Why is Wappler so undermarketed?


I am taking issue with Wappler because although it looks like the perfect tool to create web apps with no or low code well read on…

Wappler looks really enticing, I have personally done front-end in the past and also created a weather app using vanilla JS so I have a basic understanding of how things work under the hood (although I am not a pro by any means).

Can somebody answer my question?

If Wappler is such a great tool and has these amazing functionalities why is it SO undermarketed while it’s been live for the last 3 years?
Their YouTube channel has so little views so little content, in some videos comments are disabled (now that’s a warning sign right there) and it doesn’t look like somebody is putting any serious effort to market it but at the same time they have dedicated so many hours days months and years to build the actual thing. Strange.

What’s going on, what’s the problem, Wappler has been around for the last 3 years but it’s non existent on the internet, it only has a website (with spelling errors in places…) and their story is a bit vague and is repeated again and again in a few areas on the internet and there is no real representation, no faces, no people promoting the thing, it’s like it operates in the shadows by shy people who don’t want to be in the front.

Why don’t they get a couple of people to promote such big software?

Obviously you understand my frustration because although Wappler looks like a great tool to create powerful web apps, well you just can’t trust it because the company is totally faceless and you don’t know if it’s going to be there (granted you can export your app which obviously makes things better but still).

I would really like to get into it but I think I will have to go with Webflow + Zapier + Airtable + Etc + Etc to create what I want just because of the reasons above.

Thanks for reading and all thoughts, opinions, suggestions are welcome.

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