User security works under localhost, but not when published to DO

Live link:
user: test
pw: 111

v4.91. Node. MSSQL
I implemented Login/Logout per Ben’s videos:

All my Login/Out stuff was working perfectly, but as soon as I published to my DO Droplet, my Login fails.
I connect to the exact same database for Development and Production because I’m only reading data from the db - I’m not updating anything. No need to have separate dev/production DBs.

So why would the security subsystem fail with a 401 Not Authorized when its hitting the same MSSQL connection from DO, yet work fine from my Mac in testing. (Using the exact same credentials, of course).
I’m connecting with the SAME connection string.
One thing thats different is the IP… yet the app gets all the other data and operates fine. I have a lot of firewall blocks but nothing for my DO IP.

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