iOS Build trouble after Onesignal service extension installed

I have Onesignal running for iOS and Android–receiving push notifications on both platforms. This was was the bare bones installation (no optional steps were performed.)

I then moved to install a onesignal extension for rich push messages. However, after following the Onesignal instructions for iOS Service Extension Wappler can no longer build/archive the project.

My workaround is to open the WORKSPACE in xcode, rather than the PROJECT, as building using the workspace in xcode succeeds, while the project does not. This is supported by the following note on the iOS onesignal install docs:

Make sure to always open the workspace from now on. You can also do this automatically by running xed . from the root of your project.

So it would seem that now that this extension (which is working by the way) is installed, Wappler should be performing the build on the workspace instead of project.

@George @Anybody thoughts on this?

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