Sugggestion to allow dragging anything anywhere

While i am still learning i did noticed that many elements cannot be dragged as Children of others and not available in Element browser. I am having to go into the code and move them.

For example I added a Card with image. Tried to make the Image clickable. No luck. anchor Image cannot be child of Card. So i added a link and moved the img tag inside the A tag and viola an anchor tag as child. The reason i didn’t use Onclick event is because i wanted the cursor to change to a hand on hover indicating a clickable image.

Dropdowns and menus can’t have Images, so i did that by moving the code instead. I wanted a profile photo in nav bar to be a drop down. done.

Would love to be able to move anything anywhere and live the consequences. Instead of being restricted like this… maybe offer a ‘advanced’ switch in settings letting us do this. It’s frustrating guessing what can be a child and what not…

thanks, i’m making progress!


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