following this tutorial to create a custom stripe payment form: https://docs.wappler.io/t/stripe-custom-checkout-forms/31700 I followed all steps carefully, however when I add the “stri…

Write sent email data to database

Hello again How can I save the sent email (including loaded data sets) in a database? Many thanks for your help.

Cannot view changes on commits

OS info Operating System : Mac OSX 21.4.0 Wappler Version : 5.2.2 Since the Wappler 5 update, I have also not been able to view changes on commits using Wappler’s UI. Here is a very basic set of…

How import file via upload form

I still have no idea what you are trying to achieve, But here is a screenshot of a simple upload file and insert into database. Not sure that it helps as I have no idea what you are trying to do,

Check integer value and return text

You’re trying to apply min (a function for numbers only) to the On Hand or Will Be Ordered strings I’m not sure why you’re using min if accessing [0] element of the array as there should only be one…

Error when adding at .where on repeat

Wappler. Version 5.2.3 OS: Mac Project: NodeJS Issue: when adding a .where on a repeat it is not showing any of the data. Code for repeat: dmx-bind:repeat="members.data.query.where(`member_surnam…

Can Wappler work on windows 7 64 bit?

Hi, so far I can install wappler on my computer with windows 7 64 bit. But when i try to install scoop installer for windows, the installation failed. I checked on the documentations that the minimum…

Mailer does not send dynamic content

You need to add the dynamic data in the email template when you load it in the mailer step, not on the template file itself. The template file should not have any app connect includes or components.

UI: Duplicating data store doesn't duplicate schema

Wappler 5.2.4 Duplicating data store in the UI doesn’t duplicate schema

Error connection database cluster

I found the error, just clicked deploy again and it worked

Wappler menu Quit does not work on mac

Wappler Version : 5.2.3 Operating System : mac Server Model: Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior Clicking on Quit from the Wappler menu should close the application Actual behavior No…

Need help on Routing: Unable to run script on content page

Hi, just want to run inline script on my content page. However, I found out that the script doesn’t work on the content page. Just try out simple script as follows. I also tried external script and f…

NodeJS error - headers already send

Do you have maybe some global server action steps? Those are always running first. Just select the “Globals” root node to see them

Validate check for null value

@Apple after thinking of what @Hyperbytes suggested >0 I tried this and it work

Wappler UI generated malformed "Wappler include", spiked CPU usage and broke AppConnect formatters

Wappler 5.2.4 MacOS NodeJS See carefully, 1st line is what Wappler generated erroneously. 2nd line is the good one (restored from Git) <!-- Wappler include head-page="layouts/main" fontawesome_5="…

NodeJS Validate step: param.replace is not a function

Wappler 5.2.3 NodeJS Steps: Important: Equals To true Execution error: { "status": "500", "message": "param.replace is not a function", "stack": "TypeError: param.replace is not a …

Database output not it source code

Hello there, to display dynamic content on our websites we use a MySQL-Database where all the pages are stored. The problem is, that this content isn’t directly displayed in the source code (The page…

Call page with get parameter, on that page load pull data

Until now I’ve only needed to use the logged in users info from the security provider to filter data. Now I have a repeating table and when you click on an item i need to call the detail page, passing…

Installing Wappler on Arch Linux in 2022

I followed Installing wappler on Arch Linux to install Wappler on Manjaro and ran into some issues. I figured out how to solve them so here you go: Download the .deb from Wappler Install debtap …

Wappler opening windows on wrong monitor

Operating sytem: Linux (fedora 36) Wappler version: 5.2.3 I have an issue with certain windows being opened on other monitors. When I start Wappler, it starts on my second monitor. Not my primary …

I'm looking for a way to use email templates without Bootstrap and NodeJS

You can do it like: {{projektdaten.data.showProjektDetails.anrede == 1 ? 'Frau' : 'Herr'}}

How to change css property values dynamically?

You might want to try the Style dynamic attribute on the body.

Tagify OnChange Event Does Not Always Work

Instead of changed event try using the change or updated event. Tagify doesn’t detect user changes very well and that could cause the changed event not being triggered. The updated event is always tri…

Bootbox Dialog stopped working

Wappler Version : 5.2.3 Operating System : windows Server Model: nodejs Database Type:mysql Hosting Type:selfhost Expected behavior What do you think should happen? on click inline flow show bo…

Allow Deactivate tooltip on html tags in Code View

You can turn hover off or add a longer delay in settings (bottom left cog)

Formatting JSON Data

Hi, I’m brand new to using JSON and figured out most of what I need but I have 2 questions. I was wondering how to sort out the data according to a field. When setting the expression for the repeat r…

Dynamic Events and similar don't work on fields with Wappler's autocomplete

Wappler 5.2.3 This doesn’t work on fields with Wappler’s autocomplete: This is because Wappler’s autocomplete makes the original input hidden and creates a new one for autocomplete functionality, …

Wappler 5.2.4 Released

Wappler 5.2.4 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.2.4 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Can't add Form Groups into a Conditional Region

I’ve added a conditional region to a Bootstrap generated form in order to toggle the visibility of a group of fields, but for some reason, I cannot move the Form Groups into the Conditional Region ele…

S3 Connector Provider List Empty asp.net

This is where I created my S3 maybe try here?

Automatic vertical scrolling

You need to put some height to your swiper. For example #swiper1 {height: 1200px;} or similar. Just customize it to suit your needs.

Date picker blank after update

It was a date formatting issue. It had the right data, it just would not display it.

First letter of string

Regarding the 1st question, to obtain the first character of a string: Set Value firstLetter = $_POST.some_form_value[0] Don’t know the exact answer to your 2nd question, but you’d probably have to …

Data Limits for a GET Versus POST Call to a Server Action

I’m making a GET call to a server action where one of the parameters is the content of an email. In testing, this has created a “parameters too large” error when the email message is greater than arou…

Difference between Array and Multiple in server action

Hi, For a server action API, I know I can declare, in its Input section, variables that I will pass as parameters to it, so those variables can be referenced in the server action steps. I’m trying t…

MacBook air docker monterey error

Trying to install wappler on on 2017 MacBook air having problems with docker error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'loadCell') at e._updateModel (file:///Applications/Wappler…

Login Success redirect to route not working

PHP project is in my public_html folder of my home directory. Project settings > Targets has the web server url set correctly to http://localhost/~username/projectfolder. Under general it will not put…

Dynamic link / on click triggering on page load for BS5 Nav Items and causing issues

Wappler Version : v5.2.3 Operating System : Mac OS 12.5 Server Model: PHP Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Docker What do you think should happen? Nothing should happen until the link is cli…

Initiating javascript on static event focus on text input

<script> function separatorInit() { easyNumberSeparator({ selector: '.number-separator' }) } </script> <input class=".number-separator" onblur="separatorInit()">

Api header value is not populating

Hi, I’m having problems passing the value to my API headers. It’s not populating the value that I got from other data response. I have tried both API headers and Dynamic Attributes: API headers. Any…

Loon SDK set up

Hi, I’m trying to set-up the Loom SDK embded in a page. I keep getting the following: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier “@loomhq/record-sdk”. Relative references must start with…

Major Problems with UI and Resolution - HELP!

Don’t know what happened on the last update, but with 5.2.3 the attached image is now relevant on my wappler program. I have changed nothing on my system or even received any updates. This is a window…

Image compression, best practices?

Hey all, how have you done the following? We’re letting users upload product images. This brings the concern of a big file size. Ideally the image is as optimized as possible (highest quality with t…

Database connect test with ENV variables

OS info Operating System : Windows 10.0.19042 Wappler Version : 5.2.3 Problem description data picker does not work Steps to reproduce 1.Create ENV vars 2. Assign one to a connection setting 3.…

How to get the token response with post API

Here is an example of how I authenticate. sometimes you have combine the user and password info and then encrypt it to base 64. I create variables to combine and then encrypt. You have to make sure…

Summernote Not Adding Alt Tags in Wappler 3.9.7

Hello there @teodor… I’m using Summernote with Wappler 3.9.7 to create content for email sending. When I check the spammyness of the emails, I’m losing 0.5/10 for my images not having an ALT tag. D…

Help with routing

I’m following @Hyperbytes tutorial on routing here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEFy69HrlKc I set the query parameter on the app element. but when I go to make the server action I don’t see the …

Load even on content pages doesn’t work

So i’ve moved my project over to nodejs (see my other posts were all issues in php) and I am trying to add a dynamic event to the app on page load. When choose + > Load everything related DMX disappea…

Getting this error while downloading a file from amazon S3 bucket

hey there, I am trying to download a particular file from my s3 AWS bucket. Here file is getting opened but not getting download file is opening in a new tab. here is the screenshot of my console err…

Creating tables needed for security and logins

Hi all, I followed the instructions from this video - https://youtu.be/tzz_KoGV8Tg A very helpful and useful channel, however, by following the instructions I have come into this problem. Any help w…

App Connect - Breaking page

Hello Everyone, I had a memory problem with my mac when working with Wappler. I restarted my computer and Wappler was not opening…only the top menu was showing. Then I downloaded the new version (5…

Send email with multi insert form

Hi. I have a multi insert form and when the user select for example 3 insertions and submit the form he receive an automatic email with the results only for the first insertion … how to do this for th…

SSL Cert config for DB Connection

using PGSQL the dev db does not have SSL support. PROD DB has SSL support and has been marked required as well. if we choose SSL cert here, dev breaks if do not choose, prod breaks. we deploy t…

Code editor (Monaco) duplicate line shortcut no longer working on linux

In monaco editor all keybindings are hardcoded and can not be changed. I had to lookup in the monaco source code to see what the keybinding is, for linux it is ctrl+alt+shift+down.

Removed a validation, but it won't stop?

Wappler latest on Fedora linux. PHP Project. I have a registration page where the password field I did require 8 characters. I removed that validation, saved. and refreshed in my browser. However I’m…

Cannot bind a negative value to a range slider

Just change these attributes to static. I just tested and it appears to work fine.

Resetting Variables in repeat

Ah. The white one can be the same as the green. Just put a ! at the start !ds_selected_prodID.data.where(productID, autoID, '===').hasItems()

Docker-compose issue - wrong db dependency

Seems the docker web instance is wrongly marked as dependent from a db instance that you don’t have because you are using custom database connection. Will improve that in next update. For now you ca…

Use a Javascript Object in Server Connect

Just in case anyone is looking at this for a solution in the future. Here’s how you use can use a javascript array (object) in a server connect. Create an API action that receives your array as a …

How to access routes.json?

I would like to have the administrator of the site select the link for a dynamic navigation bar as in For this I need to be able to access the routes.json file.

Mysql connection with ; in password is not working

the next morning… So, after the restart, my SQL data in “online” was deleted . I entered it again and now the upload works . But… My password is always shortened to 6 characters. So put password …

Need help creating a Navigations bar

My navingation bar would have items like Home, About us, products and several others…i need the menu items to display dynamiclly and under sections like about us there would be a dropdown that is also…

Is there any documentation on the While server action?

Example: Set Value (global) slug = "myslug" Set Value (global) inserted = false Set Value (global) i = 0 While !inserted: Set Value currentSlug = slug Condition i > 0: Set Value curren…

Getting my project online

Thank you for the info. After some trial and error, I’ve finally found the correct “ftp” settings. Thank you for your help

How to use paged query

How about not using Data Detail but instead create a query which returns a single record and then load that query when an item is clicked. So you’re replacing Data Detail… Select with ServerConnect Lo…

Is config.json overwritten on project switch?

Then you the to edit the target specific config, stored in: .wappler/targets/target_name/app/config/config.json

Moving Wappler to Linux, need to copy projects from windows

When I saw there was now an installer for Fedora, I installed. Now I would like to move my existing projects to linux. However just choosing “Open Folder” and selecting a copied folder doesn’t appear…

Combine Duplicates in array

I have an array where I have Ticket ID, Company Names and Time spent on a work order, however I need to be able to combine the Company1 Entries into one one object and add up the time by ticket id, or…

How to make sure a server action that runs onchange/onupdated starts from the beginning

I have never seen a case where a SA changes values midway. Each run is completely new and ‘from the beginning’. What you might be seeing is an overlap of SA execution. So the first one starts, and …

Transferring from Classic ASP to PHP? .NET?

Hi all…! First off, thanks for being a great bunch, I’ve been developing web serivces for a long time but still manage to learn something new here every day. Well, I’ve a lot of work to do - one of …

Error with local host since reinstall

So have found out how to do this and here is the answer if anyone else has the problem. Open terminal and type: lsof -i tcp:3000 It will then list the item that is in use, then type: kill -9 PID#

Nested repeat loses schema in data binding picker

Wappler 5.2.2 Want to pick nestedString: Steps: Data Binding Picker: Missing nestedString Entire server action JSON: [ { "name": "api", "module": "api", "action": "send", …

Add a number to a variable when I press a button

Try this: dmx-on:click=“code.setValue(code.value.substr(0, code.value.length()-2))”> // or dmx-on:click=“code.setValue(code.value.substr(0, code.value.length()-1))”>

Data detail won't update on click

I was following this tutorial Displaying Record Details with the Data Detail Component and tried to achieve the same but in my case on click event won’t work and data is static with selected first ite…

URL Rewrite and IIS

Hi everyone, I have read the URL rewriting tutorial and I’ve try to follow it carefully, but I have this problem. Before doing that, my detail page had syntax like this: news-details.aspx? ID = 147 …

Changer project settings does not save

Wappler Version : 5.2.2 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: not applicable Database Type: not applicable Hosting Type: not applicable Expected behavior Wappler should save and reflect in …

Wappler 5.2.3 Released

Wappler 5.2.3 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.2.3 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Font Awesome not showing for child elements

Using 5.2.2 with a Node Project and I have Font Awesome 5.14 pro. This is my first time with a Bootstrap 5 project, all my previous projects have been with BS4. First I couldn’t find the icons like i…

Difference between dynamic event and binding

Is there a difference between using dmx-on:click and using dmx-bind:onclick?

Starting a page flow when a section becomes visible upon scroll?

Hey everyone I have a site where i am scrolling down a single page and I have a few sections. I want page flows to trigger when a user scrolls into a new section for triggering animations and such. I…

How to get the response from my API workflow to Data bindings

This is in relation of my first ticket: I would also like to ask if how would I get the response from my apiAthenticate (on the left side) to the data bindings (right-side). I would love to put t…

NodeJS and MariaDB Version Updates

I’ve had a Docker-based Wappler app live on for over a year now and am wondering if I need to be concerned about updating any of the underlying components like the Node.js version or the MariaDB versi…

Hashing Passwords in Existing Database

Hi all, I’ve inherited quite a large database (MariaDB) for a new project, at present the PW fields are all clear text so I’ll need to hash them. On the front-end Im planning on creating a user regis…

Help Binding a Repeat

If that’s your data view then what’s the issue? You select dmx-bind:repeat="data_viewInvoices.data" as an expression for the repeat children and bind your expressions inside it like {{Invoice.Total}…

Rows as Columns Pivot Table

Hi, I want to generate the following xml using the xml export function which will get its data from a db query which uses two tables, machines and images. They are linked via a left join. indent pre…

Wappler + MongoDB + Mongoose + GridFS

My question is to everyone who has worked with MongoDB in Wappler and @patrick, as he probably knows the answer. I use a custom extension to connect to MongoDB using Mongoose. Everything is fine with…

Online files are not executed :/

The issue was fixed by changing paths to page relative.

Set up a log system

I would like to set up a log system in which all user changes to the various queries are saved. Here’s an example $user changed in area $area [$timestamp]: $variable1 from value1 to value2 $variab…

API returns plain text. How to process it on server side?

Hi guys, Anyone worked with APIs that return plain text? Example: https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/0F3FB How would you deal with it to perform some checks on server connect against a value sent…

Timestamp Column Sorting Not Working in Query

This array is correct as per ASC/DESC selection. Turns out, sorting was set on created_on column of main table, instead of the joined table. So it should have been S.created_on instead of A.created…

Autocomplete without forced selection or Show/Hide autocomplete/text field

In the past I have used various autocomplete solutions and I was always able to either “force selection” or just let the user type what ever they wanted. I need this functionality because the autocom…

How to Disable a button?

Brad, this is a CSS class, not an HTML attribute. You need to add the attribute, as the class won’t disable your button. CSS is used to style elements, not to change the way they function.

Line Graph with DATETIME on x Axis

Hi All, I am hoping someone can help me with something. I am trying to create a line graph where the x axis is DATETIME. See image attached. The graph does not seem to recognise that this axis is a D…

Arrays Get Treated Like Objects

Steps to reproduce in Wappler V5.2.2: Create a Page flow Add an Array parameter Use the Array in a Data Binding: Now try to format the array to add a value. The array gets shown as an object. …

Issue in setting the value in select after form success in modal

I have a select person on my webpage which on selecting the value to add shows a modal that adds a person in my select dropdown. Now I want to show the recently added member as the selected value on m…

Validating form without submitting

I see that there are options for validating individual fields, and on submitting the form it validates all of them (having validations), is there a way to validate the form without having to submit it…

Docker Error - "Got an error reading communication packets"

So I am getting this error with Docker. (blacked out parts are app name and ip) I first noticed while I was trying to setup a simple db Query with two conditions. The query was not pulling any new …

Select data missing from detail view

On my home page I have a set of cards that when clicked on go to another page that provides a more detailed view. This is only some of the records are showing up on the page 2. It’s all coming from…

Postgres - Filtering JSONB Array

Figured out a solution. In case anybody has the same issue: use the contains statement for JSONB instead: WHERE labels::jsonb @> '["4"]'; and if you want to use a parameter for the value then add …

Security Provider or database does not load properly into server connect interface

Latest Mac OSX, latest Wappler 5.0.2 Not sure how to explain this, but many times when working in server connect I would add a security provider user, query and many other actions and the interface d…

Connecting to older Microsoft SQL Server

Hi There, after loosing all my hair (now cheaper to get an haircut) i have found the issue that i had, so better share with all of you. For those people with older versions of SQL, create a sql conn…

Trigger Server Connect reload after any Server Connect form executes

Hi, I want to trigger a Server Connect reload after any server connect form executes. Is there a way to this globally? I don’t want to edit every server connect form to trigger this other SC reload T…

E commerce blocks/templates

Hi, hope you’re all well. I am wanting to use E commerce blocks for my project, however it comes up with “this block doesn’t have a template yet” I am wondering if there is any way of getting an E co…

Compiling backend source code

Is there any way to encrypt/compile the backend source code ? Sometimes, there is a regulatory requirement that the “application” should be hosted on “client-owned servers”. Deployment Type: Docker …

Launch command linux shell

Hello, I have two programs on my linux server that I would like to launch two programs in s linuxhell, is it possible to do it via wappler? thank you Morgan

Since upgrade, getting error

Since i upgraded, i have been getting this error when trying to run a query. I have checked the query and its correct. I haven’t changed anything but the upgrade of wappler. Any ideas what this can…

Problems inserting data in the database

Seems your direct database connection is not working because you don’t have remote access to it from your IP.

Deployed docker not working as it was before name and type change

To get it fixed I stopped the running container, logged into ssh and deleted all the stopped containers. Then I created a new db connection in targets under the project settings and then deployed agai…

Wappler MeetUp Tomorrow Friday, November 4, 2022

How to Implement In-Place Editing of Data Displayed in a Bootstrap Table at the Next Wappler MeetUp TOMORROW Friday, November 4, 2022 at 16:00 Enschede, Netherlands WHAT TIME DOES MEETUP BEGIN IT I…

Wappler Keeps Deleting My Globals

Wappler v5.2.2 keeps deleting all my globals (ENV values and Execution steps) randomly. It happened 5 times in the last 3 days but I don’t see a pattern. There were 18 ENV variables and the following…

Client-side .sort ascending/descending

For desc just add the .reverse() formatter after the sort

Workplace Calendar

I am asking for ideas as to how to proceed with using an events calendar for a system in which: an employer can add holidays and non-working days as events when an employee applies for vacation, the…

Routing Not Working

Hello Team, I am trying to make Routing working, but it doesn’t seem to be working. I am just making basic project with PHP and Apache web server. Below are my settings

urlEncode not available

Wappler Version : 3.3.2 Operating System : mac Expected behavior There should be a urlEncode option on the Data Formats for text Actual behavior It is not available How to reproduce Looks like thi…

When to use parallel action?

Hi! I just saw the “parallel” action in server connect, never noticed it before. I couldn’t find any information regarding this action in the community. I assume that it does what the name suggests …

Wappler MeetUp Friday, November 4, 2022

How to Implement In-Place Editing of Data Displayed in a Bootstrap Table at the Next Wappler MeetUp TOMORROW Friday, November 4, 2022 at 16:00 Enschede, Netherlands WHAT TIME DOES MEETUP BEGIN IT I…

Missing Output checkbox on Filter column step

Wappler 5.2.2 Missing Output checkbox on Filter column step As a workaround you can right-click the step in the tree view and enable Output there

Data picker removes slash

When setting a value in a server action it removes the / when typing it first and THEN selecting a binding. See: 2022.06.27 13.48 - 4513 - Aplomadofalcon

Font awesome not showing in properties panel

Badges and icons are now handled as child elements (which more closely reflects their relationship in HTML) rather than properties of the button. It was a change in a very recent update.

Opening Current Project

Hi, After opening the project click this button: And then you can select which page you want to open

Class Toggle by date

I’m trying to set the background on my text based on a date. I have a text input on a page where I can select the date. I want to use bg-danger to highlight fields in my table if they have the selec…

Download File from S3 bucket

@patrick added a Download File Server Action for S3 in 3.7.5

Range Input field in form automatically adds rules property in server action POST Vars

Latest Mac OSX Latest Wappler version Wappler adds breaking code for range rules that breaks the server action. Correct code: Incorrectly added range rule: Error: { "status": "500", "…

Video playback, on ended help

I am using dmx-html="" quite heavily for something I need to do, and need to find a way to make dmx-on:ended="" still work within. I know this code is going to be strange and difficult to follow, but…

Node.js Mailer STARTTLS: 454 4.7.0 TLS not available due to local problem

Hi Patrick, i found the Solution for this Problem: i change in Your mail.js lib > modules -> mail.js ich change: let transport = nodemailer.createTransport({ host: ‘’, port: 25, …

Security provider & user permissions (3 user levels)

Hello to everybody, I’m new to wappler and I have started finding my way to accomplish various tasks. But there is one thing (basically) that I would like to know if it is possible and how to accombl…

Data picker depending on the number of participants. And number formatting problem

I would like the value (price) to be taken from the respective column according to how many participants. Is there a guide for this? Then I have a problem with the formatting of the numbers. Even if…

"No gutters" is not layout deppended

Wappler Version : 5.2.2 Operating System : Windows 10 x64 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgreSQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior “No gutters” options for row should be layout depen…

How to preserve login on update node/docker?

Node/ Docker One thing i have never been able to resolve is how to preserve login credentials across an update with node. Every time i update a file i get logged out. I assume this is linked to a ser…

Javascript function not working in preview mode but working in browser

Hi, I’ve got a really weird problem. I wrote a Javascript function that updates an app connect variable, which then automatically refreshes form inputs and components that are linked to the variable v…

Empty connection field when adding a db action

V5.2.2 - Nodejs - Macos Sometimes when adding a new db action, the db is not connected to the field so you can’t open the builder It often happens when adding a single and paged query, and an update…

To SPA or not SPA, that is my Question... AND writing a CMS from scratch

I’ve searched and read, and read more. In the case of https://webill.net/, this SPA was started over 3 years ago. I just asked Marcel about that here. While its nice, and I’m certainly not knocking…

Deployment to Digital Ocean Missing Files

Wappler deployments to DO do not upload your actual files like assets etc, you need to manually push them by going to the file section and hitting upload while in your production target (bottom left) …

Post directly to social media

I have news articles (text from data) and generated images that I would like to be able to post to my Facebook page (maybe others?) directly from our web site. Is that possible?

Sharedrop in Wappler

Hello everybody, do you know the website sharedrop.io? I discovered it as I needed to transfer from my iPhone to my Windows PC fast, with no cables and weird software to install. I think it is prett…

Cannot start Wappler => “Could not verify user subscription.”

Ok so now I changed my default browser from Vivaldi to Firefox and now it works:

Class toggle not toggling with variable

V4.9.1 - Nodejs Class toggles are not working properly with variable values. For example: <i class="fa-solid fa-circle fa-xs fa-fw" dmx-class:form_step_done="add_ach_form_step.value>1" dmx-class:fo…

Generator Not Producing Multi Column Form after enabling Form Rows in the Generator

I am attempting to use the Form Generator to create a multi column form. In doing some reading, my understanding is that I need to enable Form Rows in the Bootstrap Form Generator. I created a databas…

Developing SaaS application with future mobile app release

Hi all. I intend to write a web-browser based SaaS application using Wappler. In the future, once the app is released, I intend to develop a sister app for mobile. Is it best to develop in this orde…

Calendar - list view includes not being added

Wappler Version : 5.2.2 Operating System : Mac M1 Server Model: Cordova Database Type: Hosting Type: When adding any of the list views to the calendar component in the UI, the relevant include is…

Calendar not show after update

Calendar not show anything, dates and events(nothing) after update to v5.1.0. Before : After : Error in Chrome :

Project Settings Issue

Hi, I am having an issue with Project Settings. This morning I deleted a Project titled “PHP Setup”. Now this is the only Project that will appear in the Settings Dialog regardless of which site I ch…

How to use for select option to post to the database

Hi am new to Wappler, I have created a simple form with two text fields and when I run the form on the browser all seem to work well and the data is posted to MySQL database. When I introduce a simple…

Library Server Action not found

Changes in case can be problematic, especially with Windows as it’s not case sensitive and on rename does not see “a” being different to “A”. If changing case only I always add an intermediate change…

Repeating dynamic card

Hello, just create a row> col > card structure and apply repeat children to the row. Adjust the col size as per your needs.

Configuring nodeJS payload size ? - PayloadTooLargeError: request entity too large

Hi, I’m getting this error on webhook callbacks. Is there a way to increase this limit in my config ? Thanks server-connect:server Got error? PayloadTooLargeError: request entity too large server-…

Error installing Traefik

This is because you are already running your web site on port 80. So you need to remove the port in your normal site options. See our docs about Traefik usage

When adding SQLite, no default filename shown and no extension added if omitted

Wappler Version : 5.1.0 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: node Database Type: SQLite Hosting Type: Wappler server What do you think should happen? In previous version when clicking “…

Client side number input type field validation

wappler 5.2.2 node.js macos ventura have an input box with following code: <div class="col-4 mb-1"> <label for="numFee" class="form-label">Fee</label> <div class="input-group"> …

Unable to Connect to Existing Postgres Database

Hi everyone, I am trying to connect the postgresql database of my current site to a new project in Wappler but after I submit the credentials, I am met with “Error Connecting. All configuration metho…

SQlite Error when trying to perform server action

Dropping it in the app folder like @patrick suggested did the trick

Bootstrap 5 table generator losing settings on re-run

Wappler Version : 5.2.2 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: nodejs Database Type: MariaDB Hosting Type: local Create a Bootstrap 5 table and generate from a db table Change the table bod…

How do you bring over a database schema you already have to a new Wappler project?

Non-technical user here. I am currently seeking help in migrating or connecting the database from a live webapp over to this project. In the meantime is there an easy way to just bring over the schem…

Tagify has stopped working - looks like an issue with cloudflare/unpkg.com?

yes we will provide local options in later updates. unpkg is working all fine now - normally they never have problems and using CDN has a lot of speed advantages.

Single multi-platform app -

Hi @george With technologies like Cordova and Capacitor it seems possible to create the entire codebase in one project rather than having separate web (inc. API data) projects and having to port the …

Dynamic Modal not visible on Actions Editor on bs5

What version of Bootstrap is included on your page?

Data binding works in Modal but not on page WHY?

So a workaround would be to try creating your own client side component, which would parse the bindings in your table field. I can’t seem to find the post where Patick shared a sample code in recent …

Help with outputting record with greatest date and added days

I am working on a to do list I have two fields start_date and days I want to be able to add days to the start_date and output the highest (oldest) date in the table once this is done I know how to …

FormatDate from CSV toTimestamp() for Database

Hi, I have a “File Upload” to Import CSV File, everthing is Ok, but, I need to format the date comming from the CSV file, the file currently has this format in csv 16/10/2022, and I need to be forma…

Import purchased Template developed in bootstrap 5.x html/JS/SCSS

I do apologize if this question has already been asked and answered many times. But, we are a software development company and need to utilize ready made professional templates such as the Thermofore…

Wappler 5.2.2 Released

Wappler 5.2.2 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.2.2 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

ENV variables – dynamic data picker not functioning

While ENV vars bug is being looked at (can’t set them using the data picker), does anyone have a work-around I can use to protect my database login credentials? Thank you

Date Picker and hidden values

Try formatting it using the ISO format formatDate('dd-MM-yyyy'). In your screenshow I also see the format in the datepicker is different it shows DD.MM.YYYY, so it could maybe expect formatDate('dd.MM…

How to Create Event On calender

I Have used SCRUD and created Events In Admin module with start date , time, location etc and created query API to show the event table in the user module I want all these Events to show automatical…

Server Action - Condition based on Database Query not works as expected

It’s just the expression you are using, which is not correct for this case. An empty query will return an empty object, which will also evaluate to true when using this expression, as it’s not an emp…

Date-time type displaying as Timestamp

Wappler Version : 3.20 Operating System : OSX 10.15 Expected behavior When I choose Datetime option it should display as that not another type. Actual behavior When I save it appears to convert int…

How-to Form Fields with 'Required' indicators?

Looks like we have to manually add an asterisk to an input field to do this, which would require adding another container to each input area? I’m using the floating labels and adding a cotainer might …

Wappler adding is="dmx-link" and href="" to a custom Full Calendar integratyion

Wappler Version : 5.2.0 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: Postgres Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior What do you think should happen? When adding a custom …

How to upload images

Hi, I’m new to using Wappler. I’m just wondering how I can upload images from my laptop files onto the Wappler app builder? Thanks in advance.

How to disable Submit button after data submission success

This solution is similar to what @bpj and @ben were suggesting. My interpretation was to make and use a var bound to the db insert result (the Primary Key of the new record) which would then be bou…

Tagify add/remove event triggers when value is set through dynamic attributes

Wappler Version : 4.7.3 Operating System : W11 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Custom Expected behavior Setting the value of a tagify text box when the page loads should n…

S3 Upload Control and File Size

Is there any way with the S3 Upload Control to limit the size of the file that is uploaded?

Tagify: No Custom dynamic attribute disables input entirely

Wappler Version : 4.7.3 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Custom In addition to my other Tagify app dynamic attribute bug report, I have found …

Dmx-hide/dmx-show does not work on Tagify text inputs

You can’t just apply the show/hide condition to the tagify input, as it’s not the actual input from the html that you see on the page. It’s a styled <tags> list that you see in your browser, when the …

Condition in Server Connect not working

Another option is set the x value near the beginning to $index And the condition as x_global == 0 You wouldn’t need to change it within the condition then

Text Edit Mode Often Not Working

I’m using: Wappler 5.1.1 Windows 10 The issue: I’ve noticed that when I first go into text edit mode all works well, but if I click out of the paragraph and a few minutes later click back in, I ca…

Database query not showing in select field

I am trying to populate a select drop down field with dynamic data from a database query. Seen here If I check the query I get results as seen here Here is my code

How to create dynamic filtering in db?

My end-users can create “Activity Types” with their own custom fields, so they can create records like: { "id": 324714, "by_user": 1, "date_time": "2022-10-14T08:39:59.0…

The add chat article seems to be outdated

I’ve been following the real time chat example, have reached a dead end it seems. When I add my first “step” it shows no input parameters beneath emit properties. just completely blank. Was there an …

Data store component not working

Hi, I setup a test page for data store and session storage. Only session storage is working. Bellow are screenshots. Thanks in advance for your feedback

Bootstrap5 Table Sortable Headers not Working

It’s an old video heather but the technique is the same. One common mistake is using “SELECT * FROM…” ; for sortable headers the fields must be specified specifically I.e “SELECT field1, field2, fiel…

Select Multi Select

If you need a comma separated array or just a single value array you can use the flatten function followed by a split (split if none comma separated) Single value array get_all_users.flatten('id')…

How to put data bindings in JSON field of API action?

I made a server action with the ‘api action’. Then I want to use a data binding for an ID: However, in this example you can see it throws an error, which doesn’t allow me to save. I need a way to…

Dynamic Event Action properties are missing

Hi Everyone, First post here from an old time developer getting started with Wappler. I’ll try and research solutions as best as possible before posting. I found this behavior working with the Goog…

Random record issue, SQLite and MySQL incompatibility

Added API action to exclude list in system settings, guess that will have to be the solution

Supplement database variable with query variable

I am trying to realize a variable to be replaced. In the modal it workt but does not directly on the page. What am I doing wrong? I am grateful for your help!

Dynamic Collapse "show" isn't working

Aha! You got me on the right path. That file hadn’t actually uploaded. Interesting that the collapse still works from a button without it. Thanks!!

Custom query, results not passing through to next stage

Wappler Version : 5.2.1 Operating System : win 11 Server Model: node Database Type: SQLite Hosting Type: wappler node local Expected behavior What do you think should happen? results from cust…

Array not recognised as expected on data bindings

wappler 5.2.0 mac os monterey mode js 14 postgresql 13 am choosing an array from API response to populate values in a select drop down. after this i want to perform a group() on this array

Bug/Error: Docker Problem - Working on 2 Computers (GitHub & Docker - Digital Ocean Server - Production )

Hello, New to wappler so please forgive me if I’m making a rookie mistake. I’m trying to setup a new project so I can work on both my desktop and laptop. I have docker and wappler setup on both dev…

CPU issues

Hi to all, Just wanted to report my macbook i7 is constantly blessing the fans due to a wappler helper (renderer) task Even after a clean install of wappler ! does anyone have the same issue !?

Deploy or upload

Hello Wapplers. I have a question which you might find stupid or answer is obvious, but yet still wanted to hear an expert opinion: If I’m editing only one Server Send API Workflow - should I still u…

Unable to add firebase to an existing project / updating firebase id

Trying to add a database, when i get an error (Error invalid project id). Upon trying to change it in the project setting, it doesn’t change and just keeps trying to login the old id. How do i update …

How to share github repository?

V5.2.0 - Windows - Nodejs Hi! I’m not sure if this is a bug, or something that we do wrong. I started a new Wappler project that I’d like to work on together with a friend. I created the project, …

Production Database Issues

I have a managed production database on Digital Ocean which was created with the Wappler resource manager. The database is defined in the production target as well. But whenever I try to perform a dat…

Unexpected token N in JSON at position 0

This change will be permanent, as I mentioned it was already default for most databases and the correct behavior, I believe only mySQL on NodeJS didn’t return the JSON fields correctly, this has now b…

Cannot find module '@aws-sdk/util-endpoints

This has just been fixed in the new version I changed the version in package.json to: "@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.193.0", Actions are now working for me

Security restrict, how to redirect to login page if not logged in? Wappler 5.2.0

Have you added the Server Connect Action to the restricted page(s)?

Server Validation Error not Autofocusing on Field - help?

Hi guys, I am building this app and everything works so well. Anyway, I have a server side validation that works too but only challenge is my page is long and when a user submits a form that triggers…

Can you use server side validation to ensure one date/time is greater than another?

Hi All, Just like the title suggests, I can’t seem to find a way to use server side validation to ensure an ‘end time’ is greater than or in the future compared to a ‘start time’ Naturally i can use…

How to set text input value

This has been improved in Wappler 5.2.1. Now there are two new dynamic events for the checkboxes - checked and unchecked, so you can run different actions depending on the checkbox status.

Can't access variables and flows from Partials in pages

Wappler Version : 5.2.0 Operating System : MacOS Monterey - M1 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: Postgres Hosting Type: Own Server Expected behavior What do you think should happen? When you…

Wappler 5.2.1 Released

Wappler 5.2.1 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.2.1 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Database Updater question:what is the "Condition" column?

So if you want to check if the input sends an empty value and don’t want to update the field in the database you need to use: {{$_POST.EmpDateTo_2 != ''}}

"JavaScript heap out of memory" with big task

I’m building integrations to sync API data to my DB. It works all fine with “small” amount of records (1K-10K) but when I tried to do a large set it crashed the app. I see that it crashed when it came…

Want a decent editor/word processor in your app? Go with richtexteditor.com

I’ve battled with summernote for 2 years. My opinion is that it’s rubbish, not fit for purpose and certainly not fit for any self-respecting app. Try richtexteditor.com is my advice. Full featured, p…

Form Repeat new feature to access items

Hi, I’ve been following this thread: Access Form Repeat data and was happy to see that a new feature to access items within form repeat was added in Wappler 5.0.3: Wappler 5.0.3 Released However, I …

Geolocation via an API

You can’t access that service with XMLHttpRequest, they didn’t add the Control-Allow-Origin header. It is not you that has to add the header, the service has to add it. You could try to contact them a…

Summernote component not found in Bootstrap 5

Wappler Version : 3.97 Operating System : windows Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Heroku Bootstrap 5 Expected behavior What do you think should happen? click the enabl…

Please help! How do I get the payment method id from a Stripe Card Element?

How do I get the payment method id from a Stripe Card Element? I have the card element on my page. I can make payment intents go through just fine. I just need to return the newly created payment met…

Print variable value within a html element's attribute

Hi guys, I hope there’s a simple way of doing this in an EJS file While I can make this work, which will show as a link with my dynamic title <a href=whatever">{{ title }} I can not make this one w…

Form repeat items do not update on change

Reference recently added feature @patrick Access Form Repeat data Wappler Version : 5.1.4 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior When an input i…

V5.2.0 - Are any changes expected in existing projects with MSSQL / Postgres databases

In the latest v5.2.0, some changes have been introduced for handling multiple schemas in MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases. Although at this stage, these are available only under the experimental options…

How to find index of a particular item in an array

Oh i just realised that the syntax is the same as that for json ...where('gameid','B1','==')[0].A_Score

Error when trying to add multi reference field to table

I confronted a similar issue yesterday. I’ve understood what causes the problem, so I decided to share. When you make relations between tables, foreign key of one table and the primary key of anothe…

Can't modify DB, can't add new table, no more seed and change files

Well it seems somehow you have lost your migration files. You can reset the history and start over again:

Open in Browser Issue!

Hi Guys, I am new to wappler. I am following Hyperbytes quick tour of wappler and somehow I am unable to view what I have developed so far in wappler. When clicking on “Open in Browser” button I see …

Problem sent mail

Hi, looks like the {{query2[0].C_Email}} is empty. Try to creating a Set Value after Database Query “query2” with same value of the To Email: Database Query: query2 Set Value test_email = {{query2[0…

How to Organize Page Layout

Hi, I am new to Wapler coming from things like Wordpress and Bubble where the page layout was usually done for you. So, I am not sure when and where to use the elements for designing a layout (Header,…

Another Checkbox Mystery

I can see plenty of requests for help in here with the checkbox. I thought “that will never happen to me”. How wrong I was. Here I am with my checkbox issue… My check box returns nothing when checke…

How to create error pages for routes

Is there a way within Wappler for creating error pages (401 etc.) with routes or do I have to manually edit the .htaccess file? Thanks for your help!

How to Reference the Value of an Input That Has a `dmx-bind:id`?

I have a text input in a repeat, so it has a dynamic id like this: dmx-bind:id="i_social_media_post_link_{{location}}" I now want to reference the value of this input in a data store update: what do…

Database Insert with subtable

I have managed to get this to work, fetching an API response, and inserting data into my database primary and sub table, however, the only way I could make it work was to adjust my database column nam…

Done with Wappler

Can someone please explain why none of the Stripe components work within Wappler? I have made countless community posts and cannot get an answer. I am just about at my whits end and am getting ready t…

Validation results

I’d like to learn how to get the validation result of multiple inputs and save this value. Background I’ve built a multipart form with 3 sections, each section will have all validations in the visib…

Error adding license x user company

Hi I have a pro per company license subscription I can’t add a second license for a member of my team. A popup comes out of my account telling me that the feature is not enabled. What can I do ?

Project folders owned by root user on Linux

Wappler Version: 5.2.0 Operating System: Linux - Ubuntu 20.04 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgresDB Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior Folders created by Wappler should be owned by u…

Create Checkout Session - Not working

The workflow action create checkout session does nothing. I have it set up on a server connect form with a submit button and literally nothing happens.

Create Billing Portal Session - Not working

The workflow action Create Billing Portal Session does nothing. I have it set up on a server connect form with a submit button and literally nothing happens.

Layout Pages and Security

Working on my application today, hacking my way through it and I am trying to understand how I should have security setup. I have a admin dashboard were a true admin would log into and create objects…

Is it possible to save payment methods?

Why can’t I get the simplest Stripe actions to work? Like seriously, I have been trying every possible way to save payment methods for days and have gotten nowhere. One of the main reasons I purchase…

Access Level for 2 Permissions

Hello all, This is not a bug actually, it’s exactly how the security provider permissions are supposed to work. I believe there’s some kind of confusion here, between permissions and user roles. Th…

Wappler 5.2 resource manager Database connection

When using node JS with docker server Postgres databases do not show up in the DB connections steps to reproduce Setup project as a Nodejs project using docker as a service in resource manager conn…

Android mobile app require java sdk 11

Hi when i click “run on connected device” to preview the app, I have this error I installed the latest java sdk 19. There is a parameter in Wappler to point to the new sdk ? I already changed in…

Properties pane bug

wappler 5.2.0 macbook air 2020 (m1) for a element like this: <p>Dated: {{serverConnect.data.query.my_date.formatDate('MMMM dd, yyyy')}}</p> the properties pane looks like this: no option to ho…

Reading a pdf

If you are using Node you can try my custom module

Localised dates and time - French and others

Hi everyone! I would like to share with you my experience with date formatting when using Wappler. I am a French speaker and we waste a lot of time on what is obvious to others. I would like to tha…

What exactly are schema driven databases?

Hello, I was reading through the feature list for release 5.2.0 and I came across a like schema driven databases like Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. As per my limited knowledge all database…


No manifest.json is placed in the root directory as is sw.js (the service worker) To activate the service worker, the page needs to call app.js. This file checks to see if the browser supports the…

Node.js Server actions

I am quite new to node.js. I basically know it is javascript running the backend. My questions is: If I start a server action and the user navigates to another page while the action is executing, wil…

Can't insert or upgrade database with a Tagify data, in a Custom Query

Not sure what you are posting for category, is it an array? You can try {{$_POST.category.toJSON()}} as expression. The problem with the custom query is that we don’t know what value is expected in t…

Offset and Limit not removed when converting paged records to multiple records

Wappler Version : 4.9.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior When changing the Query Type from “Paged Records” to “Multiple Records” or “Single…

Postgres ::date not working on Custom Query

The postgreSQL driver in node converts all date/time related values to a JavaScript Date object. The JavaScript Date object will always contain date and time information. use: created_at::date::text

Code being modified on save

Hi, I am trying to copy & paste a chunk of code into the head section of my documents. When saving the document Wappler will add an additional line of code to add jQuery, as well as modify my base ta…

What gets changed in the API file when switching query to custom?

What gets changed in the API file when switching query to custom? As you can see in the video below, when switching a query in the query builder to custom it dirties the file without actually changin…

Iframe youtube cookies?

Great thanks Ben no error on that site. Trying to create something along the same lines…


Good morning, I’m wanting to buy a license, but I have a question, I will be using this license both on the notebook at home and also in the office pc, ie would be on different machines. Does that cha…

Filtering mosaic by textfield with dynamic lazy load => wrong data shown

I filter a database with a simple textfield. it works perfectly either with a repeat list or also mosaic showing the images linked in the database. if I change the dynamic image source to dynamic laz…

Windows Terminal when opening Wappler 0x00000001

Edit: This only happens if you have Windows Terminal set as the Terminal in Window’s settings. It doesn’t happen with console host. Considering Windows Terminal will replace console host, it’s probabl…

Taking a Stripe Payment Using SCA Compatible Payment Intents and Stripe Elements - Part 1

Overview of SCA As you may know, Europe now has a new law regarding credit card payments known as SCA - Strong Customer Authorisation. While the law has many parts, the key part we need to be aware…

Saving cards with Stripe

Hello all, I am having trouble with Stripe. I have the account set up and my workflow for creating a new customer. Next I need to save payment methods. This is not a straight forward e-commerce app. …

Recaptcha not showing up in form

Is there a dmx file or something needed to be uploaded onto my server to use recaptcha. I’ve added the component to a form but it doesn’t show up?

Wappler 5.2.0 Released

Wappler 5.2.0 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.2.0 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Repeater for json field not working in data picker UI

Wappler: 5.1.5 OS: MacOS M1 Server: PHP/MariaDB I have a json field in the database containing values to be shown as checkboxes in a form. This is the repeater code on the page: <div dmx-show="que…

How to repeat data in JSON?

But when using a JSON field then you should be able to directly use it as a repeat source, without any other formatting required.

Enable and Disable Button - how to

Thanks @mohif1995 and @Sorry_Duh but, I considered the component property and solved it like this: For button A --> on click event --> A.disable=‘false’ For button B --> on dynamic attributes --> Va…

Updated my NPM packages, including Redis - it's throwing errors now

I’ve updated all my npm packages, including redis (3.1.2 → 4.3.1 ) and redis connect(6.0.0 → 6.1.3). I’m getting the following error: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async fun…

XML Import Error NodeJs

Wappler 4.9.1 Debian Linux import.xml not implemented!

How to process multiple transactions of a user at the same time

A user is doing multiple transaction considering opening balance and closing balance of wallet. Using API he is doing more than thousands of transaction in a minute. The problem arises is 3 transactio…

Role access, log system and form in to an wordpress page

Hello, I have already sent these questions to the How To team for the video meeting. If I can’t be helped there, I’ll do it again here. I have the following questions: (I use a wamp server) 1. How …

I am looking for instructions for various elements

Realization of an image slideshow Provision of images in different image sizes and file sizes for different end devices Create a calendar – Show projects in calendar in different colors by status W…

Masonry not displaying images correctly

I’ve spent 60+ mins on this already. This used to work - not quite sure when it stopped. http://vehicles.lakemirrorcarshow.com/guest/vehicle_images?ev=SHOW If you use the pulldown to change events,…

Socket not loading

Wappler Version : 5.1.5 Operating System : macOS Monterey (12.6) Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Local Expected behavior The server connect component is not running when u…

Hierarchical dynamic select field

I have 3 tables that are hierarchical of each other Classes is a dependent of Sections and Sections is a dependent of Departments or I can say Department is the parent, sections is a child of departme…

Subscription - keeps disappearing

I selected the pro subscription on the 8th and this morning I had to restart Wappler, now it saying I have no valid subscription. So I went into my account and noticed that my payment failed, however …

S3 Multi Upload - Files Property is Blank After Upload

Wappler Version : 5.1.1 Operating System : W10 Server Model: NodeJS Expected behavior When using S3 File Upload option on client side, the component should have all file information available under…

Table Generator - Stripes no working

Mac OS Add a table through table generator and selected striped. It does not show the stripes.

Parameters are not working in nodejs

Windows 10 pro Wappler 5 B7 Nodejs Mysql Server local Wappler Hi Guys, is this normal? I can’t retrieve parameters at all in nodejs

Filter Columns not showing list of columns from data set

Vote for the feature request: Feel free to make a comment there so it’s not just me

Filter columns doesn't show any column to filter on Database Single Query

Wappler 5.0.1 NodeJS + PostgreSQL Steps: Database Single Query Filter columns Filter columns doesn’t show any column to filter

S3 - Can't make File download / Get file work

I have an AWS S3 bucket that I can upload files to and, if public, access via a direct URL however, I can’t seem to get either the Get File action or Download File S3 API actions working. Both return …

Popover still failing

W10 5.1.5 As i said in my previous post, popover issue was not fixed, but changed the “click” default option. See: ScreenRecorderProject1

List unstyled

When i create a list-group in the app structure i can’t apply list-unstyled (does not work). So i added the code (from bootstrap documentation) below in the code area : <ul class="list-unstyled"> <…

S3 Multi Upload $_GET Inputs

Hi fellow Wappler users & team, I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get this working. I am after creating a page called ‘additionaldocuments’ for uploading additional documents and imag…

Unable to select HTML file for Send Mail step

Wappler Version : 5.1.4 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: N/A Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior Allow selecting HTML file when OS file selector appears Actual beh…

Cloudflare Turnstile · alternative to Google reCAPTCHA

Hi, Has anyone had any experience with using Cloudflare’s Turnstile? Could this be possibly added as a feature within Wappler? What are the pros and cons of Turnstile over Google’s reCAPTCHA? Th…

Security Session vanishes when NodeJS server reloads

You need redis installed for the sessions to be saved: If you are not using the local dev server, I believe you turn redis on in the docker target settings.

"Failed to start docker.service: Unit docker.service not found."

Wappler 5.1.5 Operating system: Linux Fedora 36 I’ve installed docker desktop following https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/ It’s installed well (can run docker commands, and the docker desktop…

Still getting empty input field when trying to apply database properties

I’ve added a few variables in a new server action and then wanted to add a database insert but can’t select one of the defined databases. Instead of the select menu I see an empty input field. When I …

Going from wireframe to real page

I am working on making my first real advanced form/page and looking for any tips or tricks. Thanks Am I trying to do too much on 1 page?

All Browsers using Disk Caching for Server Action files

Wappler Version: 5.1.5 macOS Monterey Linux Server, MySQL When I loaded Version 5 of Wappler, it began allowing browsers to us caching instead of loading the Server Action files. Specifically, her…

LOVE the new feature of switching between simple and custom queries

For me this feature is a game changer. A lot of us were just asking for the ability to copy the query from the bottom pane so we could paste into a custom query and then set up the parameters manuall…

Wappler date/time formatting issue to report

You have a formatDate formatter inside another formatDate. It should just be: dateValidated.formatDate('MMMM/dd/yyyy')

File Input - GET instead of POST?

I don’t know if it’s possible for you, but I would split it into 2 SC forms that POST the data. GET has restrictions on the length you can send so you may run into problems if your files could be larg…

Get Your Wappler “How To” Questions Answered Live in Approx 4-Hours from Now

Get Your Wappler “How To” Questions Answered Live at the Next Wappler MeetUp Friday, October 7, 2022 at 16:00 Enschede, Netherlands We have assembled some of the most talented and famous Wapplers t…

Multiple domains on single docker app

I have a working docker container with a secure domain and would like to add several more domains pointing to the same app. I’m not seeing how to do this in Wappler, nor the portainer and traefik das…

Table Repeat Issue When Repeat Children on Table Body

Wappler Version : 5.1.3 (Noticed it since 5.1.2) Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: Node JS Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior Adding a repeat children on the bo…

Stop redirection after form submit

After I submit my form data, I want the page to not redirect anywhere, just stay on the form (this is a single-page app). It keeps redirecting to my api page ‘insert.aspx’. How do I stop this? Thank …

Data View is no longer returning results

I have a Data View which returns records grouped by a user id (qocID in the code). I have returned the results into a table filtered by a selection from a Select dropdown. Here is the data-view code …

Wappler 5.1.5 Released

Wappler 5.1.5 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.1.5 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Database filters not working?

Is it just bugging for me or is this not implemented yet? 2022.09.27 12.08 - 5048 - Duckbillcat

Dynamic Title in meta tag

You need to change the App Root option to Page instead of Body, so that dynamic data can be used for the meta tags:

Error when deploying NodeJS Sharp module in NodeJS with docker

When using docker and NodeJS please make sure Debian 11 bullseye is selected in the project target options as OS. It is also the new default.

Pagination - adding a "loader" until the next page is loaded

Thanks the only issue i now have is… i have a scheduler that “refreshes” every 5 seconds… ill just have to find a way to do this… ++ ok found a work around ++ Just added a offsetprev on the pagina…

Windows Server Application failure

I have been having an issue with the Application service on my windows server shutting down. It seems like something in the DMX app folders is causing this. If i run the website for a few minutes, i…

Server connect with NOT IN only excluding first ID in list

That’s no a bug, but you just pass a wrong value. The NOT IN (and also IN) condition expects an array and you pass a comma separated list (94,95) You can split your comma separated values into an ar…

Upload / Publish window

Hi, One thing I see is that when I Upload Files or Publish Site the window area along the bottom which usually displays the progress of the file transfers often times is blank & displays a small icon…

Dynamic Events on App component of included or route file not working

Wappler Version : 5.1.4 Operating System : Mac OS 12.5 Server Model: PHP Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Docker What do you think should happen? Select the App component in an included or r…

Form using Database insert: instructions needed

I’ve rummaged through the Wappler docs (older versions of Wappler) and youtube tutes (out of date) and can find nothing on how to send data from a Wappler form to a SQL Server database. I’m using v5.1…

Tagify, and for reset

Could someone please test this for me, as I keep getting errors, not sure if it is a bug or me being silly. I have a modal that opens, inside it, I have a tagify field, that populates itself from a d…

Docker-compose command not found

Too many time today haha. I’ve fixed this by enabling compatibility mode in the docker settings. So I’ll mark this as not-a-bug, although it’s perhaps time to upgrade to V2?

API Action doesn't infer schema correctly from JSON input

Wappler 5.1.4 MacOS API Action doesn’t infer schema correctly from JSON input JSON to put in API Action (“Source” text area), click “Play” button to parse: [{ "id": 1, "Analysis": { …

Dynamic image not displaying with src

If you change your mysql data for Profile_url to /madikroma/imagePr/business/118/Profile/businessman.jpg Then it should display

SQL Server Query not returning results

Running a query against the local database returns no results. From what I can tell it appears the db gets no request. What could be stopping the request from reaching the db?

Can't deploy error

Just to check now that sharp is installed are you still having deploy errors? If all is okay here is a link to the solution for other readers:

Cannot Install Sharp Node Package on Mac

Thanks was able to fix this. My mac was flagging as “unidentified” so I had to go and manually open up the file to tell my mac it was safe and then picked up and worked!

Input from form not working anymore

I have switched off the Quick Menu in my Wappler settings to get all my options back.

Get Your Wappler “How To” Questions Answered Live at the Friday, October 7, 2022 Wappler MeetUp

Get Your Wappler “How To” Questions Answered Live at the Next Wappler MeetUp Friday, October 7, 2022 at 16:00 Enschede, Netherlands We have assembled some of the most talented and famous Wapplers t…

How to create dropdowns that leave out values that are selected in previous dropdowns?

Hi! I need to create a field mapping flow, so let’s say there are two lists: List 1: call_id, user_id, date List 2: callid, user, date_created I want my users to connect the correct fields t…

Using App Connect data binding with mkCharts

Here the javascript rewritter as App Connect Component: dmx.Component('circle-chart', { attributes: { percent: { type: Number, default: 0 }, color: { type: String, …

Login with username as date

Never tried this before, but I have a system where the login details need to be username as a date, such as 2022-11-16, each time i try this I get an unauthorised response, anyone got any idea why? I…

Server Side Data on Layout has not effect

Hi, The option of Server Side Data is present in layout page, but it has not effect in same page adding it or not. Steps: In my Layout Page is added the header and footer and I’m using a offcanvas…

Copy an array item to clipboard

As said in the title, I need to copy the array item’s value to the computer’s clipboard. How can I do that?

Is Conditional Date Formatting Possible on an Input?

I’m afraid there’s no way to do check this and apply different formats for this condition inside the date picker.

File upload issue

It’s due to the way that node servers work and the fact that Wappler has to cater for multiple server technologies Your upload path is correct /public/faktury This is required as the path to the di…

Importing Existing Server in Resource Manager

This issue was resolved. I just added the wrong SSH key in my server. It was looking for a rsa key that was not yet created in my end at the time. ed25519 was created.

Not working logout button

Finally solved this issue: it was me: making this server connection load inside a link, so it was trying to loading the link (#) instead of the server connect. Make it a paragraph and worked fine! Th…

Formating Chart Data Results

After looking over the other concerns about formatting numbers in charts, I will bring up the subject again to see if there’s been any update that covers my question. Can the chart data when hovering…

Help with API response - format JSON

Looks a bit messy and slow but does it’s job

How to reference array values in another table?

Hi! I’m setting up integrations as data sources, and my users will create their own workflows for these integrations. I’d like to create for each integration separate actions (based on the integratio…

How to get field names from schema from API data

I am pulling data from an API. I would like to be able to put the field names from the returned data to the browser. Here is my situation, I use a 3rd party API that deals with PDFs. I’m trying to…

Help needed - problem creating my first project with Node.js

This happened to me when I first installed wappler on my windows machine recently, even after node was installed on the pc. A simple windows restart worked for me, you too give it a try.

Wappler App Closes on Document Close Command

Thank You for your attention, Thinking of it, It may be the fast way which I am working. Alot of times I am doing a quick Cntrl-S (Save) & Cntrl-W (Close), I am probably doing a close command before t…

Can't Connect after creating new datbase connection

I had a database connection that wouldn’t update and show new/edited tables from my MySQL database so I created a new database connection and switched all my server connects to using that one. I then…

How to make a video responsive to all devices

Hello, I want to insert videos in my site but I have tried making it fit the screen sizes of all devices but I have failed. Any help on how I can do it. same video fits responsively depending on the s…

Project files not getting updated to v5.1.4

Hi, MacOS, ASP.NET I’m updating existing projects to Wappler v5.1.4 and one of the projects is not getting updated to the latest version. The project is correctly checking and showing the files that…

Error Drop & Alter Table

I tried to refresh the schema, and nothing changes. Seems like the issue coming from the docker desktop. delete the docker app, update to the newest version, and the problem is solved. Still have no …

Mobile App - Electron build (poss bug but may be my setup)

I am trying to build a test Mobile App to Electron (Wappler v5.1.3) I have run the Wappler System Check and Electron Update from the project but when I try to build it to Electron using Wappler I get…

V5.1.4 - Font Awesome 6.2.0 CDN options not available

Unfortunately Font Awesome no longer offer a cdn version in version 6

Cannot remove item from Array when items added from cookie

I’ve been battling with this issue for a few days now, and I can’t find anyway around it. After changing my complex flows into something super simple to test, it seems like this is certainly a bug. I…

Collection formatters add extra escape slashes that break the formatter

Well “writing things” like that insert strings, where the data picker expects a dynamic value … so that is not a bug here. You are not supposed to write strings there. These values, if ever needed to …

Adding Data Sets To Charts

When adding data sets to charts, does each data set need a query? For instance, do I need a data set for each year if I am adding a line graph for each year of income totals? What I have so far is on…

Wappler 5.1.4 Released

Wappler 5.1.4 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.1.4 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Framework 7 Template Bug #1650968013152

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ======== Wappler Version : 4.8.2 Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: None Used Hosting Type: Wappler local server Expected behavior Comp…

Website page cache causing problems

Current set-up : SPA Pages, Windows 10, MySQL, PHP Some users are looking at my pages and seeing old, cached pages. By old I mean pages from a day ago, or an hour ago, and the page has been updated s…

Subtable update attempts to insert columns not selected

Wappler Version : 5.1.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior When performing a Database Update action that includes a subtable, the insert of s…

reCAPTCHA Validation errors not showing

No, it should show that the field is required with the client side validation. There are 2 types of validations, the first is that we automatically add a required validation, so when not checked it w…

Referencing $index of a repeat at higher level

Earlier, it used to be $parent.$index, or something like it. Now, we create a variable in the parent repeat, just above the child repeat, and set the value as $index. Then use that variable in the c…

Using reCAPTCHA for Conditional Attributes

How to use the reCAPTCHA condition to disable the submit button, so that the submit button stays disabled until the user verifies the CAPTCHA

Script JS Tagify with SRI hash resets on every save

Hi, I’m using tagify, and the script line get automatically added, that’s perfect, but I need to add integrity in the script because the need to hash the content for the Content-Security-Policy (CSP…

MySQL Select rows where Timestamp is greater that 24 hours ago

The following works just fine in hand-coded PHP but it does not equate in Wappler. PHP: SELECT DB_INDEX FROM measurement where SERIAL_NUMBER = 'ENG0000-00001' AND TIME_STAMP > (NOW() - INTERVAL 24 H…

Better practice for modern CSP-compliant style

Hello, I know that the nature of Wappler is to create inline javascript inside html elements, like: onclick and every dynamic event that fire a inline javascript. Maybe will be an opportunity to ref…

Upload functionality does not work

Windows 10 Loca IIS aspx Hello friends, I’m trying to implement the ‘upload’ functionality but when I click on the corresponding button, nothing happens, that is, the file is not ‘transported’ to …

How Do I Get Route HTML Response String for PDF Conversion?

Hi all! I’ve been working on this issue for the last couple of days. I’m creating a custom module to convert HTML to PDF. I have a route, with parameters, to a template file (receipt) that I would l…

Inserting dynamic data into a manifest.json

… something very very simple with php… if you can pass a var to a page, then why not!!! so i have gone back to this route… of php and encode json. And just passed the a few variables via the url… s…

Can I do asymmetric encryption in Wappler?

It looks like the encryption features are symmetric but I’m not certain. Can you confirm if asymmetric is available?

Wappler won't recognize values from 4rd level of array

That’s because this specific api URL returns empty flights[] array in its response. Instead of using fetch schema you can just edit the response and leave only the entry having data in the flights[] t…

It seems like a simple thing and yet I cannot get it to work - stored array back into single select or list dropdown

Although it was a bit of a learning curve, it turns out saving data into a table field as a comma delimited array works well and making choices of that array in a multi-select in a form also works wel…

Why am i missing items from my properties of a Button?

Looks like Wappler team made a change and it was very badly announced @George Perhaps it would be a good idea to add a “Looking for additional properties of this button?” text, to point out it mo…

Option to add button spinner is lost!

It’s not lost. The button spinners and icons are now available as child elements for the buttons in the elements picker dialog and in the App Structure:

Concurrent server queries

Is there a way to run a server connect query after another one completes on a page that doesn’t really have any buttons or actions. Just running in the backround? Here is what i have… I have a page…

Setting session on server action 'success' endlessly repeats server action

I have a server action that outputs a session_id (UID variable). I try to save that variable as a session in the browser. However, by setting that up using dmx-on:success="session1.set('license_sessi…

Clear Data checkbox isn't being saved correctly on a Form Reset Action

Wappler Version : 5.1.3 Operating System : Mac Expected behavior the Clear Data checkbox should retain its value Actual behavior the Clear Data checkbox loses its value How to reproduce the image …

Cannot find module - Urgent help needed

You should never do that Brian… as there might be OS dependent modules and for example your local windows node_modules won’t work on Linux server … When changing package.json - you should just run n…

PDF reports

I don’t think he’s joking. He’s referring to the custom extensions available for PHP and NodeJS:

ARGON 2id - invalid ELF header error

well as I said you should run npm install on your server - and how this is done si dependend on your server installation of NodeJS - usually if you a using a admin panel like Plesk or CPanel - there …

Encrypting sensitive data

I am storing some sensitive data like personal details of members and I want to make sure it’s rock solid and secure. My thinking is to create encryption keys to encrypt the data and create a decrypt …

PWA -manifest help - php => json

Solved… use… [ ] instead of { } "icons" => [ [ "src" => "{$manifestimage_512}", "sizes" => "512x512", "type" => "image/png" ], [ …

Font weight not respected - different display in Wappler and browsers

You added Roboto weight 300 as your base font, that’s why 700 is not available. If you want to use different font-weight options, yo’d better include the font on your page, selecting the font-weights…

Displaying users entries on the Dynamic Modal

I got it to work by following this documentation guide - except with minor change, instead of button I used paragraph and numbered the input using a variable value on a click event.

Swiper not working if image file name has any spaces in it

Thats not a Wappler issue. It’s just bad practice to have spaces and special characters in file names for the web.

Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel error with API call and asp.net

wappler 4.9.1 Attempting to pull data from an api using asp.net. In the server connect api script, if I click on the define API schema and then fetch schema it will connect through the API and retri…

Validation Rules on $_POST variables doesn't work? or is it me

Hey All, I get this a lot and i usually just end up disabling the sever side validation and just rely on front-end form validation, but thought it about time I post here. I get this a lot, mainly wh…

Server Action formatter .groupBy doesn't preserve schema in Set Value

Wappler 5.1.3 Doing a Set Value of something.groupBy('id') doesn’t define the schema automatically inferred from object something

Picker selecting wrong parameter format when selecting an element from a repeat

Wappler Version :5.1.3 Operating System :win 10 Server Model: PHP Database Type: SQLite Hosting Type: WAMP Expected behaviour What do you think should happen? When selecting a parameter form a…

Set Value define schema as array not working

Wappler Version : 5.1.2 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: N/A Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior Set Value define schema allows to define the return as being an arr…

Wappler UI doesn't understand .flatten() schema

Wappler Version : 5.1.2 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: N/A Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior API Action to some place that gets an array api.data.flatten("some…

Enter key doesn't work on Wappler UI dialog

Enter key doesn’t work on Wappler UI dialog (possible accessibility issue) Ok button works

How do I make queries on json object type fields?

How do I make queries on json object type fields? When I use ‘IN’ operator it doesn’t work

Can not see newly added tables from Navicat

Apple M1, Wappler 5.1.3, MariaDB 10.5.x, Datebase Name: db, NodeJS Project. I have been working on this project extensively, and needed to add 3 new database tables, with existing data and structure. …

Hello I have some questions

Hello there I am new at wappler I have some questions. How do I create a loggin with … for example with google … etc How do I use database connections from online on my computer.

Account Subscription Paid But I Have No Access

I just renewed my annual subscription, but I do not have access to Wappler. I keep getting a message telling me I don’t have an active subscription. Any suggestions?

Insert Date with milliseconds in a datetime(3) column MySQL

You could try to edit the action file, the parameter is probably defined as type datetime, change that to string, that should prevent the transform.

Error Install Node.js Package

I downloaded Wappler and connected it to Gitlab to clone a project. When the system checked for updated it installed Scoop Installer for Windows. It says to install a Node.js project it needs to ins…

Only show data in a repeat from an array

I’ve just managed to fix it the minute you sent that. The problem seems to be that I was setting the array contents when the serverconnect that gets the data for the repeat loads (Success Dynamic Eve…

GIT Error - request failed with status code: 404

an update: in github, there is another setting under oauth to allow access to org, had to enable that - after doing so, Wappler is able to work with the github project just fine. this sounds right! …

How to not include a file for syncing

Hi Jim, In the Wappler settings under FTP you can add the file name to the excluded list.

Automatically added scripts

I’m not using medium editor in any of my pages, but the scripts keep being added automatically when I remove the scripts, how do I prevent this from happening? Happens with other scripts that I don’t …

Cropping and Centering images before upload

Wappler newb here. I am curious if anyone knows of a way I can allow users to crop and center an image prior to upload. Like how it is on Facebook and Instagram. It doesn’t need to be as fancy as IG …

Recaptcha version

is wappler using recaptcha v2, v3 or enterprise. I signed up with enterprise and got a site key. It also said that I could get a legacy secret key for 3rd party vendors that haven’t upgraded so I tr…

reCAPTCHA Validation Question

Thank you kindly, that seems to have worked, my form is validating.

Minor bug or easter egg? Duplicated Wappler

Team, found a minor bug by clicking with the middle mouse button on any item inside the panel tree of the new proyect window. It duplicates wappler screen.

Database Connection: how to connect to a local Microsoft SQL Server

Has anyone successfully connected to a local default SQL Server installation using “Database Connection”? I’ve tried different combinations of criteria; none has worked. –I can connect to the local d…

How to assign different db connections to Targets

https://docs.wappler.io/t/define-database-connection-settings-per-target/27577 The instructions don’t seem to be working. I expect to finish with 2 different db connections but always overwrite whate…

Error connecting to MS SQL Server

As we switched to newer MS SQL driver in Wappler called Tedious, seems named SQL Server addresses are no longer supported. You can convert them to normal addresses as suggested at:

Wappler 5.1.3 Released

Wappler 5.1.3 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.1.3 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

What Does A Blue Circle In the Close Window Location Mean?

I keep getting this blue circle appear as I’m using Wappler… What does it mean?

POST body required field not properly evaluated

Wappler Version : 4.6.3 Operating System : Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior When sending a POST method request to an API (server workflow), using a raw json body,…

What Is The Easiest Way to Create a Blog Section of Your Web Site?

Hi Wappler gang… I want to start creating a blog section on my product web site… so it will have its own local menu options like most recent posts, posts by category, most popular posts, etc etc. The…

No data showing on vertical table yet appears on horizontal

Your vertical table code should look like: <table class="table table-striped"> <tbody dmx-generator="bs5table" dmx-populate="api_GET_SD_Inspect_list_FULL.data.data.ins…

Design view inheritance rules - what are the good practise?

Maybe this will help you understand The video is based on Wappler v4 and Bootstrap v4. There may be differences when using other versions.

Change Subscription?

I’m trialing an Basic Individual plan which expires sometime today 9/15/22. I want to purchase a Pro Individual plan but when I try I am stopped with a message saying that I already have a plan. I st…

Sub-table not available in repeat output fields list

Perhaps related to this already showing as fixed: Wappler Version : 5.1.1 Operating System : mac Server Model: node Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior A sub table should be display…

Truncate paragraph

I am trying to truncate a paragraph but it generate an empty p. <p class="card-text" dmx-html="blog_blog.trunc(120, 'true', '...')"></p> When I am trying this <p class="card-text" dmx-html="blog_bl…

Countdown timer

A list of the different parts up to years: {{(((var1.datetime.secondsUntil(end_date)) / 31536000)).floor()}}y {{(((var1.datetime.secondsUntil(end_date))/ 86400)%365).floor()}}d {{(((var1.datetime.se…

Build a array of ID's with Server Connect Action to repeat through in Library action

First of all, I have never created, edited or purposefully created an array outside of what Wappler does automagically for you. So I think the solution I am looking for would be using an array, but ma…

Unicode Normalization

This question is specifically regarding Unicode Normalization / Account Takeover on registration forms. Does Wappler automatically handle ensuring canonical encoding is used across all the text and t…

Mailer Extension Question

Hi, I am trying to configure a contact form using the mailer extension. In going thru the steps outlined in the tutorial: https://docs.wappler.io/t/sending-form-data-to-email/2858, I get to the step …

Data in field

Unless I don’t understand what you are trying to do, I think you may be over thinking it? Why not just use your dollar figures as the select values? <select id="inp_PRODUCTO" class="form-select" name…

Trim USA off of Google Autocomplete Address

As server connect has no pos() style function I think the only method I can think of is to use split() to split the string into an array then rebuild the string in a repeat based on the count() of ele…

Dynamic form fields with insert command

I have a website that allows a client setup the form fields by selecting from a list of options. ALmost like a build your own website system.The options are saved in a database to display when the w…

Dynamic Table Value to Array

Hello all, So I have a form that contains a Bootstrap 5 responsive table that is populated with records from a custom db query. Each record in the table has a unique id (along with a bunch of other c…

Changing bootstrap framework doesn't upload

I’m trying to see the different bootstrap templates and I can change them on my page in wappler but when I go to view in browser, the template doesn’t upload and I just get unformatted text. What do …

How to set up development target for MS Sql Server

Searching in the docs for ‘set up targets’ returns nothing regarding MS SQL Server. Does anyone have a link to the docs on how to do this? Need to set up a database of type SQL Server, but this is not…

Server Side Rendering (SSR) NodeJS and SEO concerns

Hi all! Is there a way to build full Server Side Rendering (SSR) NodeJS sites? Right now I know how to do metadata on server side, but I want to do ALL the document with SSR. Yes, it’s true Google …

PDF - Steps (that a low code user understands) to create a pdf using a 3rd party

I’ve been using Wappler for a couple of years now and it is an excellent low code development tool. I have for the past year or so been trying to work out how to generate a pdf from a webpage / report…

Randomizer function NodeJS - best practise (I am looking to use for some gamification)

Randomize all the items in a collection is a function in the backend. Before I go down the wrong rabbit hole - I’d like to understand the best practise approach to using this function. I have two us…

Dynamic attribute show not working correctly

I have a nodejs project with Bootstrap 5 accordion with menu categories In each menu category are 1 or many menu items Each menu item has a button that when clicked opens a modal with that menu item…

Wappler 5 is really confusing to me after all the other versions

Im having real trouble getting used to the new wappler 5. It just seems that nothing works the way it used to and not for the better. Do you have updated documentation on the differences? I have a …

SQLite Database error and system check error

Can somebody please help? I had to delete a couple of multi-reference tables and I started getting an error without further description. I noticed the multi-reference tables are not deleted either - …

New Project Setup Question

If you have XAMPP running as you show then your first setting for “Own Server” Access Type Local folder should be http://localhost/PHP-Setup so that the Apache server running at default port :80 …

When adding second column to the form - all elements disappears in App Structure

OS info Operating System : Windows 10.0.19044 Wappler Version : 5.1.0 Problem description When adding second column to the form - all elements disappears in App Structure. Steps to reproduce r…

"Set Value" actions turn into a expandable item with options as if repeat

Latest Wappler, Latest MacOS I have added a library action and also duplicated it to created a simpler version derived from it. I noticed that when adding a set value action and setting the value an…

Rename subtable doesn't work

Wappler Version : 5.1.1 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: SQLite Hosting Type: Wappler Local Server Expected behavior Rename a subtable in database manager Actual beh…

How to create an api with token in header

I have a binary trading application on the stock exchange. I am providing an api so that my clients can feed a specific table from the database through this api, but I would like to add the security o…

Main menu dots icon disappear when many tabs are open

OS info Operating System : Windows 10.0.22000 Wappler Version : 5.0.0 Problem description In main editor the 3 dots to open the menu disappear, when a couple of pages are opened. Steps to reprodu…

Cookie Confusion - How Can I Read a Cookie Value on Another Page?

@teodor, THANK YOU SOO MUCH! Yes, that was it… thank you for being there even on a Sunday!

Action with Oauth2 (Spotify) fails when in Schedule

W 5.1.0 Win10 NodeJS Local Own Server Hi! I’m creating a Spotify app and faced the error. Not sure if it is a bug or if I do something wrong. Most of the logic is placed in one Library action. I…

Migration is created without string quotes in default value of column

Wappler Version : 5.1.1 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: SQLite Hosting Type: Wappler Local Server Expected behavior Column string default value in database manager is…

Github Starter Project

I’m about to start fiddling with Wappler and working on a lot of personal projects in my backlog. One thing I’d like to do to both build my knowledge and help others is to work on a starter project a…

Is it posible to autogenerate characters at the server connect level?

Why not use the UUID option available in the data picker in Server Connect? It will generate an unique UUID like be92e232-e54b-4677-acc7-db852aca5b82

Code First Approach

I don’t know if its just the way my mind works but I am finding it easier to develop a page using the split view and coding it. For some reason when I use the design surface and dialogs I just get in …

How Best To Create A [Disable Cookies] Option?

As I build my product web site, I want to add code for Google ads, analytics, Facebook pixel, etc. As these products use cookies, I need my visitor’s permission to use them. However, I still want the…

Rounding decimals

Ok dumb question (Wappler newb here) In the data formatter, how do I format a decimal number so there are only 2 places after the decimal? Example return 1.99 instead of 1.999999999999998

Docker Setup Errors

Hi, I am trying to install Docker to use with a Local PHP Development environment. When setting up my project I receive an error stating that Docker is not installed. I have tried to install Docker f…

Tutorial or Doc Needed -- How To Generate an Update form that shows Multiple Choice Checkboxes

Wappler Docs, Tutorials, Videos refer to “Update Form” I will PayPal to see one complete Wappler “How To Create an Update Form that also handles Multiple Choice Inputs such as Checkbox Groups and Mul…

Transform value from database

Hello How do I change an id coming from the database like 1 to 00001?

Issue inserting into 2nd table when using set value action

When I enable the set value step in my server action (reformatting email to lower case) my second table insert no longer works. Can someone put me in the right direction. Thanks

API action component not working properly update 5.1.1

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ======== Wappler Version : 5.1.1 Operating System : Windows10 Server Model: PHP Database Type: Mysql Hosting Type: localhost link api test: https://viacep.com.br/ws…

Nested repeat inside a nested repeat

Hi, is it possible to nest a nested repeat table inside another? I have a 3-level nested repeat set up in server connect which is returning the correct results and so far have got it working with 2 l…

Not getting email to validate subscription

I just upgraded my Wappler version and it asked me to login. I put in my email and it states it sent a code, but its been over 10 minutes and i don’t have a code. I checked spam as well.

Docs needed: How to set up development and production environments for SQL Server

Searching in the docs for ‘set up targets’ returns nothing useful. Does anyone have a link to the docs on how to do this? Need to set up a database of type SQL Server, but this is not listed in the …

Wappler 5.1.1 Released

Wappler 5.1.1 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.1.1 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Working with .pdfs

Hello all, I am curious if anybody knows a way to count the pages in a .pdf that a user uploads and store the page count in the db. I need this functionality in my app, but haven’t started building …

How to add multiple Where conditions on array

"pricing": { "services": [{ "service":"image-retouching", "price": [ { "country": "us", "rate": "1.50" }],}] } Considering above JSON I am not able to put two ‘Where’ conditions i.e. Rate re…

Database Security

How are the login credentials to a remote SQL Server database connection secured? This is a deployment to a Windows web host which includes a SQL Server. Thank you

Show only available dates on Date Picker from DB query

I’m trying to display specific dates on the date picker based on list of dates from a database table. I have tried putting in the custom dates Data source in the App structure side, but its not worki…

Passing serverconnect data as array to javascript function

I want to call a js function and pass the data received from serverconnect.

How to change the font and grid color in Charts component

Hi, I have this chart with a dark blue background and I would like to change the color of the font and the grid lines to white so they can be seen. I’ve been going through the documentation of char…

Dynamic text color for button

I am having a heck of a time trying to get the text color of the button to dynamically change based on a database event. <button id="btn1" class="btn" type="submit" dmx-style:color="#listing_info.dat…

Calendar: showing in webpage but not in wappler

In latest version inserting the calendar in a content page, the calendar is visible when see the page with the browser. Unfortunately calendar component is not visible in wappler.

Date and date range picker theme and highlight won't work

Wappler Version : 5.0.2 Operating System : Windows 10 x64 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgreSQL Hosting Type: Docker Bootstrap 5 Expected behavior Theme and highlight options are applie…

Basic Subscription Extensions usage

Hi Jim, That is the “Extensions manager” and it only gives you info about each of them, what they do. To use extension like reCaptcha ect. you have to click “Workflows” (Green icon at top left ). …

JSON Web Tokens

I’ve published the first part about JSON web tokens after it got discussed here Using a NoSQL database and Logins. It’s a multi-part series and part 2 will follow soon. So if you are interested into …

Summernote Lite Textarea Validation Not Working

Wappler Version : 5.1.0 Operating System : Windows 10 Expected behavior Add Validation rules in the properties of a Summernote Lite Textarea In the Actions Editor (f.e. in Dynamic Events), the …

Design style values won't save

Wappler Version : 5.0.2 Operating System : Windows 10 x64 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgreSQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior After style is create and saved - values inside thi…

Node parameters in UI

If you set variables in Define Query Params in main layout page, then you should be able to select it via picker on content page, and it should work. I created a fresh project to test this some ti…

Using a NoSQL database and Logins

Hi, I am thinking of using a nosql database like OrientDB. My initial thinking is to access it from Wappler simply by invoking the database’s REST APIs. That said, I’m having troubles figuring out …

Update Help Documentation

Hi, With all of the great features & complicated things that can be done with Wappler it would be very helpful to have the Instructions Documentation current. Trying to follow along is definitely unc…

Have you coded to dynamically write a Form Update Query?

I’m looking to write the UPDATE RECORD query sent to the server based on which inputs the user has changed. For instance in a php mysql or Maria db project Standard Wappler API UPDATE QUERY is somet…

Is there a Update Record Tutorial?

The latest tutorial I see when querying “Update Record Form” says: “our form is a standard Update Record form” about using Form Repeat to return nested data Which brings up my question: Where is …

How to Remove Black and White Border on Modal?

Hey folks… My simple modal seems to have a thin black and white border and I’ve no idea how to get rid of it… any ideas? Best wishes, Antony. <div class="modal" id="m_message_2_plus_2" is="dmx-b…

Save non-ISO date in DB

Appologies - I forgot to mentioned that "inserting: ddd.split('.')[2]+'.'+ddd.split('.')[1]+'.'+ddd.split('.')[0]" - did the trick and I was able to insert it. My question was more about transformin…

Want to sort by numeric value of a string field on only 1 of my Bootstrap Table columns

use an alias for the column in your custom query i.e. cast(regveh.RegNum as int) AS regvehint Your sort buttons will need to be changed to set ‘regvehint’ rather than the cast statement when clicke…

Payment process

Hello to all, I will work in a payment area in one of my website. My bank provider gave me these instructions. Is possible to work with this in wappler? (Placetopay is the name of their solution) In…

Multiple innerjoins from the same table

no, the result is ok. I also tried left join. If I add another join, all the other results disappear as well

Nested multi-reference insert

I’ve been using the subtable feature on insert/update along with form repeats and they work great. Now trying to include a subtable multi-reference inside a multi-reference of a subtable. Table stru…

Repeat Error - Error: core.repeater: repeat is required

Its not a Wappler issue, it was something wrong with the data returned from the API, sorry about the false report, just assumed because the script has been running for ages and all of a sudden started…

Is there a way to disable a button (e.g. next) if all form fields are not completed?

You can use multiple conditions for the disabled attribute. <button dmx-bind:disabled="!input1.value && !input2.value && !input3.value" > Next </button>

Display data from sub-table in Table

You need to add a repeat area for Prices. Here I have an example where I have Categories and Items instead of Departure_dates and Prices.

Something like toKeyedObject in Server Actions

Hi, i’m a bit stuck in this, please a bit of help: This works perfectly in the front, but how to replicate it in Server Actions? <dmx-value id=“var_config” dmx-bind:value="sc_config.data.toKeyedObje…

Files without extension

Hello, How can I accept files without an extension into my file upload? Thank you.

When is the query builder going to work properly!

Since the poorly conceived release of integrated sub-tables, it’s stopped being possible build a reasonable query using the query builder. 70% of my queries are now custom queries since then… Pleas, …

New MySQL table not showing in Server Actions

MySql Database with PHP I created a new table in Navicat then updated the database schema in Wappler. The table is showing in the database window. However, when I go to server actions it’s not ther…

Multiple Lightbox Groups In Repeat

Hi. I have a repeat of cards, where each card has a bunch of images. Using a repeat inside the card, I am able to setup a lightbox UI, where first image is shown. On click of it, the lightbox opens …

Finding the SUM of a list of numbers inside a bullet list

I didn’t spot that you were hiding/showing some based on a data store. Try: {{scServicesList.data.queryServices.where('PricingID', dataBookingDetails.data.BookingServicesRequired,'inArray').sum('Pri…

Shopping Cart tutorial

Hello to all, I need to make a shopping cart. Is there a good tutorial for it? I was trying to use an eCommerce template in the block area but is not available. Thanks

About wappler upgrade

I’m still working with Wappler 4. I have some important work to finish. I plan to upgrade to 5 next month but was afraid to do so now, due to bug issues. Have you had any problems switching versions,…

Connections not changing with targets

Wappler Version : 5.1.0 Operating System : Windwos 11 Server Model: php Database Type: Mysql Hosting Type: MAMP Expected behavior Schema refresh on databasce actions should fetch changes. Connect…

Framework 7 -> Capacitor -> Android -> No target to run on

Hi all, Cannot figure out why i have no Target in the list. Everything seems to be correctly installed and i have a device ready.

Working with addresses

Hello all, I am newer to Wappler and am working on solving a problem. Any help or ref material you could point me to would be highly appreciated. I am working on an app that connect customers with n…

Three App Connect Files don't get recognized as updated on update

Shutting down Wappler completely and restarting seems to have corrected it.

Width of Search Window in v5

Hey folks… Is there any way to make the project wide search/replace windows wider in v5? I can only make it this wide on my poor little 1920x1080 display, and there is no wrapping of the result lines…

Wappler 5.1.0 Released

Wappler 5.1.0 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.1.0 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

How to Store Global Variable into Wappler Variable

I was able to solve it yesterday actually! Sever Connect Form - Post For anyone cuurious this might help <form is="dmx-serverconnect-form" id="sc_form5" method="post" action="api/shopify/save_desig…

Using values from queries in a normal API in a include or execute action

I can’t recreate this issue. Added the same steps and param as you - the param appears when i add the library action as an exec step. Maybe try resaving the library item/recreate the server action/re…

Mobile App Confusion

Hi all, I’m new to web developing currently learning CSS, html and JS. I’m hearing a lot about Swift UI, Flutter, Native React. What do we use on Wappler to convert our apps into Googles Play Store a…

Repeat or While? What would work best to achieve this

Repeat or While? What would work best to achieve this. Scenario: I have 4 ticket numbers in a database. Each have a Ticket Number and Qty. **** Brain fog tonight…over worked… **** feeling really…

Now that we have 5.0 and the team is getting bigger I went through the feature requests

…and I extracted the really important(IMO) and historical requests that are needed to take Wappler a bit further. I’m obviously biased towards my own Feature Requests but it’s my post after all and I …

EJS and code view automatic formatting

The editor doesn’t seem to format .ejs documents well when there’s some EJS involved. For example, when saving this file with some partials, it created these indents: Any way we can customize that?

Laravel Vapor - Serverless PHP Platform for PHP Apps

Hey guys! We are looking for “High Availability as a Service - HA” GUI solutions, and founded Laravel Vapor. Anybody tried or know this solution? Would be possible to deploy a PHP app made in Wapple…

Access session storage manager from API action file

Apologies to all if this is really dumb. I have a series of API calls I have to make on a reciept page from an external payment processor. The way the system I’m pushing data to is that I have a ser…

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. When sending mail

Wappler 5.0.3 Mac asp.net Page was working fine, but last couple of updates must have broke it? I haven’t changed any code on this page for a while. { "message": "Exception has been thrown by the…

Debugging Server Connect Errors not working

HI all, I am hoping to get some help when trying to debug an error. What I am trying to do: Using the groupBy condition I want the system to return a list of plans that grouped by their name. Th…

Is this encryption possible with NodeJS

Instructions from my payment portal are The string must be encrypted using AES (block size 128-bit) in CBC mode with PKCS#5 padding. Use the provided password as both the key and initialisation vecto…

Create New Mobile App from Existing Project

Hi, Is it possible to create a new app (Mobile / Desktop Version) from the existing project? I have an existing project as an admin portal and want to create a mobile app for client-side using backe…

Masonry With Flexible Column Width

That’s not supported by the masonry component. You can achieve this using CSS Grids.

Wappler subscription - payment method

Can I buy a subscription using payment with swift bank transfer?

Working with an sCRUD

Hi all, I’m following Brian’s great tutorials on Wappler5 - hats off to Brian, absolutely awesome and I’m learning a lot! I know I’m probably jumping the gun a bit here, but would something below be…

Is There A Wappler Meta Tag Generator?

There’s no such a feature in Wappler.

'No' Option to deploy project to Docker is disregarded when a new project is created

Wappler Version : 5.0.4 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MSSQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior When a new project is created with Development Environment Docker…

Database Engine - None selection keeps reverting to MySQL (Server Type Docker)

Wappler Version : 5.0.4 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MSSQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior The Database Engine selection None should be saved under Project …

Timeout - NodeJS - API (Server Action)

Hey Guys, How or what is the proper steps to setup a timeout for a larger API (server action) call? Do we simply setup timeouts for each step that may cause a lag? OR an overall timeout? How would …

Google Places Autocomplete - doesn't work in a Modal

You can add it on your main pages using the Design panel, just open a page and click the Attach stylesheet button available in the Design Panel.

Can't get Google Places Autocomplete API to work

Google Places Autocomplete has been integrated in Wappler 3.3.0

Dynamic SQL query

Hi, I’m trying to build a complex, dynamic SQL query, in which the tables, attributes to return, and where clauses would be defined based on choices that the user makes in the front end. Among other…

Data picker is empty if server connect is in a modal

Wappler: v5.0.4 OS: MacOS M1 Server: PHP I think this has existed forever but I’ve just coped with it. If a server connect is added to a page inside a dynamic modal, if you then have a select inpu…

Beta Extensions

Those are Server Connect Actions, so you use them in the Workflow / Server Actions - to create your server actions and add them as action steps.

Reason for search results taking 4 seconds ⏱

Hello gents, It’s been a few weeks now that the loading / display of cards takes 4 seconds once we click an auto-suggested text in the search bar. Could this joined query be the reason? Oh and whi…

NodeJS + Framework7

I figured out how to configure routing by Fw7 in the nodejs + framework 7 project. I’ll leave a solution here in case someone has the same question. In the layout code, it is necessary to add class…

Client side formatters issue

Yes, I solved the problem over the weekend. Thank you so much .

Can't See Partial or its Contents in AppConnect Picker Anymore

Wappler Version : 5.0.4 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MySQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior Open Actions Editor or AppConnect binding window and be abl…

[].length() doesn't work, only .length

instead of .length() it must be .count().

Custom module output help needed

@JonL Thank you for pointing this out. exports.parse_website = async function (options) { options = this.parse(options); const axios = require('axios'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); cons…

Best way to migrate old database to new database (e.g.: MariaDB to PostgreSQL)

The solution I found was using DBeaver Community Edition (open-source), or their paid version DBeaver Enterprise You can export/import data between different databases, even between different softwar…

Tooltip not disappearing after button has been removed

Maybe you can try adding a static event on click to the element having the tooltip: $(this).tooltip('hide')

Docker Error: Error response from daemon: Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server

Seems to be a Docker Desktop (Compose) bug. https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/9789 Try updating Docker Desktop to the latest as it should be fixed there according to the report.

Change pointer on mouseover

No mouseover event needed. Just add a style to the img element… cursor: pointer

Content pages do not load anymore on layout page working on wappler preview mode

I understand that normally we can preview and also navigate through the pages. But as my first serious project is becoming more complicated I lost the functionality somewhere back and now I have to us…

Flash messages through cookies

Here’s how I solved this: Library action flashNotification: Flash notification: Server Action to get notifications: On the main layout I put a server connect call to the one shown in the scr…

How to make array on Server Action with dynamic arguments? (e.g.: $_GET)

Hi, I’m trying to make an array using e.g. Set Value The problem is, I need to get a variable from $_PARAM or $_GET Set Value = {{ [{message: $_PARAM.message}] }} That doesn’t work, it’s a syntax …

Dynamic Pie / Donut Chart Slice Colors

Does anyone know how to use colors from a table or CSS to pass into a donut chart for slice colors? I currently have them hardcoded with dmx-bind:colors as an array but i’d like to pass them from a s…

Populate drop down through list(taken from a json)

jsonDS1.data.homePage.countries is a list that I am trying to display as dropdown items. here’s the code I tried. COUNTRY  jsonDS1.data.homePage.countrie


Hi! with the new ressource manager, I wanted to integrate ssl-certificate with traefix, however the original server was created before the ressource manager was added and while importing the server in…

'Validate form' action missing in ui

There’s a ‘validate’ action for forms, however it’s missing in the UI. Here it is using browser console: Here it is in a flow dmx-on:click="run([{run:{action:`submitOrder.validate()`}},{wait:{del…

How to customize input styling?

can change pretty much anything in the bootstrap editor advanced options

App Structure collapses need some serious help in Wappler 5

I know there are lots of bugs to squash but I am really seeing a lot of goofiness with the way structures collapse in the app structure. Things are closing/collapsing when they shouldn’t etc. Here i…

What is "no reference found to shorthand" in Git login settings?

Trying to reconnect with my GitHub repositories (with Wappler Git settings that worked a week ago) gives me this error – Since GitHub and Google can"t answer this I assume that it is an internal Wa…

Uploading files to Google Cloud

Has anyone worked with Google Cloud or Google Drive API to upload files into their Google account? Is it easy with Wappler? Any good places for info? The idea is for members to upload a file via the w…

How do I keep the customer logged in to my site?

Hello, It should be simple I guess. Here when I refresh my page in the browser, I have to go back to the login page Thanks

Wappler 5.0.4 Released

Wappler 5.0.4 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.0.4 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Using Sub Tables With Join

Hi. I have a MSSQL DB with three tables: A, B, C. C has a sub-table relation with B. A & B have foreign-key relation as well. If I create a query with B as the first table, and select C as a colum…

How to Wait for ServerAction to complete before moving to next?

In addition to what Ken wrote, try: return await resizeImage();

IndexedDB with Wappler

Hi @patrick , I have an application that uses IndexedDB. Wappler can’t work yet with IndexedDB. However, I have prepared the following function for this. function getAllContacts(db) { var reques…

Write to JSON file

I’m using NodeJS and need to create and write to a json file on the server from the backend. Is there an extension or a native Wappler way for that? I only found an extension for php. If not then I’…

Project Settings Sync issue when adding database settings via Workflows tab

Hi Brian, Well it might not be very clear - but the database settings in the target are only one way. So when selected there will be a default “db” connection be created and used. This is usually han…

Populate dropdown through list

I am trying to create a drop-down element and want to populate its items through a list. I tried adding the repeat dynamic attribute but is of no use(it is displaying the entire row as 1 item. Thank…

Stuck on Downloading CSV file

Hi Brad, it’s already explained in the docs how to use the download action: In the download step path just use the csv export step as an expression, the rest is explained in the tutorial.

Multiple Select Height

It is the size attribute: <select id="select1" class="form-select" multiple="true" size="5">

Open automatically a login form in a modal

I would use the ondone dynamic event for the scUser component. You could use an inline flow (or page flow): condition -> !scUser.data.identity then -> run modLogin.show() that way it waits for the…

Hover Popup Sticks on Click

I’ve got a little popup window that shows a tip. Works fine on hover. But, if user clicks on it… it sticks and stays. Here’s a screen shot of the Wappler settings, and a video clip of what’s happen…

Base64 Max Accepted Length?

Do you know in which format the data is being send, can be as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data or application/json. Depending on the content-type it is differently parsed on the …

Changing the language attribute using appconnect

That’s the correct way of doing it, you just need to switch the App Root to Page:

At Least One Check Box Required

I have a checkbox group. I would like to make it so that at least one box has to be selected. How can I do that? <div class="form-group" id="check_special_interest" is="dmx-checkbox-group"> …

Plugin https could not be loaded

In your database connection settings for the host name, make sure it’s just and IP or a host name without https:// in front of it.

Can you add or copy a server connect / API action to the library?

Hi all Maybe I am missing this somewhere. Is there a way to copy an existing action to the server connect library? Sometimes you work on a process or maybe there is an existing process and you real…

How do I test a library server action in browser

Feature request: The answer to your 2nd question is yes

How to make a POST using multipart/form-data?

I’ve tried several ways to make the request, but the api I’m using to POST always returns the following error: no files received. That is, the files are not being sent by the form with enctype multip…

Dynamic Map, Map Markers Not showing in Framework 7

I ran into this issue… The address is the dynamic location. When I pull the long/lat from database and insert it manually in long/lat static field, it properly renders. Is there a fix? I tried this so…

Reset value input

Hello, in my article search system, I encounter a problem, for example I am looking for 5221 products, so I have the list that appears, I enter my quantity, which adds it to the basket. so far it’s g…

Docker Out Of Space Bug

Wappler 4.9.1, MacBook Max M1 Just had the Docker Out Of Space Error, used the built in clean button, and re deployed, got the same out of space error. Did a docker system df and noticed a Build Cac…

Api call with auth (oauth)

I am trying to create an integration with Brightidea API. But before make the call this api need oauth with username, password, secret… I have tried everything but i cant make it work. Could you p…

DMX Calendar, force HTML to render

Does anyone know of any way to force the dmx calendar (full calendar) to force the title to rather render as html, I am trying to get as close to this as possible. I am hoping if i can make the tit…

Install Updates fails Ubuntu

Wappler Version : 4.4.3 Operating System : Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Server Model: Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior When you click the update notification in the top right corner of the W…

Display sum

Add an alias for it in the query builder and it will appear.


WOWZA…! I’ve just created a quadruple table join for the first time in Wappler, the whole process was done correctly and completely flawlessly in a couple of minutes. Next time I do it I reckon it’ll…

Calendar Drag and Drop doesn't work when there is an All Day event

Hey @patrick - I think I solved this. If I select Overlap on the source it works fine.

Question about Calculating age from date of birth

Hello to all I just followed the “Calculating age from Date of birth” tutorial and works perfect. My question is, Can I only show in the table the persons that are over 26 years old?

Wappler 5.0.3 Released

Wappler 5.0.3 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.0.3 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Pound Sterling symbol turning into a question mark

Hi All…! I’ve been making great progress on my project, I’m really starting to get deep inside Wappler and although frustrating at times, it never ceases to amaze me with how easy it is to do the mos…

Filtering Query with a search Text Input doesn't return to page 1

Found it … On my search field: dmx-on:focus="employerparam.remove('offset')"

Fixing drop-down area (Tagify)

Has anyone fixed a similar problem in css? How to fix the drop-down list area strictly in the up position? I encountered this problem in the tagify component. I will be grateful for any ideas.

Help with a complex expression in a client side formatter

This is what I am trying to do On the left we have list of extras, each has a price and a quantity. If the quantity is greater than 0 it adds it to the right hand side, if the quantity is more than…

Flex Container vs Container

You can find the explanation in Bootstrap docs:

Wappler flow editor

Simply right click the Then step and you will see the Else step available to be added.

Is there a built in Wappler way of getting an elements height

Currently to get an elements height i use <script> function allDynamicElementHeights() { let boxR = document.querySelector('.dynamic-height-right'); let heightR = boxR.offsetHeigh…

Problem with query visualization

As @mebeingken already mentions, you are probably only showing the first recordset of the repeat. To show all content you could use 2 repeaters. Your query is not that complex and you could probably …

Security: Restrict a specific Bot

Ended up trying to do this with the .htaccess file. ## Block via User Agent <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (JoobleBot) [NC] RewriteRule (.*) - [F,L] </IfM…

How to allow modal closing by clicking outside the modal?

Actually there’s close on close available for the confirm dialog as well:

Main.ejs vs Index.ejs

Main.ejs is a layout page, index.ejs is a content page this doc will explain the uses of the two:

Wappler 5 - Workflows Editor Missing

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ======== Wappler Version : 5.0.2 Operating System : Macbook Intel (not M1) Server Model: Node Database Type: Digital Ocean Hosting Type: Local After switching over fro…

Greyed Out Unchangeable Items on Design Panel - Help!

This happens when that property is already defined somewhere else with a higher priority, so editing will not work since it would always be overridden by the other definition. You can hover over the l…

Layout page vs Content page - What's the difference?

And why are there no components available in this screenshot? Where is “Container” and “Components” and “Navigation” etc? I’ve tried following youtube tutorials but they are either out dated for the …

NodeJS + SQLite WebApp inside Electron-Offline

I’m trying to make offline desktop App by complaining NodeJS , SQLite and Electron together. with little adjustment to package.json ‘’ ’ “scripts”: { “start”: “./index.js” } ’ ‘’ and my index.…

Show all before select

Hello to all, I have a table that show all providers by town where they to provide services. I have a select field where the user will select the town to show in the table. I would like to when the …

Wappler becomes unresponsive after trying to map key in data detail in dynamic modal

OS info Operating System : Mac OSX 20.6.0 Wappler Version : 4.0.1 Problem description Wappler becomes unresponsive after trying to map key in data detail in dynamic modal. Clicking on ‘submit erro…

Storing a client-side array into a json field in the database

Try using .split(’,’) on the post variable. That will turn your string into an array.

Can I edit System Theme Scroll bar visual properties?

As I approach 112 years now living in front of desktop computer screens I need one particular higher contrast, bolder visual component in the Wappler System themes. I call it a “vertical Scroll Bar co…

I need a solution for an innerjoin problem

another innerjoin problem Thanks in advance

Are there updates on "Advanced Theme Manager Variables"?

Now in 2022, Wappler 5.0.2, since 4.9.1 forward … is there anything to be added concerning the Theme Manager Advanced Variables introduction by @Teodor ?

Help with API response and value identification

Hi guys, I have a server action API call that returns something like the following { "$total": 2, "$page": 1, "$items": 1, "$resources": [ { "$key": 1, "$title": "Test", …

Change input text after successful api response

What is the best way of handling form changes based on api response? I am having a newsletter form with an input for email and a button. I want to change the text of the input field and disable the in…

OffCanvas has no UI for shown/hidden

The dynamic events for the offcanvas component are available in the Dynamic Events section:

Issue in displaying multiple reference

I’m trying to display the data of multiple reference but not been able to show case it its showing this on debugging. Actually I have to load users whose id is to be fetched from sub-table and ma…

Creating a table with change logs

Have an interesting request from a client. To keep a log of changes on information of the employer table. Obviously it will only be needed to be triggered when the update action is run. Is there a fu…

How to use Adobe Typekit fonts with BS4 and BS5 projects

I need to use a specific font which is only available from Adobe Typekit. I’m using BS4 (soon to switch to BS5) and the theme manager. How can I use a Typekit font? What’s the technique? Happy to hand…

Insert User Form: Email field is not saved in database

Your input name in the form is email and in the insert record step you’ve selected a post variable called mail: As there’s no input called mail nothing gets inserted. You need to select the post va…

How do I get last record of Inserted rec if NOT using Identity col ? CUSTOM Query Insert using Sequences

In Hyperbytes’ new training video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8xr_gd6MMo&t=214s&ab_channel=Wappler he has a 2nd step to add a Role record for a newly created User rec. Its the same as these…

Repeat Data Source

Hello everyone, Is it possible to set repeat datasource as: conn_list_project.data.repeat_project.filter((project) => project.repeat_categories.some((category) => category.var_percent >= 40))) @pat…

How do I redirect a User after login page to a different Members/ Dashboard page

How do I redirect a User after login page to a different Members/ Dashboard page I have created a front end index page with a login form but I want to redirect the user to a different page after fill…

Security.json changes in Dev not reflecting after Deploy

Wappler Version : 5.02 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: n/a Database Type: n/a Hosting Type: DO Expected behavior If I make a change to the security.json file, then publish to LIVE, my chan…

Poll: Where do you hash passwords?

Where do you hash user passwords? I usually hash on server side. But, I’ve been reading about how some people suggest hashing on client-side because it protects against programmer errors. Some sugge…

Changing project from node js to Html?

Hi @UDX I’m getting the impression you’re relatively new to all this. If not, please forgive me as I will give you some tips that are aimed at a beginner. These .EJS files are HTML files but with e…

API issues - response

I am having an issue pulling data from our DEV API into WEappler. But with in Wappler the response is the same. I have just highlighted the responses in postman and swagger as easier to see the r…

Server Connect Multi Update without generator

Your code is not correct. The dynamic values cannot be added in static attributes like this: id="record[{{$index}}][budgetAmount]" name="record[{{$index}}][budgetAmount]" These must be dynamic. You…

Selecting - API 'repeat' responses - in a dropdown menu

Not sure how did you manage to generate this code, but you simply need: <div class="dropdown"> <button id="dropdown1" class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropd…

Repeating 'GET' - APi call return visual table data

The expressions in the table repeat and the expressions in the table cells.

Preloader and Security

Hello! On this site, a user will first log in. After logging in user is delivered to _mainhome page. There is a preloader on that page. It also loads different server side pieces of information, ba…

Argon2id password checking

Hi Brian, In order to do this you need to use the password verify indeed. You just need to give the plain password and the hash stored in the database and it will return a boolean true if the passwor…

Remove &nbsp from summernote

We use TinyMCE’s cloud version for sites that have a lot of copy and paste into rich test fields, as https://www.tiny.cloud does an amazing job of cleaning up the pasted in messes and users don’t hav…

Error Launching Services

I’m switching from windows to MAC. So, I installed docker and Wappler. However, when I tried to deploy, I got the following message: Bringing all services up … fork/exec /usr/local/bin/docker-compos…

CONTROL-W Command Closes Program

Wappler Version : v5.0.2 Operating System : Windows Server Model: Database Type: Hosting Type: Expected behavior USING COMMAND CONTROL-W SHOULD CLOSE DOCUMENT Actual behavior USING CONTROL-W …

Form Validation Handling

Which errors does a form return when there are validation errors? Server side would be nice to know… But, especially user side? I’m wanting to say, “If there is a validation error, change value of a…

User security works under localhost, but not when published to DO

Live link: user: test pw: 111 v4.91. Node. MSSQL I implemented Login/Logout per Ben’s videos: All my Login/Out stuff was working perfectly, but as soon as I…

NodeJS is missing / NodeJS is already installed and up-to-date (System Check)

Hello! Curious if the output below t is normal, or if I did something weird while installing on my Mac… Wappler 4.9.1 macos 12.4 (21F79) This is what I see when I click System Check: zsh:1: comm…

Sharing Docker Containers

Hello everyone, Our team is growing! We installed Wappler on new 2 machines, dev environment is working fine with Docker, and we exported and imported Staging containers to the new computers, I’m ab…

Popover not working

Wappler Version : 5.0.2 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: Linux Database Type: Mysql Hosting Type: Shared. Popovers aren’t working. In the development panel I can see the element get …

Adding two columns together in a table

I know this is probably really basic stuff Is it possible to add column A to column B in a table repeat and output as a new column I have tried this td dmx-text="(A + B)" but it outputs both figur…

Wappler Engine vs Local Node server performance

I have a maxed out Macbook pro mid-2015 (16GB 2,8GHz, 1TB) I’ve noticed that Wappler engine affects negatively my laptop thermals. While I can run a local node server totally silent(fans at aprox 3…

Security Login to have access to user data. Easily dynamically alter UI

Is this still the way to do this? (Since this is 4 years old, I’m just making sure there’s no more modern way.) If, after entering ID & PW, I have to hit the user table to validate the password, …

Can't locate certificate files ca.pem cert.pem key.pem

Is it a docker project? If yes, this should fix it: https://medium.com/@cweinberger/docker-machine-export-and-import-34ae2899e9d7 These files are, at least for docker, in a different folder. Not in…

Comma-separated values from Dynamic Multi-Choice Checkbox Solved

THANK YOU TO ALL WHO OFFERED THEIR KIND HELP! I am here to post my Solution in case I need to come back here in the future and remind myself of what I did in August 2022! I posted heavily in the pas…

Where to put <meta name:="ac:route">?

From a while ago I seem to remember it can cause issues if this line (on content page, nodejs) is not at the very top of the page, right underneath the <!-- Wappler include... : <meta name="ac:route"…

Security Provider Enforcer on Page Breaks when Formatting Page in ASP .NET

Wappler Version : 4.9.1 Operating System : W10 Server Model: ASP .NET Database Type: MSSQL Expected behavior Formatting an ASPX file should not break the security enforcer on page. Actual behavio…

Summernote strange characters when copying / pasting

I have a document / text that i have in Notepad. I copy and paste the text into summernote as you can see, the text shows up fine before saving and previewing. However, as soon as i save and then…

Aspx insert in MSSQL

I can’t do an insert in MSSQL, the connection works, I also created a table and the fields directly from wappler, but when I do an insert from a simple form, it gives me error. Made in aspx How can I…

Can I access all the bindings of a Google Places Auto Complete in a POST Form

I have a need to capture some of the data that a google places auto complete allows me to access on the client side, such as So I would normally expect to see all those bindings available on the s…

Simple find and replace on current page?

Of course, on the page click Ctrl + f / Cmd + f

Referring to a specific input in a repeat

Hi, Is there a way to change the value and text of a specific input in a repeat? My use case is: I have a form input in a repeat, where I want the value of the form input to be set via clicking a bu…

How does the CONFIG_SECRET_KEY work?

As the title suggest Id like to understand how this var works within the config file (using PHP) I am planning on open sourcing a project and need to know if it should be scrubbed or if its even need…

Medium Editor in Modal does not work

Wappler Version : 4.9 Operating System : Windows Server Model: PHP Bootstrap Version: 5 How to reproduce <div class="modal" id="modal1" is="dmx-bs5-modal"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="docume…

Doing Math - What is Wrong?

Well one of the values is a number and the other is a string. You can’t convert a number value to a number, the tonumber formatter should not be applied to it.

Deleting files from S3 Buckets

I seem to have an issue deleting files from the S3 bucket. It all goes through and then returns a 200 response, but it does not delete the file from the bucket. Does anyone know how to get this to wo…

How to retrieve login information after login to view customer information

Hello, How to retrieve login information after login to view customer information Thanks

How to add an S3 folder within a bucket

Folders are simply added as part of the Key. So you can use: food/apple.jpg food/candy/bad-for-you.png which will create a food folder with apple.jpg inside it, as well as another folder, candy, a…

Issue with Group step and Output checkbox

Wappler 5.0.2 NodeJS Hi, On Server Actions, if you place a Group step (Output checkbox ticked) with a Set Value inside with the Output checkbox unticked, such variable is not accessible outside the…

Stripe Orders Beta - how to extend client and server side stripe?

I am wokring with ‘Stripe Orders’, which is in beta. I need to do the following: "please select a beta version by setting the Stripe-Version HTTP header to something like 2020-08-27;orders_beta=v4" …

Pages freezing up trying to save after making an edit

Wappler Version : 5.0.0 Beta 8 Operating System : Mac OS 12.2.1 Server Model: PHP Database Type: MySql Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior What do you think should happen? Make an edit and …

Accessible form validation

Add an empty div like the following: <div id="dmxValidatorErrorfmLoginA11YnUserName" class="invalid-feedback"></div> The validator will use this element when it is already in the DOM or create it wh…

Repeat on Exec action returns Empty List in Exclude/Include field options

Wappler Version :4.9.1 and Beta 5.6 Operating System : Windows 11 Server Model: Node JS Database Type: MariaDB Hosting Type: Docker Repeating the output of an exec action should return a list of …

[TAGIFY BUG] Can't select the input

Totally new project and Wappler last version: When input converted to tagify you can’t select the input. Tried with select mode and normal mode. The only way to select is to manually type it and pres…

Range Input display Min Max Values and show Selected Value

Well that’s one of the easiest things to do in Wappler. The dynamic attributes are used exactly for this … Select the text input Add new dynamic attribute > input > value Select the range inpuit > v…

Image processor: Tiled image

I am not sure what this does or how to use it. Could not get any results out of it. I am hoping to tile 4 thumbs together and produce 1 image to be saved on server side for front end use… Anyone who…

Autocomplete that will add record if not found

Hi All, I’m developing a booking system. One of the text fields to create a booking is a customer name (full name, not firstname/surname). Id like the auto complete to return an existing customer tha…

Needing more up to date w cart tutorials

Can someone point me in the direction of the the latest w cart tutorials? I’m finding functions have either moved or have been renamed in the 3 different tutorials I have been following.

AWS S3 Connector | Cannot get it to work

Hi. I am new to Wappler, but not to new to S3. The S3 bucket is set up for access and works fine in another application done in Visual Studio. However I’m stuck at the very beginning in Wappler v5. …

How to csave public address of metamask in mysql database pulling directly from metamask

Could someone help me with a blockchain integration between metamask and an app made in node.js. I’m developing a login in node.js where I need in the registration to save the public address of the m…

SPA Best Practice - Admin vs User

Case: you’re making an SPA website. It will have both administrative functions and end-user functions. Administrators will also be end-users. Is there any problem in making the whole site on SPA? O…

Is there a deep dive on apis?

Hi, wondering if there is a deep dive tutorial on API within Wappler? The standard docs are only skretching the surface?

Summernote Security

How do you make SummerNote text safe when submitted into the database? Obviously, we want to allow Summernote to make a whole bunch of HTML decisions. But, we also want to strip out potentially harmf…

W5 Beta: Can’t create GIT repository

@George you were right about stopping using an Admin account. I just wasn’t familiar with how Windows users settings works. And it seems my problem was that I had UAC (User Account Control) disabled…

Security - Wappler Did it?

So, is security in Wappler already mostly done for us? I came across this quote from @George: Cross Site Scripting You are in full control of your files and uploads. No scripts are included on the …

Resource Manager Digital Ocean error on Deploy

So I see that you have the ip address instead the actual url https://moraescondominios.com.br in “web server url” field? is there a reason you didn’t map the actual url?

How To Use Full Calendar Premium

Hey @sid, No way to use the FC premium features with the integrated Wappler version of FC. I use the premium features extensively in my app I need to use the custom integration. Happy to share any …

Checkbox Group confusion

Have Checkbox groups changed at all? In the UI I add a checkbox group component, inside it I need to add a repeat children, with a checkbox inside that. Like this. <div is="dmx-checkbox-group" id="…

Checkbox Array Value Saved To DB

Thank you all for your help and suggestions. Each had a perspective that ultimately helped me to arrive at a successful end, and I appreciate it very much! This is what I finally settled on. After pl…

Browser goto only works once, then stops

I am unsure if this is a bug or me not clearing something properly. I have a form, on success it clears the form and then does a goto to get to another internal page with this <form method="post" id…

Dynamic Checkbox Failing to load comma-separated values

My code is for a checkbox group whose multiple options selected in the form should be posted in a comma separated text format into one field marked varchar with enough room to store all options if sel…

Google Maps with markers, some things not working

Wappler 5.0.2, MacBook Pro M1 Max I have a modal window to add locations to my database using a google places auto complete address, as well as a google map underneath. When the user starts to enter…

Accessing Repeat ID onClick

Hello! I’ve got a container that repeats. It shows a list of Financial policies (well, the title of each policy). I’d like to make it so that when when a user clicks on the policy a modal pops up …

Api Integration Question

Is it possible to integrate the Wappler app for Messaging ,Email, Video Conferencing, and Time Tracking? ● Asana ● Slack ● Google chat/meet ● Microsoft teams ● Zoom ● Timetracking software with …

Custom Messaging

Is it possible to create a custom messaging system? ● This includes the following features: ❖ Ability for Admins to message a single user, a category of users or all users. ❖ Private messages will …

Build and deploy realtime on server

Hi, I’m starting to build with Wappler and used Wappler a few versions back. (1.0 probably) At this moment I’ve made a connection to my webserver and Database (Same Location) 2 questions: I see m…

Cannot access Data Formats in Form following Tutorial

In following this Tutorial I lose track early. https://docs.wappler.io/t/dynamically-check-multiple-checkboxes/4073 Despite numerous explorations in Wappler 5.0.2 I simply can’t find this “Data Bind…

BS5 Button Group Classes - small bug when making vertical

Wappler Version : 5.0.2 Operating System : Mac M1 Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: Maria Hosting Type: Docker AWS When switching a button group to vertical the original button group is left in…

Reactivating old account gives No Customer

I’ve just jumped back to Wappler after a few months and cannot login. Says “No customer”. Assuming I now have to pay full price. I’ve never paid for Wappler so unsure if I was using a trial or somethi…

V5 Price Increase

The prices appear to have gone up for subscriptions, 10 euros for individuals and 20 for business. What will happen to existing subscriptions? Are those automatically going to be converted on the next…

Git Manager keeps crashing when opening the tab

Mac Latest version on M1 Wappler latest version Seems that either my git has become corrupt or Wappler has a bug. I started a new repo and removed git history. All was fine after 1st commit but aft…

Does Tutorial Multiple Checkbox Group still exist?

Several Docs written from the Bootstrap 4 years show Multiple Checkbox Group referred to here in the link below. I assume this refers to a Checkbox form group where multiple boxes can be checked, with…

Page doesn't scroll

It’s the preloader script that puts a style of overflow: hidden to the body tag, while the content is loading and it should remove it after the content is loaded and preloader is hidden. I see you are…

Productivity Tips & Tricks

There are many small little things that we as a community have learned along the way that will help all users that have not encountered these oddities as yet. In an effort to assist them and ensure th…

From Bubble & Excited!

Hello! Hope you all are well! This post isn’t important, its just my thoughts after few days of wappler. This is my first post, & my name is Haydn, from the land down under I just wanted to say I…

Can the Browser & Notification components added to server side include Header be used by other components in the App structure?

If I add the Browser and Notification components only once per page, by including it in the header (server side include), can I “reuse” these components throughout the app structure or shall I add to …

Request to have a Wappler Subscription for newbies

Being new to wappler , I guess there should be enough time for trial period to learn Wappler, or at least a minimum subscription fee just to learn Wappler, maybe limited to only 1 project or 2 with al…

Server side binding as repeat source in App Connect

<script> dmx.Component('server_side_array', { render: function () { this.set("data", <%- JSON.stringify(query_get_my_page_meta_data.mpc_t) %>) } }); </script> <d…

Reason of a 404 response when submitting a form

What’s up guys? What could be the reason(s) for a 404 response when I submit a simple form (server connect POST form) with the following steps in my API action? I have plenty other form that subm…

Can we use Wappler to build Web3 Apps and Blockchain Apps

Can we use Wappler to build Web3 Decentralised Apps or DApps ? Also other apps related to Crypto currencies and Crypto Tokens ?

How to create a new array from two object arrays?

I have two object arrays, say arr1,arr2. I want to create a new array arr3. This new array contains the values from arr1 only if that values id exist in arr2 object values. How can I achieve this in …

Restart DB Server

Hello I am trying to pull data from my DB and therefore defined a respective query in API actions. However my green circle is half full and I believe my DB server is not running, see here: I sear…

Wappler 5.0.2 - Slideshow crash

Wappler is crashing when I try to set the source folder in a slider which has 1 png image in it.

Google maps API

I have been requested to create a delivery tracker with Google maps. Just wanted to ask if it is possible to make use of the Google maps API using Wappler’s API capabilities. Thank you!

New project - Can Wappler do it?

I started building in Adalo, but run into the below issues. Just found Wappler and I hope it can solve these. If any one knows if it can be done please let me know. Deep links to PWA and Website.…

Issue with Calendar component display

I’ve just created a NodeJS/BS5 page to test and the calendar starts the same as yours. If you run the updateSize() function as I put in my previous post, it does update. In my case this ended up being …

App already running!

Can you check your page includes, how many times is the appconnect js included?

Wappler with Xano on Netlify?

Hi, I’m new to Wappler and just dipping my toes into development. I know the front end languages but I have no idea of deployment, SSL certification, HTTPS, routing, etc. So, even the thought of deplo…

Build failing when deploying to Heroku

HI, Any help would be much appreciated. I’m running docker on Wappler 5.0.2 using a Mac M1. I can successfully deploy on my local docker instance and everything works fine. However, my deployment i…

Updating reference field "on delete" doesn't work

Hi, I tried this many times since I started with Wappler but now I really need to solve this, how do I update a reference field to set the “On delete” to a different value? It always gives an error m…

Docker local NodeJS install NPM modules is inconsistent

Wappler 5.0.2 NodeJS Docker local When adding a Send Mail step for the first time, nodemailer NPM package is not installed (but present on package.json) Clicking the “install NPM modules” doesn’t …

Sorry No Error Report but Wappler just emptied my layout page

Wappler 4.1.2 on WIndows 10 What Happened? Wappler’s node server suddenly not responding Tried to stop and restart node server using [stop local server] button, nothing happened, just spinning icon …

Error on docker deploy

Everything worked well until I deployed the remote server. Does anyone know what to do to resolve the following error? Use ‘docker scan’ to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and …

Date range picker with more options

Is there a chance the Wappler Developers will look at adding a better way to jump between months and years on the current date picker? Alternatively has anyone else used another date picker whether j…

Unable to change value in action selector

Wappler Version : 5.0.2 Operating System : MacOS 12.5 Server Model: PHP Database Type: MariaDB Hosting Type: PHP Expected behavior What do you think should happen? When opening the action sele…

Calendar days of the weeks on occurring event

Wappler uses FullCalendar so if you get stuck like this you can always look at the FullCalendar documentation. daysOfWeek The days of the week this event repeats. An array of integers. Each integer r…

Amount range returns no results until

Have a look at this topic it contains groups for the query and adding a condition to the group you could apply this here and just check your variables aren’t null

Problems installing wappler

I registered with my email and I also registered in the community and it is giving an error when I try to log in to Wappler both use the same email

Tagify input not sending data in form payload when disabled flag is set to false

Hi I have one input field with tagify and disable is set based on condition a like dmx-bind:disabled="!sessions.data[0].hasKey(‘name’)" When disabled is set to false it’s not sending the data in pay…

Facebook login client_id missing in url

Hi, I am trying to setup a facebook login following @mebeingken Ken’s tutorial. But i run into a problem, when I open the facebook login api, the client_id is missing. So somehow this parameter is …

Database Insert Throwing Exception

That is not an option I’m afraid, we’re running another 30 sites on the same server, all using the same database set up (but not created via Wappler) with no issues. I opened a bug report and found o…

Wappler Interface Tabs always truncate file name even though there is plenty of space to show full file name

One very annoying issue I have with Wappler is the fact that the Tabs in the interface never show the full filename and I am forever having to mouse over the tab to get the file name. Otherwise the fi…

Tagify confuses two objects if one's "text" equal another's "value"

I have a problem with Tagify. I’m currently on Wappler 4.9.1, so I assume the problem has been here for a long time, but I noticed it only recently. I have an array with two properties: “id” and “gam…

Datapicker - how to prevent dates being chosen in the past

I have read the datapicker documentation plus looked at the community questions / answers. I don’t see how to stop a user picking a date in the past. I want the first possible date to be chosen as th…

Hidden Form field validation

I have a hidden form field that is required. I cannot get the error message to show up. Even if i trigger a validation it will not show. If I change from hidden to text it works fine. How can I ge…

Sort by column in a subtable

@Teodor now that we have subtables how does the sorting by column work if I’m sending a column from the subtable as the $_GET.sort query parameter? I’m finding some inconsistent results.

Replace letters a-z with blank space or count just the digits

You can use a custom formatter for this. Create the following folder in your site root: extensions/server_connect/formatters Inside this folder create a file called strings.php with the following co…

Dynamic Key on Stripe Checkout component does not work

Wappler: v4.9.1, MacOS, NodeJS I have created a table in the DB (DEV & PROD) where I’m storing Stripe Publishable Keys. On the checkout page, I have added this key inn the Stripe Checkout component. …

Deleting image files when removed from Summernote

Yes, this has just been added in Wappler 3.7.1

Search Database field containing keywords in any order

I have a single field search form (like google) which searches a Database table field containing Titles of Books. In the Database Query, I have the condition as CONTAINS. But if the Title is say “Wapp…

PHP version

Hello to all, In the new version of wappler, what is the minimum PHP version allowed?

Is Bootstrap mandatory to build on Wappler?

Hi, I’m new to Wappler. I’ve been a previous user of Webflow and am accustomed to handcrafting my websites. I’ve never used Bootsrap before and wanted to know if I can do without it on Wappler. Just a…

Error after update

Error after update to version 4.9.1-1 : 1)No load “moment” calendar 2)Error in javascript is :

Dmx-repeat is not preserving number type

It returns number in my test. You can simplify the formatters to: dmx.Formatter('any', 'typeof', function (el) { return typeof el; });

Editing of Email body (HTML Template) having dynamic binding

Hi. The current implementation of email and HTML templates is limited to what you have. You can allow users to create templates and save in DB, and with custom module then use that DB value as email…

How can I alter "FeatureType" of a Google Map

A simple example of how to extend the maps options. On your page you have a map with an id of maps1: <dmx-google-maps id="maps1" height="800" address="amsterdam" zoom="15"></dmx-google-maps> At the…

Delay Page load based on Condition

You can put the chart in a conditional region, that evaluates to true when the server connect has run – something like serverconnect1.data.

Data Bindings Empty

Hello Project settings successful, Webserver and DBserver running (NodeJS, Docker). index.ejs and main.ejs created, all fine Dynamic page list.ejs added. API get_cars successfully created and when…

Project Settings: Server Type Docker vs. Wappler Local Server

Dear all In Project Settings I select Server Type Docker and no Database Options are shown - why? I thought Docker is like your virtual everything: When I switch Server Type to Wappler Local Serve…

Basics not working - what is the problem?

Hello I worked through Ben Pleysiers super Node JS series. However, the Register-Form is not writing the entries to the db. I started debugging with help of DevTools as recommended here: Debugging S…

Create time counter

Hi, Does anyone know how to display the time counters between now and the date in database data?

Partials - Using Server Connect for filename

perhaps rather than try to specify the partial name as a variable you could place them in a conditional regions to they are only rendered under the appropriate circumstances. Think that should work (n…

How do I use a variable in a dmx-bind:data-src?

There should be no bug in the UI for that expression. There are edge cases of course but they are related normally to complex expressions unlike this one. @Robert_LM I don’t know how you were trying …

Difference between Forbidden and Unauthorized on Dynamic Event

Hello, I don’t understand the difference between Forbidden and Unauthorized when adding a Dynamic Event on a Server Connect Form:

Wappler 5.0.2 Released

Wappler 5.0.2 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.0.2 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic…

Tagify "On add" events sometimes wrongfully triggers once again after losing focus

W 4.9.1. NodeJS I have a Tagify input. Text Field: “title” Value Field: “id”. With it I have an “On add” event, that writes input “value” to the page query. Usually it works well. But some of t…

Should I make this a Sticky region, or independent scrolling

got it. easy this screen is a basic 2 column setup, with a detail-data area on the 2nd column. I only needed to add a class (see pic: info-sticky) to set the “sticky” CSS option, and then it scroll…

Nested repeat in Data Binding Picker variable scope issue

Wappler 5.0.1 NodeJS + PostgreSQL MacOS Happens: Instead of: (edit: this doesn’t work, I don’t know how to make it work) Edit 2: I worked around by doing Set Value on each repeat $value

Get column value to parameterize a SaaS config site

Hi, I’m stuck in this, maybe is something easy, but I really can’t figute out how to do it in another way. I have a table that is use to provide the config for each SaaS instance, making the front c…

How to get an API to return a single number value

Hello, I’ve been trying for the past couple of days to get a simple API function to work to no avail. I’m basically trying to rebuild what I have on Bubble in Wappler so these are API calls / formats…

Activate wappler license

Guys, I bought wappler now, before I used the company account, I bought an individual account, but when I access I get this message. Can someone help me?

Filtered download

Got a database with some information. Wish to download database to excel but if the user previous select a field (ex: year) it should download only the results of that year and not all the database. …

Server Actions v App Flows

Hi All, Sorry if this seems to be a silly question, but - what is the difference between Server Actions and App Flow? Can’t quite get my head around this, unless I missed something obvious. Sorry i…

Database no data

Hi, I am finally at a point where I can deploy my application to test it in the browser on a server, however I am running into two issues, Firstly, I am using node.js, docker and a postgres database…

No uninstall option, and update notification fails when clicked

Dave, Wappler installer not a Snap based, so you can’t install it with Snap. It is just a regular Debian installer. So you can just install it by running it in the application installer or with the …

Set Value of a boolean inherits database query schema

Wappler 5.0.0 NodeJS + PostgreSQL Set Value of a boolean inherits database query schema Quick fix is to not show sub-elements if the variable type is set to Boolean

ARIA awareness when using Wappler's front-end stuff

Hello, I’m interested to know ARIA awareness when it comes to Wappler’s front-end stuff - that is, compatibility with screen readers. I was thinking about the spinning loader, how to signal to a scr…

How to modify page variable through Javascript?

How about: dmx.parse("pageLoaded.setValue(0)") or is the AC variable is on a content page: dmx.parse("content.pageLoaded.setValue(0)")

Docker container conflict

Hey guys. I’m using the new resource manager to try some custom configs I use and getting the following error on deploy. Wappler is detecting that I have another container running already, which i…

How to make 404 route redirect to static page when clicked on internal link?

I have an anchor link set to internal that routes to something that doesn’t exist. I’ve set up the route as redirect and url as I want it to load the static error.html file. However AC routing is l…

NodeJS SPA, clicking an internal link doesn't move page scroll to top

I have never seen this as a bug to be honest. The idea is that the page is not loading. So it should preserve the state. So we have browser1.scrollYTo(0) added to all our links. It does the job. A u…

BS5 How to Enable Negative Margin From Theme Manager

Hi. Please help me enable negative margins in BS5. In BS4 they were available by default, but not in BS5. I could not find the relevant option in Theme Manager advanced view.

Run Javascript code after server connect call

In the function option in the flow UI you need to enter a function name. Example, you have this function: <script> function myfunc(myarg) { console.log(myarg); } </script> and the s…

Amazon S3 throwing Error 500 on "random" Images, so not all of my pics appear

Live site: This screen SHOULD show 10 thumbnails. They are “generated” by the S3 “fit-in” Cloud Formation/Lambda directive. But I’d bet…

Error preventing library action output

I’m adding a new target to a working app, and moving from a maria db, to a managed db at digital ocean using MySQL 8. The connection is working–I can read/write data, however the insert identity is n…

Adding dynamic number of options

I’m adding a feature to a web app which allows for multiple options. It is so an admin can create a question in the database and then add any number of options which will then be displayed to users as…

Tagify input box height (rows)

Maybe you have some class/style applied to the input which does that?

How do I go back to Wappler 4?

How do I change back to Wappler 4? I updated to Wappler 5 today and it wrecked my project. A bunch of stuff just stopped working.

I need help with creating data tables

Hello dear community Im trying to make a switch from bubble to wappler, so Im in a process of learning wappler. I have only knowledge of html and css and prior to wappler I was using only webflow an…

How to smooth scroll off-canvas and not parent page

That’s not possible, because the whole window scrolls down when using the smooth scroll component.

Javascript:history.back(), but on a condition

Conditions work almost everywhere. dmx-bind:href="var1.value == 'yes' ? 'https://some.url' : 'https://someother.url'" What you can’t do is call JS functions in dmx. Anywhere. So you need to create …

Is there a way to login, logout, and restrict page access to authenticated users on Wappler if you have your own existing backend (e.g. Xano)?

Since you’re calling Xano’s APIs through server connect, you can store the auth token in an httpOnly cookie. In server connect, you can use the Set Cookie action and check the httpOnly box. Now the to…

Save all

Dear all I am working through Ben Pleysiers excellent NodeJS Series on Wappler-Channel in Youtube. I start to understand the power of NodeJS environment, cool! In the video the save all in top-left…

Switching from prod > develop creates a new db.json change and dev > remote creates new project.json in git

Hi all, When switching back to develop (local) branch from any remote branch a new git change is created, relating to the db.json file. The change is the credentials changing. The same happens from …


Glad to see you got it working. You just need to call the SC again on click of the refresh button… that will automatically update the data as per the bindings. No need to refresh the whole page. s…

Make a duplicate table with all the data

In the title you mean you want to duplicate a table, is that what you mean? You’d need to use a custom SQL query: CREATE TABLE new_table SELECT * FROM original_table; To erase you can use a Databa…

Any way to have multiple Wappler windows open?

Currently working on two projects at the same time and I was wondering if there’s any way to have both open at the same time but in different windows? I’m running Wappler on Windows.

S3 provider empty list?

S3 providers should be defined under globals, not in the server action steps.

Direct Database Connection error

unable to connect to my data base on website - i updated database and it was displaying new content on website page https://odessaantiqueshow.ca/vendor_list.php but when i went into wappler to updat…

Setting up Wappler 5 for Docker w/ NodeJS & Postgres on macOS w/ help from community

You’ve done everything right No problem! You’re now hitting a Wappler bug, I propose some solutions: Restart Wappler Right-click Changes and click “Apply latest changes” Right-click Tables and cli…

Formatting Input Field

Here’s an example I use (e-signature lib) and the location and my URL…path (my calling .ejs file is in a sub-directory of root/

Error Launching Services!

Set your node version to 14 in the project target options, save them and try again.

Invalid argument error: creating a docker machine with a generic provider - OS Centos 8 stream

Wappler Version: 5 Operating system: mac OS Monterey Server model: Generic Database type: None Hosting type: Remote Before: create a new server in your vps / cloud with Centos 8 stream operating…

¿Advanced? Query

I have this database: I want to query: > people > name > assistMeeting > firstSpeaker > name > secondSpeaker > name Is possible to have this quer…

Prevent leading spaces on form inputs

Maybe you can just trim whitespace on the server side when storing the value?

Blog Tutorial Needed!

I agree with some other comments that you don’t have any Tutorials that match the hype about Wappler being All Visual development with all kinds of connections, extensions, etc. When it comes to the …

Calculating previous day's changes

Here is an example: I have a database table with three fields: date weather_temperature weather_humidity I want to show these two additional calculated fields: temperature_change humidity_change …

JS tweak to remove an array item

Hi Robert, If str is actually a stringified array you would just need to slice(1). return (JSON.parse(str)).slice(1)

Adding Content to a Card Body is Extremely Limited

Wappler 5.0.0 Mac OS The choices of elements that you can add to a card body is very limited. You can’t even add a simple paragraph of text. The ‘More’ option is also missing. Therefore you can’t u…

Adjust Column Width when Printing

Solved with CSS and a little help … /* expand column printing */ @media print { .expand-print { width: 100%; } }

Update Linux download for 5.0.0

Maybe you can full remove the Beta before installing the final. I think there is a small problem on Linux that the browser login opens the previous version and not the newest installed. So hence the …

Style panel not updating colors?

Hi all! Is it normal behavior that after editing theme manager the colors in the style panel are not updated? The new theme colors works, but they show with default colors.

Sleep a server action for a given delay

I did upload it. That said, I had not cleared the cache. Did that and now the page works as expected. Much appreciated.

Sending nested data using Server Connect Form

Hello, my goal is to send nested data to my API. I’ve followed this post but despite following the instructions, the nested data itself appears as “” in the preview. The structure is generated corr…

Mailer settings on local machine

Hi, I’ve created a form in a modal that collects user info and registers them. On register SUBMIT, the data is sent to the DB but the Send Mail element is failing. From what I can tell from the erro…

How to conditionally remove/suppress lines from imaged source?

NOTE: This thread was created because I had been in contact with Teodor about an issue with Lightbox. Links are not really valid anymore. This morphed to how to get an array of image paths into swipe…

Updating content on the screen instantly from a database change or webhook

Hey all, Would like a little advice on wappler being a good fit. We are building a scoring system for a table top game, the game will be monitored and scored via an object tracking library and that …

Session Issue With Safari

I don’t think they use cookies in the widgets, there is not a workaround for the cookie blocking. What you can do is using a different way to keep the state, like on the client you could use the local…

Same Server Connect in Layout and Content Page Running Twice

Hello! Hope you all are well. Just quickly I’m still new overall. I am trying to understand how I would reuse the state/data between my layout/page and page/partials from server connect/database que…

Problems creating and retrieving data from database JSON array fields

It looks like it is stored as a string, not sure about the driver of sqlite supports json properly, normally it should then parse the string back to an object for you. Add the following code in a scr…

Typing a ternary operation in the dynamic binding adds a " + " before the " ? "

Wappler Version : 5.0.0 (but happened in 4.x) Operating System : Windows 10 Server Model: Node Database Type: Postgres Hosting Type: Docker / Linode Expected behavior In the client side dynamic b…

Getting error when building node js to server

a restart to docker on the server corrected this problem

How to create a Swiper where the slides are based on a repeat?

Hi, I’m looking to create a swiper where the number of images and the src for each image is based on a loop through an array. The array would look like: [‘assets/1.jpg’, 'assets/2.jpg, ‘assets/3.jp…

Get query results into an array

I am thinking of creating a config table to hold various values for the web app making it easier to change things globally later (and the client to change them, too) so I have a simple table containin…

Bootbox Dialogs repeat

Wappler 5 Windows 11 Error: Dialog actions are repeated Step 1 Step 2

Wappler 5 beta to non-beta automatic upgrade fails on Mac

Best wat is just to update Wappler 4 to 5 inline and throw away the Wappler 5 beta as you don’t need it any more. Or do a whole new Wappler 5 install that will replace Wappler 4 as well.

Layout page blanked. How to prevent?

You have a folder called admin as well as a layout called admin (which may use the same routes of /admin). This may be what’s causing the issues. Try creating a layout called admin_layout.ejs, paste i…

Wappler 5 trial update

Hi! I downloaded the trial a week ago and updated today to Wappler 5. When I open appears that I have not a valid subscription, but in the page I see the trial is of 14 days. Is there any chance I …

Cannot Login to my trial since Wappler 5 upgrade

Seems you are in the older trials that unfortunately don’t work any more. You can easily start a new 14 day trial now and everything will work fine. Just start with the subscription choice and a tri…

Wappler 5 Install Issue

This is your MacOS user password, to use the same authorization as the Wappler Beta which is stored in your keychain. So enter your Mac password and choose Always Allow. You will be probably asked tw…

Wappler 5.0.0 Released

Wappler 5.0.0 Released Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/ and download Wappler 5.0 from your Account Dashboard Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic i…

I need help on how to pass productid and quantity from data store to server action

Hi fellow Wapplers, Could someone please guide me on how to send the productid and quantity to a server action? Get the values from data store to server action. Tnx!

Cannot Connect to Remote Server, Docker Instance Error Launching Service, Wont connect to local

I’ve been going at this for more than 10 hours… I have tried every which way to figure out how to connect this thing to the remote server. I have a plesk installation and it would not connect to it… …

How do “Name” and “Global Name” work and how to use it and when?

For set value action there’s two fields for name. Name and Global Name. How to use it and when?

Bug Stripe, cannot undo/cancel subscription 'Cancel of period end'

Previously reported issue last year, however still a problem. The stripe customer.subscription.update server action, when deselecting the “Cancel At Period End” does not undo the active state when it …

Planning on making a complete hosting tutorial - Looking for suggestions!

Since this question comes up on the forum every so often, I plan on making a couple of tutorial videos with voice explanations on fully hosting a Wappler created site on a VPS/Cloud Server. These tuto…

Conditional Dynamic Event (again)

dmx-on:click="browser1.viewport.width > 767 ? (selected_index.setValue(ID) + data_detail1.select(ID)) : offcanvas1.show()" Try this.

The Whys and Hows of Data Stores

I’ve been working with Data Stores a lot this week and have had a few questions about my work, so I thought it would be helpful to have a thread about how we are using them. Here is my experience W…

Date and Time Picker not working in IOS

The dropdowns for hours, minutes and am/pm don’t work on IOS (tried both Chrome and Safari) when the date picker is in a modal. I’ve tried it on two different projects and both are the same. It does…

Wappler 5: Summernote Lite Seems to be missing

Maybe just remove the text area and add a summernote lite on its place

Project settings does not allow database password to be blank

Wappler 5 Beta 10 Win 10 WAMP When adding a “custom” database type in project settings the password field is mandatory Then default for WAMP is username root, no password This should be allowed i…

Remote Docker Target with Generic provider option - Error creating & installing Docker

Well root password is only required for linode on initial server creation we have an entry for it in the Ui. After creation your personal SSH key gets authorized and used for all access so root pass…

Bootstrap Confirmation dialog CSS dmxbootbox and dmxbootbox5?

I have set up a confirmation dialogue, however the confirm label Color isn’t correlating to what I set in the dialogue box. I have noticed that there are boombox and bootbox5 in the header <script s…

Swiper slides-per-view="auto" confusion

Thanks Teo, thats exactly what it was, all working now, wish I had asked sooner, spent a few hours trying to figure this one out. Thanks again.

Just in case you didn't know, SQLite doesn't support right joins?

Came across this when using SQLite on a development project. IO confess I didnt know but this does make SQLite problematic if right join is needed. Guess for the moment i need to use a left with the…

Dynamically hiding a form fields still submits value

I have a form in which I would like to conditionally hide certain fields based on a server connect query. I’ve don’t this in the past, but I realised that even t hough I can show/hide dynamically, th…

Form field named status

Anyone noticed a weird anomaly when using a form field name of status ??

How to reactivate subscription cancel - stripe

Hello, I have a Stripe update subscription I am trying to reactivate after cancellation. When I click on a checkbox “cancel at period end”, it does the job. But there is no way to reactivate it even…

Lightbox with Dynamic Images

I have 5 images with dynamic sources displayed inside a data detail modal. I want to click on an image to launch a lightbox with a bigger version of the clicked image. I have checked the tutorial o…

Wappler 5 Accessibility Mode in Design View

I actually have a real life chance to use this feature. But I’m finding it kind of lacking. If it gives a WCAG Compliance rating of ‘No’ is there a way to find out why? Just a ‘No’ is not helpful. I…

How to use the new Data Store

The new App Connect Data Store is excellent and the timing is perfect. I’m literally just starting the cart part of a project. I’ve added it to the product detail page and use the mouse click action …

UPDATE JSON object using Server Connect

Hi, is it possible to output and also update individual elements of a JSON object using server connect functionality? The JSON is stored in one column in a Postgres database and looks like this… {"w…

Issue Desktop App Using Bootstrap and Electron

Any pointers on how to fix this would be much-appreciated, works fine if I use Framework7 but I’d like to use bootstrap. Wappler Version: v4.9.1 Operating System: macOS Monterey Expected behavior I…

Mobile app questions

Hi! After many months, I feel like my web app is good enough and I’d like to start with the mobile app. Back to being a complete beginner… When starting a new mobile project, will it be “connected…

Can I do a "mobile like" transition on phone (using web app)

At this point, I have no need for “app store” delivery. My app will simply run from the browser. But if a user is on a phone, they see the picture below. The “chevron-right” makes it look familiar a…

Data Transformations error

Hello, i am trying to use the Data Transformations Join function, however i am getting an error in the coding for the 1. fileName: “modules/collections.asp” 2. lineNumber: 121 3. message: “‘optoins’…

Set Value doesn't inherit object schema in certain cases

Wappler Version : 5.0 beta 10 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: PostgreSQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior Set Value inherits object schema of e.g. a database qu…

How to create a phone number login efficiently

Hello, I’m looking to rebuild my app on Bubble using Wappler. I started my Wappler journey last week and have taken the intro course offered upon signup. Based on my customer audience and use cases,…

Beta 10: Cannot run on MacOS Mojave

Just tried in MacOS Catalina and it works fine. So this is really the minimum MacOS Catalina 10.15 to run Wappler 5. But of course newer is even better.

Cannot connect to API that requires multiple security keys

From what I can determine from your graphic, you’re attempting to connect to this remote API from the client side webpage rather than a server connect. If that’s the case then you need to create a se…

Global ENV Variable Do Not Work For Direct DB Connection

Global ENV variables do not work with the direct connection and are not supposed to work there. If you are using ENV variables in the Server Connect Database Connections, then you need to open and ed…

Wappler 5 beta 10 notification spam

Wappler 5 beta notification spam Might also happen with non-beta version These messages were all thrown within the same second or so

How to solve Issue with sub tables and WAMP

I have spend a full day fighting with subtables on a site where the local development is via WAMP Finally noticed that by default WAMP used the MyISAM engine by default which does NOT support subtabl…

Security provider lookup

I’m trying to check the security provider on my page and the UI is going out of sight? I’m trying to select multiple, and I can’t do that either

Expand Column when another is dynamically hidden

How is your row and columns setup do you set the columns to a specific width using classes like col-x If you have the column you hide using the col-x classes and have the other column just with the c…

How to return a proper 404 response for a 404 page (node)

Hi, Easy enough to successfully route any non page URL/route to the 404 page. Without this route, node properly responds with the correct 404 (by default). When routed to a 404 page (through a catc…

Indentation in Server Data Bindings

OS info Operating System : Windows 10.0.19044 Wappler Version : 5.0.0-beta.10 Problem description In the Server Data Bindings window, indentation is not consistent.

Docker local DB connection failing

What exactly is failing? Do you get an error message or so below in the publishing panel on deploy? Do note that it takes a minute for the new database server to start up, so it can give you a connec…

"The maximum number of Wappler installations is reached."

We allow Wappler to be installed in 3 different computers only. So you have probably more registrations than that. You can just remove the devices you don’t use in the new account administration at h…

Form's Select Causes 400 Error - is Not Submitting With the Form

It needs a name. Set the name to be the same as the ID. The ID is client side only, the name is what’s pushes through the form in post variable

Display anomaly on Masonry

Live link here: If you change the dropdown to select another Event, the correct Qty of images will appear for that Event. The Descriptions ARE accurate, …

Possible to display content page data (e.g. page_title) in the layout page?

Try this. <h3> <%= typeof page_title !== 'undefined' ? page_title : '' %> </h3> But that will still render the h3 tag if page_title is not present in the route. Or you could try this if you don’t w…

File does not exist error in load image workflow action

I created a condition in my workflow that if a file is not uploaded from my form it selects an image already on the site. The alternate image fails to save despite using the same code If I uploa…

Tagify select mode not working?

I was using a tagify text input, all was working fine. I changed to “select mode” cause it’s more easier to select and now dosn’t write the values on the database. This one was working: <input type…

How to load JSON from disk? (NodeJS)

Maybe if you call as local url it might work

Wappler 5.0.0 Beta 10 Released

Wappler 5.0.0 Beta 10 Released Go get it from https://wappler.io/beta/ Latest stable 4.9.1 is still available You can use both at the same time What’s New As the Wappler 5 release is imminent, th…


Just wondering if Wappler is NoSQL database capable? That’s it, cheers!

Wappler 5 Beta 9: Variable not showing as option on conditional region

Not sure this is a bug in Wappler 5 but I created a variable and a conditional region. When I try to set the condition to the variable value in the node project it does not show the variable I crea…

Cant get text to overlay correctly in Masonry

Your layout is a bit wrong: <div is="dmx-masonry" id="masonry1" dmx-bind:repeat="sc.data.vehicles_all"> <img class="img-fluid" dmx-lazyload-dynamic="" dmx-bind:data-src="image1"> <h4 dmx-bind…

Working on existing project using wappler

How can I import my existing project developed using PHP or Node.js and develop further using wappler?

Dropdown select field - trouble filtering on ALL condition

You need to use the condition in the query builder. So click this icon and select your $_GET.ev variable there. This means the filter will be applied only when the $_GET.ev returns a value, otherw…

$_ENV Port Number variable - config.options.port error

Wappler Version : 4.9.1 Operating System : MacOS Server Model: NodeJS Database Type: MSSQL Hosting Type: Docker Expected behavior What do you think should happen? When a Global $_ENV variable …

Manage access rights to folders, subfolders and files with Wappler

Hi Luke, welcome to our community. With a WAMP server, you need to tell the Apache environment to restrict access to folder as explained here: Personally, I would not go that far because the erro…

How can i show the value selected of the "select2" without remove the data-control

Problem description I have a Multi select2 dropdown on my dashboard but isn’t priting the selected value on {{pfCategoria.value}} because the data-control=“select2” <div class="flex-grow-1"> <se…

Who can give me a paid remote course?

Unfortunately, I can’t get any further with the available tutorials. Most of the videos no longer match the options in my current version of wappler and this is very frustrating. So I’m looking for …

Query Manager not refreshing page. I dont know why

my published URL I’m only concerned (right now) with the Event pulldown. Here is the DynamicEvent for the select_event pulldown: When you change the …

Choice of terminal

Actually which terminal is used is defined by the COMSPEC environment variable on Windows and SHELL on Mac/Linux. So if you want to use a different terminal - just the environment variable to what yo…

How to remove unnecessary scripts from the layout?

When I started working on wappler nodejs project I used many wappler components. Soo, many component related scripts were loaded into the layout. Later, the project got many updates and most of the co…

These values in the design tool - red background vs. green background?

Here ya go, Teodor explains the colours here. Although now with different themes it doesn’t always follow these rules as we have seen. But I think this explains the default theme colours.

Browser Preview stopped working

The other area is the workflows tab, under the word App Flows is a cog for some global settings once clicked a panel opens and there is a tab for Redis:

Filtering pages using queries and URL parameters and Anchor Buttons

I have read the document on how to do this “Filtering Database Query with an URL Parameter” and this is working fine. I have a number of anchor buttons to select which URL parameter should be used. C…

Learn wappler today - best route to take?

Hello I am again evaluating starting a course to move forward with wappler. I see there have been developments and new courses in addition to Ken’s courses out there. Also I noticed a youtube channel…

Calendar multiple dynamic time slot

Hello, I have been working on a calendar system, but I have a limitation, and I am not sure how to pass it. Wappler offers Business hours: Monday through Sunday. However, the days of the week and ti…

Background transparency for a table

Your Bootstrap css file on the server is an old version, and it does not support the background transparency class. Make sure to upload the latest bootstrap css to your server.

Random Number in NodeJS

Hi, I’m trying to obtain a random number taking from a variable and then using it to generate a username with a number random in the end, example “alexander.paladines55”. In php project I normally u…

Change calendar view when date is clicked on

I’m using a calendar in a modal and am showing the month view initially. I want to switch to day view when a date is clicked on. How do I achieve that?

Routing Issues

I created a new target, uploaded it to the location but when trying to run the application none of the links work. I have refreshed the routes many times, changed from Site Root to Document many times…

Storing complex data for multi-step forms

Hello! I am currently working on a multi-step form that contains nested data. From what I’ve found on this forum, it seems using Data-Store as a storage for the form data is the way to go. However, a…

Random Number Generation

you can use the php generated in App Connect. <dmx-value id="myNumber" value="<?php echo(rand(100000000,999999999)) ?>"></dmx-value> {{ myNumber.toNumber() }}

Help with API POST Server Connect API Action (OneSignal)

Hi Guys, Does anybody could provide me some advices about how to use API Action to do a POST API. I’m testing OneSignal (with a production account and my own Player ID) - and would like to send a te…

Update quantity in data store

From the demo docs on creating a cart, the following works great: This will upsert the quantity, but always adding 1 to the current quantity. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use a se…

Server-side Session not destroyed on Logout Action

Unable to replicate on my end NodeJS 16 PostgreSQL Local Docker Redis: Yes Might only be replicable if Redis is not being used (which may be the case here) Edit: Please confirm your NodeJS version…

Problem with ftp & node.js

Hello all, I followed the guide: https://docs.wappler.io/t/nodejs-ftp-deploy-on-shared-hosting-with-plesk-and-cpanel/21222. Everything seems to have gone ok, but in the browser I have a 404 er…

Hide site during build so client can proof

any suggestions during development for hiding a site during build so client can review b4 releasing to public - i usually put site in a subfolder /newsite – then move to main folder when ready to go -…

Server data bindings hiding data after filter

Wappler 5 B8 And Wappler 4.9.1 Windows 10 and Mac nodejs Mysql Wappler server local Server data bindings not working properly when placing filters the UI data no longer appears

New install help on windows server with node, MSSQL

Hi, doing my first install, but its a bit diff. than what I’ve read on install help msgs. I’m going to run Dev on a Mac, but I don’t want local node/docker, etc. I have a windows 2016 server, with …

Got a few questions on qrcodes , scanning of qrcodes and photos

I am planning out a new project that is going to be a heavily data driven website with mobile app. I use to use Dreamweaver and now i am looking at Wapple as a replacement. i have read some of the doc…

Unable to read values coming from an API call

From the looks of it, the JSON is incorrect. The screenshot shows two JSON objects, one after another. They should be either contained inside an array and be separated by a comma, or just be a singl…

Form tag not showing?

I just noticed that the form tag is not showin up in app structure in my design page. The form appears to be working but the app structure does not show it?

Managing PayPal IPN calls via a Workflow (PHP + testing via ngrok)

Hi All Prefer not to resort to custom PHP so before i try, anyone got a sample Wappler API based IPN handler they would be prepared to share (yes, that is very lazy of me) for confirmation of payment…

Argon2 module_not_found NodeJS

I recently had this problem, I followed this steps, and nothing: 1.- Added argon manually "argon2": "^0.28.3" to package.json and then updated node package don’t work for me, everytime I wrot…

Trouble creating a MariaDB target for development

I’ve sucessfully installed docker on my local development machine. I’m setting up my server model as PHP. Everything seems to be fine until I visit the Targets development area. I’m choosing Server…

Data Store and Form Repeat

OS info Operating System : Windows 10.0.19044 Wappler Version : 5.0.0-beta.8 Problem description Testing form repeat with data store. Steps to reproduce When name attribute (a) and binding (id) …